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Each organism has a unique
combination of traits encoded in
molecules of ...
a. DNA
b. protein
c. enzymes
d. RNA
Which of the following types of
RNA carries instructions for
making protein.
During transcription…
a. proteins are synthesized
b. DNA is replicated
c. RNA is produced
d. Ribosomes “read” RNA
A repressor protein…
• a. blocks movement of RNA
• b. prevents DNA synthesis
• c. attaches to ribosomes during
• d. is encoded by one of the structural
The lac operon is “shut off”
• a. glucose is absent
• b. glucose is present
• c. lactose is absent
• d. lactose is present
• e. None of the above.
Enzymes that cut DNA molecules
at specific sites…
• a. are restriction endonucleases.
• b. work best in mammals
• c. are not needed in DNA fingerprinting
• d. all of the above.
Antibiotics such as ampicillin…
• a. are formed by plasmids
• b. may prevent bacteria from reproducing
• c. allow bacteria to glow in the dark as
long as the plasmid is present.
• d. none of the above
If linear DNA is restricted in 3
• a. 4 bands will appear on the gel
• b. 3 bands will appear on the gel
• c. 5 bands will appear on the gel
• d. 1 band will appear on the gel
• e. not enough information is provided by
the question.
E. coli is a great organism for
transformation because…
• a. it reproduces slowly
• b. it is difficult to destroy in the lab
• c. it is single-celled
• d. all of the above
• e. 2 of the above (a-c)
• a. is a protein that can cause the repressor
protein to release from the operator.
• b. binds to RNA polymerase and changes its
• c. is a protein that is needed to make
• d. is produced by the structural genes
• e. is a sugar that is needed to make GFP.
Most E. coli will grow on LB
• a. False
• b. True
• a. encode for nucleic acids
• b. are short sections of RNA that encode
for proteins
• c. cannot be mutated.
• d. are short sections of DNA that encode
for nucleic acids.
• e. encode for proteins.
RNA polymerase…
• a. translates mRNA into nucleic acids
• b. transcribes mRNA into nucleic acids
• c. copies DNA into tRNA
• d. copies mRNA into proteins
• e. none of these
All of the following are parts
of an RNA nucleotide except
a. ribose
b. phosphates
c. .uracil
d. deoxyribose
e. all of these are present
Calcium Chloride…
• a. opened the pores in the bacterial cell
• b. changed the charge on the plasmid to
• c. changed the charge on the cell wall to
• d. allowed the pGLO to accept
• e. gave the bacteria resistance to
A 14bp DNA fragment will…
• a. travel the same distance as a 20bp DNA
• b. travel a shorter distance than a 20bp DNA
• c. is a protein that is needed to make
• d. be a darker band on the gel than a 20bp
DNA fragment.
• e. travel further than a 20bp DNA fragment
Colonies appeared on this plate
during the transformation lab…
• a. LB agar alone
• b. LB agar with ampicilin and the (-)
tube of bacteria
• c. LB agar with ampicilin and the (+)
tube of bacteria
• d. all of the plates had colonies
A plasmid of 600bp is cut by a
restriction enzyme in 3 sites has
fragments of 120bp, 220bp, and…
• a. 600bp
• b. 120bp
• c. 220bp
• d. 360bp
• e. 260bp
The –OH (hydroxyl) group is found
on the ___carbon of deoxyribose.
• a. 1’
• b. 3’
• c. 5’
• d. 2’ and 3’
• a. Primary
• b. Secondary
• c. Tertiary
• d. Quaternary
Lowest concentration of salt
• a. Elution Buffer
• b. Wash Buffer
• c. Equilibration Buffer
• d. Binding Buffer
Hydrophobic proteins are…
• a. Nonpolar and dissolve in water.
• b. Nonpolar and don’t dissolve in
• c. Polar and dissolve in water.
• d. Polar and don’t dissolve in
The End.
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