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Chapter 4 Cell Structure and Function
• Read Chapter 4 in textbook
• Read appropriate pages in CliffsAP
Mills Biology 2002
Chapter 4 Cell Structure and Function
Cell Trivia
• How many cells do we have in our bodies?
– 75 trillion = 75 X 1012 !!! That’s a lot
• 75,000,000,000,000
• Vary in size (um = 1/1000 mm)
– human egg cell 140 um
– RBC 7.5 um
– smooth muscle cell 20-500 um
• RBC’s made at a rate of about 1.2-2.5 million/sec. 1/2 ton in a lifetime, produce about 1 oz. of new
blood daily
• Entire stomach lining replaced every 3 days
Mills Biology 2002
Chapter 4 Cell Structure and Function
• Class periods:1-2
• Topics
– 4.1 Cellular Level of
– 4.2 Prokaryotic Cells
– 4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
What is the Cell?
• Development of the
cell theory
• Cell size
• Two basic cell types
Mills Biology 2002
What does this have to do with the
cell theory?
Mediterranean Oak Tree
Mills Biology 2002
What is the Cell?
Development of
the cell theory
Hooke - England
Leeuwenhoek - Holland
Mills Biology 2002
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
A Screw for adjusting height
B metal plate-body of scope
C Skewer to impale object and rotate it
D Spherical lens
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
*Just know that they
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
were involved with
developing the “cell
Worked like Leeuwenhoeks,
but could “load” 8 specimen.
Mills Biology 2002
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
All living things
are made of
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
• Found same dense
round body in plant
cells as had been
seen in animal cells.
• Gave it a name.
What was it?
– nucleus
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
Mills Biology 2002
All plants
are made
of cells!
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
Animals are made
of cells too!
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
• Named the jellylike
substance that filled
cells. What did he
name it?
– protoplasm
Mills Biology 2002
Proposed unique
nature of fingerprints.
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
All cells arise
ONLY from
preexisting cells.
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
• Proposed that
protoplasm was
found in cells of all
types of organisms.
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• 1800’s
Henry Dutrochet
Robert Brown
Matthies Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Johannes Purkinje
Rudolph Virchow
Max Schultz
Felix Dujardin
• Saw one celled organisms
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
• What is the cell theory?
– All organisms are made of one or more cells.
– Cells are the structural and functional units of all
– All cells come from pre-existing cells by self
– Took many years to gather this knowledge.
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Development of the cell theory
Rabbit intestinal
Corn leaf cells.
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
– Cells usually organized one of two ways:
• Unicellular and colonial organisms
• Multicellular organisms
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Unicellular and Colonial Organisms
• Can carry on all life
• Include bacteria, protozoa,
many algae, some fungi
• Can exist as:
– Single one celled entity
– Simple colonies
• Organisms just “hang out”
– Complex colonies
• Organisms are interconnected
and communicate
Mills Biology 2002
Simple colonies
Single entity - Amoeba
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Multicellular Organisms
• Hundreds to billions of cells
• Specialized cells, cannot function independently
– Cells organized into tissues
– Tissues organized into organs
– Organs organized into organ systems
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Types of Tissue
• Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, Muscle Tissue
Epithelial cells of GI tract
Nervous tissue-neuron in
gray matter of brain
Muscle Tissue
Simple squamous epithelium lining
alveoli of lungs.
Adipose (fat) tissue and bone, types
of connective tissue
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Cell Size
• Prokaryotes 1-10 micrometers/Eukaryotes 10-100
micrometers (micrometer = 10-6 meters= 1/1000th of a meter)
• Significance of cell surface area to volume ratio
Cube shape
Surface area =area of one side X the number
of sides
Volume=length x width x height
for 2
S.A. = 1mm
1mm =area
1mmto2 xvolume
6 sidesratio
= 6mm
a cube that is 1mm on each side.
Volume = 1mm x1 mm x 1mm = 1mm3
Do the same calculation for a cube that is
3mm onarea/Volume
each side. ratio = 6:1
= cell
x 3mm
x 6the
= 54mm2Why?
Volume = 3mm x 3mm x 3mm = 27mm3
Surface area/Volume Ratio = 54:27 = 2:1
Mills Biology 2002
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of Organization
Two basic cell types
• Name the two basic
cells types.
• What is the difference
between them?
• What is the same?
Mills Biology 2002
4.1 Cellular Level of
Two basic cell types
• What type is this?
• What type are
First 3 billion years of life on earth – only prokaryotes.
Eukaryotes only around for about 1.5 billion years.
Mills Biology 2002
4.2 Bacterial Cells
Prokaryotic E.coli Movie 35 sec.
• Prokaryotic – no nucleus
Hard drive ..\..\Biology Clipart and sounds\Biology
movies and animations\prokaryotic cell e coli
– Pro=before
– Karyon=kernel
• Cell wall
– Peptidoglycan
– Sometimes surrounded by a
capsule and/or a slime layer
• Cytoplasm
– Contains some organelles
• Nucleoid (not a membrane
bound nucleus)
– Usually one loop of DNA
– May also have smaller accessory
rings called plasmids
• Ribosomes
• Photosynthetic bacteria have
• Flagella
Mills Biology 2002
4.2 Bacterial Cells
• Phtosynthetic
– Cyanobacterium
(previously called
blue-green algae)
Mills Biology 2002
These are cells
from inside
your body.
E. Coli (stained green)
Which are
Which are
White blood cell (stained red)
Mills Biology 2002
4.2 Bacterial Cells
• Prokaryotic cells have three consistent features
Outer boundary
Cell wall
Plasma membrane
Thylakoids (photosynthetic)
Innumerable enzymes
Chromosome (loop of DNA)
Mills Biology 2002
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell walls
Cell membrane
Origins of eukaryotic
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell Walls
Plants (and bacterial) cells have cell walls
Animal cells do not have cell walls
Fairly rigid-gives shape and support
Outside of cell(plasma) membrane
Holes in it, substances can pass through
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell Walls
Plant cell
Plant cell wall made of
cellulose. Bacterial cell wall
made of peptidoglycans.
Animal cell
(no cell wall)
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell Walls
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell Membrane
Also called plasma membrane
Present in prokaryotes, and eukaryotes
Separates what’s inside the cell from what’s outside
Selectively permeable - allows things to pass into
and out of the cell-this is vital feature
• Very important for maintaining homeostasis
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell Membrane
What compounds
make up the cell wall?
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Cell Membrane
Will look at more closely in
next chapter
Transport proteins
Receptor proteins
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
• Typical cell is fluid filled
and membrane bound
• Fluid inside cell =
• Structures within
cytoplasm = organelles
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Nucleus
• Nucleus is largest
• Membrane bound-nuclear
membrane – double layer
• Controls cell-without it,
cell dies
• Contains nucleolus or
nucleoli – center for
ribosome production
• Contain DNA = chromatin
= chromosomes
membrane bound
nucleus, but has
Mills Biology 2002
Cell Structure
The Nucleus
Mills Biology 2002
What do you see?
Liver cell nucleus(center of picture) TEM x 20,720 . Mitochondria red,
ribosomes blue, ER green,
Mills Biology
2002 purple. David Kunkel
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm
• Fluid substance inside cell
• Surrounds nucleus and
other organelles
• Many chemicals dissolved
in it, chemical reactions can
take place in it.
• Contains cytoskeleton that
keeps cell organized
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Ribosomes
– Composed of rRNA and
– Several thousand to a million
per cell.
– Found on rough ER (proteins
for export)and free(proteins
for use within cell) in
– Function: protein synthesis
– Can produce proteins at a
rate of 2 aa/sec in eukaryotes
and 20aa/sec in prokaryotes
– Prokaryotic ribosomes vary
from eukaryotic and are
similar to ribosomes found in
mito and chloroplasts
Mills Biology 2002
Can you name these?
Ribosomes and polyribosomes in the cytoplasm of a liver cell.
TEM x 173,400 . David Kunkel
Mills Biology 2002
Ribosomes made in
the nucleus under the
direction of DNA.
Made up of protein
and rRNA.
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Endoplasmic reticulum
– Transport system for
molecules in cell
– Extensive network of
interconnected, fluid
filled tubes and cavities
– Two types:
Rough ER
coated with ribosomes
•protein synthesis
Smooth ER
• rough
• smooth
no ribosomes
•lipids , steroids and
fatty acid synthesis
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Mills Biology 2002
Rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes TEM x 61,560.
Mills Biology
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Golgi Bodies
– Refines, packages
and delivers proteins
and lipids
– stack of flattened
sacks called
– receives proteins
from ER
Mills Biology 2002
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Lysosomes
– Garbage disposals
– Vesicle containing digestive
enzymes (acid hydrolases)
– Produced by Golgi apparatus
– over 40 types of enzymes
– Function to:
• digest bacteria, viruses, toxins
• degrade worn out cell parts
• break down non useful fetal
tissue – no longer thought
true (programmed cell death
– Lysosomal storage diseases
Tay Sachs Disease
• Tay Sachs Disease
Mills Biology 2002
–Autosomal recessive, neurologic
disorder, lipids build up on nerve
cells, 1 out of 27 Jews in America
carry gene, there is a test for
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Peroxisomes
– Membrane bound vesicle
– Contain enzymes that can
oxidize small organic
compounds, resulting in
production of hydrogen
– Hydrogen peroxide broken
down into oxygen and water
by enzyme, catalase, also
produced by peroxisome
– Common in liver and kidney
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Vacuoles
– Membrane bound
– Bigger than vesicles
– Store things
• food,water,pigments,
toxic substances
– Contractile vacuoles
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Vacuoles – contractile
water vacuole
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Summary – Organelles of the endomembrane
Nuclear envelope
Edoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
Flight through an Animal Cell
Animation 39 sec.
Hard drive ..\..\Biology Clipart and sounds\Biology
movies and animations\animal cell journey
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
• Mitochondria
– “Powerhouse” of cell
– Oval shaped, with cristae
– Produce ATP-cell
– Cells that use more
energy have more
– Can self replicate, have
own DNA
– From mother
– Originally thought to be
an invading bacteria
Mills Biology 2002
The Cytoplasm-
Mills Biology 2002
Mitochondria animation
Hard drive
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology movies\mitochondria video
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
• Plastids
– Found only in photosynthetic eukaryotic
organisms – not in fungi or animals
– Two types
• Leukoplasts
– Colorless – store things, like starch in a potato
» amyloplast
• Chromoplasts
– Contain pigments – give color
– Chloroplasts most important chromoplast
» Contain green pigment chlorophyll
» Contain own DNA (like mitochondria)
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Organelles
Most familiar one is a chloroplast
chlorophyll is here.
Mills Biology 2002
Plant cell TEMx 7260. Plastids yellow. Mitochondria red.David Kunkel
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
• Cytoskeleton
– Supports and organizes
– Contains three types of
• Microfilaments (actin filaments)
• Intermediate tubules
• Microtubules
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
• Microfilaments
– Long, thin rods of actin
– Interact with motor
molecules, myosin
– Structural and mobility
• Under plasma membrane
• In microvilli
• Allow formation of
• Aid cytokinesis
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
• Intermediate filaments
– Ropelike polypeptide
– Support cell and nuclear
– Help in formation of cell
to cell junctions
– Give mechanical strength
to skin (keratin)
– Can assemble and
disassemble as needed
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
• Microtubules
– Made of globular protein, tubulin
– Assembled in the microtubule
organizing center (MTOC), which
in eukaryotic cells is a structure
called the centrosome
– stiffer, help maintain shape
– Dynamic, assemble and
– help move organelles within cells
– With help of motor
molecules kenesin and
– Component of centriole, cilia and
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
• Centrioles
Composed of microtubules
Near Golgi and nucleus
Non membranous
Most cells have 2 that lay at
right angles to each other
– Centrioles made of nine
microtubule triplets
• 9 + 0 pattern of
microtubules (9 triplets and
zero central microtubules)
– Function to separate
chromosomes during mitosis
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
• Cilia
• Flagella
– large numbers on free
– longer
surfaces of some cells
– usually only one per cell
– tiny, hairlike, attached
– undulating, wavelike
to basal body
motion propels the cell
– arranged in rows
– sperm, one celled
– “to and fro” motion
– respiratory tract and
Both arise from basal body.
digestive tracts of
animalsBoth have 9 +2 microtubule pattern.
– propel(9other
doublets arranged around 2 central microtubules.)
substances along cell
Mills Biology 2002
Both made
of of microtubules.
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
Basal body has 9 triplets arranged in a circle –
same as centrioles. May arise from centrioles
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
Mills Biology 2002
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
The Cytoplasm-Cytoskeleton
sperm cells
Mills Biology 2002
What is it?
Cilia cross section TEM x 199,500. Notice 9,2 arrangement. David Kunkel
Mills Biology 2002
Flagella and Cilia Animation
Mills Biology
..\..\Biology\Biology Clipart Movies Animations Sounds\Biology
and cilia movie.swf
4.3 Eukaryotic Cells
Origins of the Eukaryotic Cell
• Endosymbiotic theory
– Endosymbiosis
• One cell lives inside another to the mutual benefit of both.
• Mitochondria and chloroplasts may have been bacteria that
entered cell.
Mills Biology 2002
Mills Biology 2002
Connecting the
Concepts pg 81
The End
Mills Biology 2002