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Cell Types and Cell Organelles
Cool pictures of what they look like
under a microscope..
Remember they are very, very small
Prokaryotic Cells (with Cilia)
Means they don’t have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles
Eukaryotic Cells
Means they have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
- Houses the DNA (instructions for proteins) of the cell
-Surrounded by a membrane and filled with DNA
- Found only in eukaryotic cells
-Nucleolus is located INSIDE the nucleus
-It is responsible for making ribosomes
-Found ONLY in eukaryotic cells
-Made up of an outer membrane and lots of inner membranes
-Contains LOTS of chlorophyll (a pigment) that helps with photosynthesis
-Site of photosynthesis helping to convert sun energy into glucose
-Only found in plant cells
-Made up of two membranes, one outside and one VERY folded on the inside
-Cell respiration takes place here- converts glucose into ATP!
-Found ONLY in eukaryotic cells
FUN FACT: One of the only organelles that has its own DNA
-Made of proteins and rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
-Located both in the cytoplasm (free floating) or attached to the ER (rough ER)
-Found in BOTH eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Endoplasmic Reticulum
-Lots of membranes, some with ribosomes (rough) and some without (smooth)
-Rough ER makes proteins to export out of the cell, smooth ER helps to make
lipids and helps to detoxify the cell
-Only found in eukaryotic cells
Golgi Apparatus
-Made up of sacks of membranes- look like stacks of pancakes
-Receives proteins from the rough ER and packages them for export out of the cell
-Found only in eukaryotic cells
Cell Membrane
-Made up of phospholipids, proteins and carbohydrates (mosaic)
-Surrounds all cells and acts as a protective barrier
Cell Wall
-Made of cellulose
-provides protection and structure for the cell
-found only in plant cells
-membrane bound sack mostly filled with water, sometimes nutrients
-stores water and nutrients for cells, provides structure for plant cells
-VERY large vacuoles in plants (Central vacuole), very small vacuoles in animal
-membrane bound sac of enzymes
-acts as a trash can for the cell to break down dead things, or to recycle old
proteins, cell parts, etc.
-Found mostly in animal cells
-acts as the skeleton for cells, made of microtubules and microfilaments
-helps to keep the shape of the cell and organizes all organelles in the cytoplasm
-found in all cells
Animal Cell
Cheek Cell
Plant Cell