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Cell Growth &
Mrs. McGee
Do Now
Estimate how tall you think the
tallest man on Earth is?
8ft 3inc.
Essential Questions
Think. Pair. Share
• What do you think happens to our cells when we
• Are babies cells similar or different to adults?
• Do cells multiply and if so how fast?
• How can a starfishes arm or a geckos tail grow
• How does cancer relate to cell division?
Preview Reading
• Chapter 10
Outline the chapter
Write down subtitles
Write down key points in BOLD
Write down key words in BOLD
You are NOT reading the chapter
Look at the pictures
• Do you recognize any pictures? If so which ones.
REMINDER: During notes you are silent while the teacher is
talking. If you have a question or comment raise your hand
and wait silently to be called on.
Write notes on your note template and attach it to your
notebook 
• In most cases living things grow by
producing more cells.
• Cells are NOT bigger in adults!
• The larger a cell becomes, the more
demands the cell places on its DNA. In
addition, the cell has more trouble moving
enough nutrients and wastes across the
cell membrane.
Notes cont.
• DNA “Overload”- DNA does not increase
when a cell grows.
• Eventually the growth of a cell would led
to an information crisis.
Ex: Library in a small town that begins to
• PAGE 243
• SURFACE AREA: multiply length X width X # of sides
• VOLUME: multiply length X width X height
• As a cell grows the volume increases more
rapidly than it’s surface area
• When the cell becomes larger its ratio of surface
area to volume decreases.
Cell Division
• Before a cell becomes to large it divides
forming two daughter cells
• Before division occurs the cell replicates or
copies the DNA (genetic information)
• Each daughter cell then gets a complete
copy of that information
Think Box
• Which type of cell do you believe would have a
more complex way of replicating? WHY?
Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
• Prokaryotic cell division is simple
• Eukaryotic cell division is more complex
and occurs in two stages
1. Mitosis
2. Cytokinesis
POGIL: The Cell Cycle
• Complete #1-5
• Work Quietly and in groups of 2-3
• Your group needs to agree on the
answer before you write it down
• If you have a question raise your hand
and wait silently in your seats
Do Now
• What is a tumor and how does
one grow?
Be ready to share your thoughts 
Watch Video
• Be ready to answer the following
questions after the video:
1. Which types of cells divide quicker:
Cancer Cells or Normal Cells
2. How do you think a tumor could be created?
• (Displays Cell Division)
• (5 crazy tumors)
• Complete #6-10, #11-21
• Work Quietly and in groups of 2-3
• Your group needs to agree on the answer before you
write it down
• If you have a question raise your hand and wait silently in
your seats
Post it note Parking Lot
• Something you learned or a question you
have and post it when the bell rings
• HW- Finish POGIL Questions #11-21
Do Now
• Do you know someone who has
cancer? If so write down what you
know about it.
Review Post Its
Video: What is cancer?
• Are all types of cancer the same?
• Are all tumors cancerous?
• Complete #23-27
• Work Quietly and in groups of 2-3
• Your group needs to agree on the answer
before you write it down
• If you have a question raise your hand and
wait silently in your seats
As a class will will discuss and answer the extension questions
Exit Ticket
• 3 things you learned today
• 2 things that helped you
• 1 question
Complete silently and independently
When the bell rings place it in the bin
Part 2:
Cell Growth and
Do Now
1. Label the parts of the cell
using the following words: cell
membrane, cytoplasm,
nucleus, DNA, mitochondria
Review Cell Structures
Review Exit Tickets
Review 3-2-1 
Facts, Misconceptions,
REMINDER: During notes you are silent while the teacher is
talking. If you have a question or comment raise your hand
and wait silently to be called on.
Write notes on your note template and attach it to your
notebook 
DNA: Chromosomes
• DNA is stored in the nucleus
• DNA is arranged in structures called
• Every organism has a set number of
• Humans have 46
• Before cell division each chromosome is copied
• Then, each chromosome consists of two
identical “sister” chromatids.
• As the cell divides the sister chromatids separate
and one goes to each of the 2 new cells.
• Chromosomes are attached at an area called the
How did you grow from the size you were as
a baby to the teenager you are today?
Explain your hypothesis.
Purpose of cell division:
• Growth
Purpose of cell division:
• Repair
Purpose of cell division:
• Reproduction
The Cell Cycle
• The cell grows, prepares for division, and divides to form
two daughter cells, each of which then begins the cycle
• There are four phases.
The 4 phases
• Mitosis and cytokinesis take place during the M phase
• Chromosome replication take place in the S phase
• Between those phases are G1 and G2.
• G= Gap
• G1 and G2 are points of intense growth and activity
During most of its life, a cell is in a stage
called interphase.
cell performs its functions (jobs) and
keeps itself alive
the organelles and DNA replicate
(copies) to prepare for cell division
Interphase – the growth period when
the cell performs its functions and
prepares for cell division
not too much!
Getting ready
to divide!
I’m busy
doing my
Cube Activity
• 5 Groups
• Quietly roll the cube and work together to
answer the questions
• Write down the question and the answer
in your notebook
When you are done create vocab charts
• Cell Division
• Mitosis
• Cytokinesis
Exit Ticket
• Silently complete the exit ticket
by yourself 
• If you have a question raise your
• Turn in your exit ticket into the bin
when the bell rings
Part 3:
Cell Growth &
• What are the three reasons why we
need cell division?
4 Groups
• Create a poster
• Have a large title (the name of the stage)
• Have a description of what happens during
this stage
• Have an illustration that represents what
happens during this stage
20 minutes
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
REMINDER: During notes you are silent while the teacher is
talking. If you have a question or comment raise your hand
and wait silently to be called on.
Write notes on your note template and attach it to your
notebook 
• Mitosis is the process by which the
nucleus of the cell is divided into two
nuclei with the same set of
chromosomes as the parent cell.
• After interphase, the cell begins mitosis.
• There are 4 stages in Mitosis
• Prophase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• Telophase
• 1st & longest
• DNA wraps up into
structures called
chromosomes, which are
made of two copies of
identical DNA called sister
• Centrioles start making
spindle fibers
• The nuclear membrane
breaks down
• Chromosomes line up in the
center of the cell and
• Spindle fibers attach to the
center of the chromosomes
at their centromere
• Centrioles pull on the spindle
• Sister chromatids separate into
individual chromosomes
• Sister chromatids are pulled to
opposite sides of the cell
• Chromosomes gather at opposite
ends of the cell
• Two new Nuclear Envelope form
• Spindle fibers disappear
• Cell Division is NOT complete
To finish cell division, another
stage called cytokinesis must
•Division of the cytoplasm.
•Usually occurs at the same time
as telophase.
•The cytoplasm pinches in half.
•Each daughter cell has an
identical set of replicate
The cell divides everything else up
between the two new cells.
• Cyclins regulate the timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells.
• It lets the cells know then to speedup, slow down or stop
producing cells
Revise Posters
• If there is any facts you want to revise
or add please make those changes
• Prepare for Presentation
• Figure out who is presenting each fact
5 minutes
• First: Prophase
• Second: Metaphase
• Third: Anaphase
• Fourth: Telophase
Please be a respectful and quiet audience
or you will lose participation points.
Do Now
• What does PMAT stand for?
• Prophase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• Telophase
Video of Mitosis
Now you try!
• In partners, you will model mitosis using pipe cleaners
and yarn
• You will receive a set of tools
• We will do it once together, and I will guide you through
the steps
• Then, as a class, different people will guide us through
the steps
• Then, individually, you and your partner will alternate
through the steps
Worksheets- Extra Practice
• Study for performance task tomorrow- 100 points!
• You will independently model and explain each stage of
mitosis using yarn, a white board, or a pen and pencil
Do Now
•Draw out each stage of Mitosis
Review Stations
• While you wait to complete your performance
task you will be visiting different stations
• At each station you will be completing a task to
help you review for the test
• If you finish early please finish study guide,
vocab charts, organize your notebook, read
ch.10 or assist a classmate
• If you are off task and distracting other classmates you will
lose points off your performance task!
Performance Task- 100 points
•You will independently model
and explain each stage of
mitosis using yarn, a white
board, or a pen and pencil
Part 4: Review Day
Do Now
Is cell growth and division a cycle?
What other cycles exist on Earth?
• Log on to ipad
• Classroom code: fweBhSHyj
• Type in your first and last name
Part 5: Test
Cell Growth and
Cell Cycle Make up Mini-Project
*worth 50 points
Your sign will…
•Have a large title (the name of the stage)
•Have a description of what happens during this stage
•Have an illustration that represents what happens during this
•Have a heading on the back