Download MITOSIS Read chapter 12 in Campbell. Key Terms: binary fission

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Read chapter 12 in Campbell.
Key Terms: binary fission
histone proteins
cell cycle (G1, S, and G2 stages)
metaphase anaphase
cell plate
nucleosome cores
cleavage furrow
Answer the following questions:
1. Cite experimental evidence showing the essential role of the nucleus in the life of the cell
and in the transmission of hereditary information.
2. Using a diagram, explain how cell division takes place in prokaryotic cells. Explain how the
chromosomes of procaryotic cells differ from those of eukaryotic cells.
3. Distinguish between mitosis and cytokinesis.
4. Briefly describe the various stages in the cell cycle. In doing so, be sure to specify the stage
in which genetic replication occurs and the stage in which cell division occurs, and to
indicate which of the stages in the cell cycle comprise interphase. In addition, explain what
the key events of G1, S and G2 are.
5. Explain the difference between a chromatid and a chromosome; for a cell in prophase that
has six chromosomes, specify the number of chromatids and the number of centromeres.
6. List the stages of mitosis and, using a diagram, describe the principal events that occur
during each stage. In doing so, explain how you would recognize a cell in prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, or telophase; and how you would distinguish mitosis in a plant cell
from that in an animal cell.
7. Define cytokinesis, and show how it differs in algal cells, higher-plant cells, and animal cells.
Point out the cell plate; and specify the organelles thought to be involved in the production
of the cell plate.
Discuss the control of the cell cycle. Include in your discussion the roles of checkpoints,
cyclin, Cdk and MPF. Explain how external factors influence the cell cycle control system.
Explain the differences between normal cell division and abnormal cell division as seen in
cancer cells.