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The Cell Theory – a timeline
• Late 1500’s:
• Early 1600’s:
-first lenses used in Europe
-used to determine cloth
quality (weave and
-combos of lenses gave better
Leeuwenhoek uses
microscope to study nature
Early 1600’s
• Leeuwenhoek
• first to view pond
water organisms
• First to see living
microscopic orgs
• Made careful
Robert Hooke ( 1665)
• Used light
microscope to look at
thin slices of plant
tissues -- cork
• Looked empty, like
monk’s chamber
• Called tiny chambers
Matthias Schleiden 1838
• German Botanist
• All plants looked at
were made of cells,
so concluded:
“All plants are
made of
Theodore Schwann -- 1839
• German scientist
who studied animals
-- zoologist
• Saw that all animals
he studied were
cellular so
“All animals are
made of cells.”
Rudolf Virchow -- 1855
• German physician
who studied cell
• “Where a
cell exists,
there must
have been a
The Cell Theory
• All living things are composed of
• Cells are the basic units of structure
and function in living things
• New cells are produced from existing
• Construct a timeline:
– Include years 1500s, early 1600s,
1665, 1838, 1839, and 1855 on your
– Indicate the events and scientists
responsible for the events occurring
each year. (for 1500s, 1600s, and
late1600s you may not be able to
indicate a scientists)
• For each statement on your CELL
THEORY worksheet give the name
of the scientist(s) responsible for
the statement
– For statements three and four
multiple scientists are responsible.
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
• Prokaryotes:
• Eukaryotes:
*Small and Simple – few
*Have cell membranes
and cytoplasm
Ex. Bacteria
*Contain nuclei
*Contains organelles that
perform specialized
*Uni-or multicellular
Figure 7.4 A prokaryotic cell
Basic Cell Structures
• Cell membrane – thin, flexible
barrier around cell
• Nucleus – large, centralized structure
that contains genetic material and controls
cellular activities
• Cytoplasm – material inside membrane
(but not inside the nucleus) that supports the
internal cell shape and organelles
Basic cell parts: cell membrane and
• Cell membrane –
*provides barrier between internal
and external environment of
*is semi-permeable (some things
can go in, some cannot;
some things can exit, some
never can)
*made up of phospholipid bilayer with
proteins embedded that allow for
needed passage of large
• Major job of cell membrane is to maintain
the cell’s environment – establish
Fluid Mosaic Model
• Phospholipids and embedded proteins are
not locked into position – they flow against
one another as the cytoplasm and the
external liquid environment dictate (so, is
• There are MANY different components of
the cell membrane – it is a mosaic of many
Figure 8.6 The detailed structure of an animal cell’s plasma membrane, in cross section
• Largest organelle
• Enclosed by nuclear envelope or membrane,
which is a double membrane – each of which is a
lipid bilayer!!!
• Nuclear membrane has pores in it
• Contains inactive DNA – chromatin
• When gets ready to divide, chromatin condenses
into chromosomes
• Directs protein synthesis by synthesizing mRNA
and sending to ribosomes in the cytoplasm
• Contains the genetic information
that is the code for controlling ALL
of the cells activities
• Entire region between the nucleus
and the cell membrane
• The semifluid substance that fills this area is
called CYTOSOL, and this is what the
organelles are held in place with.
Cell Wall
• Found in plant cells (another barrier in
ADDITION to the cell membrane)
• Protects the cell
• Gives support to cell
• Made of polysaccharide called
• Is very porous and allows molecules to pass
through, but is NOT SELECTIVELY
• Control:
(plant and animal)
• Assembly, Transport, and Storage:
*Endoplasmic reticulum
*Golgi apparatus
(plant and animal)
(plant and animal)
(plant and animal)
(plant and animal)
(plant and animal)
• Energy transformations:
- Protection
- Cell Wall
- Cell Membrane
(plant only)
(plant and animal)
(Plant only)
(Plant and animal)
Endoplasmic reticulum –
“highway system”
• EXTENSIVE – accounts for more than half the
total membrane system in eukaryotic cells
• Name means “little net within the cytoplasm”
• Smooth and rough e.r. are actually connected, not
distinct, separate sections
• Job is to transport materials
quickly from one place to
another in cell
Figure 7.11 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Smooth E.R.
• Functions in making lipids,
metabolism of carbohydrates,
detoxification of drugs and poisons
Rough E.R.
• Makes secretory proteins
(ex. Insulin made by pancreatic cells)
• Most are glycoproteins (proteins covalently bound
to carbs)
• Rough e.r. is also a membrane factory – grows by
adding proteins and phospholipids; parts can be
taken from here and added to other membrane
systems using the vesicles for transport
“protein factories”
• Sites of protein synthesis
• Are made of rRNA and protein
• Cells with high rates of protein synthesis
have MANY ribosomes (human pancreas
cell has MILLIONS of ribosomes)
• Are “free” ribosomes in cytosol that make
proteins for the cell that they are INSIDE of
• Ribosomes that are attached to endoplasmic
reticulum (bound) are making proteins for
packaging and export OUTSIDE OF CELL
Figure 7.10 Ribosomes
Golgi apparatus
“Gift wrapper/UPS system”
• Finishes, sorts, ships cell products
• Golgi will modify products as needed –
gives more variety by removing some
monomers and substituting others
Figure 7.12 The Golgi apparatus
“Bank Vaults” or “trash cans”
• Sites of storage in cells
*good things stored – water, minerals,
food etc.
*bad things stored – broken down cell
parts, waste
• Membrane-bounded sac of digestive
• Different lysosomes break down
each of the major classes of
macromolecules – proteins,
polysaccharides, fats, nucleic acids
• Work best at pH of 5
• Used in autophagy – recycle the cell’s own
organic material for use
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
• Mitochondria – carry on cellular
respiration – sites of energy production in
cell (glucose broken down to produce ATP)
• Chloroplasts (only in plants) – carry
on photosynthesis
– sites where sunlight, CO2 and water are
converted into glucose
Figure 7.17 The mitochondrion, site of cellular respiration
Figure 7.18 The chloroplast, site of photosynthesis
“hay in mud makes bricks”
• Network of fibers extending into
cytoplasm of cell
• Provides structural support, and aids in
cell motility and cell regulation
• Made up of microtubules (thickest),
microtubules (thinnest), and intermediate
Cilia and Flagella
“hairs and tails”
• Cilia are short projections from cell
body – hair-like
• flagella are much longer – whiplike
• Movement may not be for entire
organism; may be part of a larger unit – ex.
Cilia lining windpipe propel foreign
substances out…
Organelles do not work alone…
• Cell is a dynamic interaction of ALL of its
parts – literally, the basic unit of life….