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Review Question #1:
A student looks under the microscope
and sees the following image.
a) Is it a plant cell or an animal cell?
b) How do you know? (Evidence)
Review Question #2:
a) Is it eukaryote or prokaryote?
b) How do you know?
What do you notice/see
in the picture?
What do you think it is
trying to show you?
What questions does it
Why is a cell like a factory?
 The job of a factory is to make a product (i.e.
a bicycle, a cellphone, etc.)
 The job of a cell is to make proteins (i.e.
hemoglobin, melanin, insulin, etc.)
The cell wall is like the security gates
◦ It surrounds the factory and protects it just as a cell
wall surrounds a plant cell and maintains structure.
The cell membrane is like the door
◦ It allows materials to enter and leave the factory
The nucleus is like the CEO/boss because….
◦ It controls the factory and tells it what to do
The cytoplasm is like the factory floor
◦ It fills up the factory and connects each location to
The Endoplasmic reticulum is like the
assembly line because…
◦ It moves the product (proteins) around
The Ribosomes is like the factory workers
◦ They make the products (just like they make the
The Vacuole is like the Kitchen because…
◦ It stores food/water for the workers
The lysosomes are like the custodial staff
◦ They clean up the factory’s waste materials,
disinfect, etc.
The mitochondria is like the generator
◦ It provides energy for the factory’s machines
Your goal: To create your own cell analogy.
Part A. Cell Analogy Brainstorm Activity
Directions: Decide what you want to compare a cell
to. For example, remember how we compared the
cell to a factory? What other analogy can you come
up with?
A cell is like a
Is/Are Like
Cell membrane/ cell
Etc. etc. etc.
Create a visual representation of your analogy. Use
the large paper for this.
Your visual MUST include the following FOUR
 Title “A cell is like ______________”
 Your name
 Each picture/organelle labeled clearly
 A brief description of why its an analogy.
 “The Gatorade is like the mitochondria because it
provides energy to the players”
Write a 1-2 page response to the following 4-5
1. What are cells?
2. What kinds of cells exist?
3. What are organelles? (Provide a few examples and
explain their function)
4. How do plant cells differ from animal cells?
5. What analogy did you select for this project, and why?
***Note: If you need to look information up on the
internet, remember to PARAPHRASE (put it in your
OWN words. Students who copy off of the internet
will automatically receive a zero on the written