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Cell Analogy
Honors Biology
You’ve already compared a working cell and it’s parts to a city. In order to fully understand how all of the parts
of a cell work you will develop your own analogy. Choose something to compare to a cell and it’s parts. Some
good ideas include a factory (but you can’t use that , see example below), a jail, an office, a sports
team/field/court, a car, a restaurant, or even Wellesley High School. You can choose something else, but make
sure you think it through before you start. This project should be drawn or printed on a sheet of plain paper.
The following criteria will used for evaluation:
_____/5pts—Include a labeled picture of what you are comparing your cell to (This is NOT a picture of a cell,
but of a soccer field or Pizza hut, or a car etc.). Label the parts of your picture with what they would correspond
to in the cell. (for example you would label Central Office with ‘nucleus’ in parenthesis, Assembly line
(Ribosome), etc.
_____/10pts—Include a key (similar to the chart below) that lists which organelle compares to which part of
your analogy and why (function). (This could in a text box or on the back). Your score here will be determined
by accuracy and how well your analogous parts match up with the funcitons of the cell parts.
_____/5 pts – style, creativity & effort
Please choose ONE type of cell (plant or animal), and check off each organelle as you add it in your chart:
Plant Cell
 nucleus
 cell wall
 chloroplast
 Golgi body
 vacuole
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
 nucleolus
Animal Cell
 nucleus
 lysosome
 cytoskeleton
 Golgi body
 contractile vacuole
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
Please attach the top part of this sheet to your picture/photo
Due ___________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have included a chart as an example
The Cell as a Factory:
Factory Part
Central Office
Manages activities, initiates production, controls activities of factory
Assembly Line
Assembles raw materials to manufacture items
Packaging & Shipping
Packs products for distribution
Golgi Bodies
Conveyer Belt
Moves product within the factory
Endoplasmic reticulum
Produces energy for the factory
Storage area
Stores materials for later use
Collection center
Breaks down and recycles used parts
Allows for things to enter and leave the factory
Cell membrane
Bricks and Steel
Construction materials that keep the factory from collapsing
Trucks/ 18 Wheelers
Move the factory when it needs to relocate or open a new branch