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Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
Serotonin stimulates the release of endorphins, and endorphins eventually
cause the release of more dopamine. Studies of individuals involved in
extreme sports have found that these people have lower-than-normal
numbers of two of the five types of dopamine receptors.
—from Zorpette, 1999
The endorphin met-enkephalin is comprised of the amino acids methionine, phenylalanine,
glycine, glycine, and tyrosine. Possible mRNA codons for the production of met-enkephalin
In normally functioning cells, the protein coded for by the p27 gene is produced
continuously. The process by which the p27 gene’s code is read from the DNA and the name
of the molecule formed in the process are identified in row
The enzyme responsible for breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs of the DNA
structure (unzipping the DNA structure) is
A. ligase
B. helicase
C. RNA polymerase
D. DNA polymerase
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
Mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA both code for the formation of proteins. Which of the
following statements about protein synthesis is true?
A. An mRNA anticodon binds with an amino acid codon, which results in the placement
of a specific tRNA molecule in the polypeptide chain.
B. An mRNA anticodon binds with a tRNA codon, which results in the placement of a
specific polypeptide molecule in the amino acid chain.
C. A tRNA anticodon binds with an mRNA codon, which results in the placement of a
specific amino acid molecule in the polypeptide chain.
D. A tRNA anticodon binds with a polypeptide codon, which results in the placement of
a specific mRNA molecule in the amino acid chain.
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
The third amino acid coded for by this segment of mitochondrial DNA is
A. lysine
B. threonine
C. glutamate
D. phenylalanine
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
A possible reason that the Plasmodium parasite may have resistance to chloroquine is that the
cg2 gene codes for a protein that seems to play a role in membrane transport of the drug. If
this is true, researchers may want to develop compounds that specifically block this resistance
mechanism by
A. preventing mutation of the cg2 gene
B. stimulating translation of the cg2 gene
C. preventing transcription of the cg2 gene
D. stimulating DNA replication of the cg2 gene
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
In Atlantic salmon that are genetically modified to carry the Pacific Chinook salmon gene for
growth hormone, increased growth occurs after
A. DNA is translated in the pituitary
B. DNA is replicated in the pancreas
C. mRNA is translated in the pituitary
D. mRNA is replicated in the pancreas
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
Normally, bicoid initiates transcription to control development. The bicoid protein controls
development by binding to
A. DNA, which causes DNA to copy itself
B. tRNA, which causes tRNA to join amino acids
C. mRNA, which causes mRNA to start protein synthesis
D. DNA, which causes DNA to produce mRNA for a particular gene
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
Which of the following mutations would change a normal codon for glutamine into a stop
10. If guanine and cytosine make up 56% of the nitrogen bases present in a DNA molecule, what
percentage of the DNA’s nitrogen bases are made up of adenine?
A. 22%
B. 25%
C. 28%
D. 44%
11. Which of the following rows describes a DNA molecule?
12. In order to synthesize large quantities of DNA fragments and then separate them, an enzyme
and a technology that can be used are, respectively,
A. ligase and karyotyping
B. ligase and gel electrophoresis
C. DNA polymerase and karyotyping
D. DNA polymerase and gel electrophoresis
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
Numerical Response 1
The sequence in which the processes in protein synthesis in plant root cells listed above occur is
_____, _____, _____, and _____.
(Record all four digits of your answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)
Use the following information to answer the next question.
13. Based on the evidence shown in the illustration of the electrophoresis gel, which of the
following statements is most probable?
A. Suspect W and suspect Y are closely related.
B. Suspect W and suspect Z are identical twins.
C. Suspect X left biological evidence at the crime scene.
D. Suspect Y left biological evidence at the crime scene.
14. The enzyme that links free adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine nucleotides together is
A. helicase
B. methylase
C. RNA polymerase
D. DNA polymerase III
Use the following information to answer the next question.
During the cloning of a fetal pig’s brain cells, the cells underwent the
process of
, which increased their numbers, and after injection
into people with Parkinson’s disease, the cells produced dopamine
when the
code for it was translated.
15. The row that completes the statement above is row
16. Possible DNA triplets for valine and leucine are identified in row
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
17. In DNA fingerprinting, gel electrophoresis is used to
A. cut DNA into fragments
B. separate fragments of DNA
C. match a gene with its function
D. pair homologous chromosomes
Use the following information to answer the next question.
18. The proportions of three of the mRNA nucleotides produced from this DNA are
A. 20% adenine, 30% uracil, and 10% cytosine
B. 40% cytosine, 20% adenine, and 30% uracil
C. 20% uracil, 40% cytosine, and 10% guanine
D. 20% thymine, 30% adenine, and 10% guanine
Use the following information to answer the next question.
19. The protein secretory component is produced in breast milk when
A. DNA is translated
B. DNA is replicated
C. mRNA is translated
D. mRNA is replicated
Use the following information to answer the next question.
20. The sequence of events that would enable researchers to incorporate the CTX gene into
bacterial DNA would be to
A. first open the bacterial DNA with ligase enzymes, then position the CTX gene in the
DNA, and then join the DNA by restriction enzymes
B. first open the bacterial DNA with restriction enzymes, then position the CTX gene in
the DNA, and then join the DNA by ligase enzymes
C. first position the CTX gene in the DNA, then open the DNA with ligase enzymes,
and then join the DNA by restriction enzymes
D. first position the CTX gene in the DNA, then open the DNA with restriction
enzymes, and then join the DNA by ligase enzymes
Use the following information to answer the next question.
21. The most direct relationship between a gene and an enzyme is that
A. an enzyme causes a gene to destroy carcinogens
B. the sequence of nucleotides in a gene determines the structure of an enzyme
C. each gene contains the code needed to construct many different types of enzymes
D. the sequence of amino acids in an enzyme is unrelated to nucleotide sequence in a
Use the following additional information to answer the next question.
Numerical Response 2
The sequence of events that results in the production of the cancer-fighting enzyme is
_____ , _____ , _____ , and _____.
(Record your four-digit answer in the numerical-response section on the answer sheet.)
Use the following information to answer the first question.
22. After mRNA has been produced, the production of CCK is the result of
A. translation
B. replication
C. transcription
D. recombination
Use the following information to answer the next question.
23. Which number represents the model of DNA replication that occurs in human cells?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Use the following information to answer the next question.
24. The technology of transferring a gene from a bacterium into a green plant is based on the
principle that
A. all genes carry the same genetic information
B. all genes have the same basic chemical components
C. the genotypes of the bacterium and green plant are the same
D. the phenotype of an organism is not altered when one gene is exchanged for another
Use the following information to answer the next question.
Restriction Enzyme
Cut Site
Between the
C and the G
Target Strand
25. How many fragments will be created when the enzyme is used on the target strand
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
26. When genetics want to protect a gene from the action of a restriction enzyme they use an
enzyme called a
A. ligase
B. helicase
C. methylase
D. endonucleases
27. The UGC → UGA change in the genetic code would be classified as a
A. silent mutation
B. deletion mutation
C. nonsense mutation
D. missense mutation
Use the following information to answer the next question
Risk factors affecting cancer rates
28. Sections “A” and “B” in the pie chart above are
A. diet and smoking
B. diet and exercise
C. sunlight and STDS
D. sunlight and environment
29. When DNA polymerases III synthesizes DNA using the 5’ to 3’ DNA template it produces
produces a
strand compared to when it synthesizes on the 3’ to 5’ DNA template when it