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Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
(Chapters 13-14)
Differential expression of individual probes
focuses on genes with extreme changes
adjusting for multiple testing is often conservative
and does not change the rank of the DE genes
introduces an artificial distinction – differentially
expressed or not
genes with small to moderate changes will not be
Gene set enrichment analyses focuses on sets
of genes whose expression levels are
coordinately changed
Gene sets defined a priori (KEGG,GO,MSigDB)
Original idea applied to expression data
(Mootha et al. 2003, Nat Genet 34, 267-273)
Help biological interpretation
Greater power to detect smaller changes
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
1. Identify a priori biologically interesting gene sets
2. Pre-process and quality assess expression data as
3. Non-specific filtering – remove probes that cannot
possibly be interesting
4. Combine and assess “signals” from several probes
GSEA approach
HyperG approach
A priori gene sets
KEGG, Gene Ontology, MsigDb, protein interaction
partners, chromosome bands…
There are many possible gene sets – biologically
A priori gene sets
A gene set is merely a grouping of genes
Groups do not need to be exhaustive or disjoint
Grouping do not need to be completely right
GSEA and hyperG approaches rely on averaging
to help adjust for mistakes
Non-specific filtering
Exclude genes that cannot be interesting
Annotation is linked to entrez gene IDs
limited variation across all samples
no annotation
pathways with only few members
several probe IDs linked to same Entrez gene ID
need some kind of filtering (random, most significant)
Must not use criteria to be used in analysis, e.g.,
must not filter on expression in biological pathway
of interest
Alternative Statistical Approaches
HyperG approach: Is a functional
gene set (eg. a GO term, KEGG
pathway etc.) overrepresented
among the DE genes?
GSEA approach: Is a
functional gene set
“differentially expressed”?
GSEA approach
GSEA approach
Compute a test statistic for each probe
Idea is to calculate a statistic that meaningfully
contrast expression levels between groups e.g. For t-statistic for each probe
Test statistic should be scale- and sample-size
GSEA approach
Calculate appropriate summary statistic of the test
statistic in each gene set
Assess the significance of the summary statistic
GSEA approach based on t-stat
t-statistics follows tdistribution
Sum of t-statistic is
approximately Normal
Sum standardized by square
root of the number of genes
|K| in the set is approximately
Normal with mean 0 and
variance 1.
GSEA approach based on t-stat
Strong assumptions, eg. about independence
of t-statistics and normality of zK
Assess significance of summary statistic using
permute sample labels
permute gene labels
GSEA - Overlapping Gene Sets
Fig 13.3
Number of genes in common/ number of
genes in smaller gene set
Test effect of overlapping gene sets using
linear models
Exercises GSEA approach
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis using
KEGG: exercises 13.1-13.5
Determining significance of summary test
statistics using permutations: exercises
Identifying and assessing the effects of
overlapping gene sets: exercises 13.1313.14
hyperG approach
hyperG approach
Compute a test statistic for each probe
Idea is to calculate a statistic that meaningfully
contrast expression levels between groups e.g. For t-statistic for each probe
Test statistic should be scale- and sample-size
hyperG approach
Define gene universe (e.g. genes on array, genes
Determine interesting genes (e.g. differential
expressed genes, genes located in specific genomic
Test whether genes corresponding to interesting
genes are overrepresented/underrepresented in
each category
HyperG/Fisher exact Test
hyperG approach
Positions of members of G
in list:1,3,4,…,101,…
Do members of G have
significantly small ranks ?
hyperG approach
Define cutoff and count number of genes in G below
and above cutoff
Use Fisher’s exact test to find out if
distribution deviate from expectation
Conditional hyperG approach
Takes into account tree
structure of GO by:
1. Start in leave (no children)
2. If leave/child significant
remove genes from parent
before testing parent
Continue until root
Exercises hyperG approach
Defining gene universe: exercises 14.114.5
Determining interesting genes and
perform hyperG test: exercises 14.614.7
Conditional hyperG test: exercise 14.10