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The simple addition, deletion,
or manipulation of a single trait
in an organism to create a
desired change.
-major tool is recombinant DNA.
-Recombinant- DNA joined to other unrelated foreign
-also called gene splicing.
-tiny segments of a gene are taken out and replaced.
Organisms altered by genetic
-genetic material changed by other than
random natural breeding.
-gene transfer-moving a gene from one
organism to another.
-these require skill and knowledge to be
carried out properly
Transgenic Organisms
-GMO- genetically modified organism.
-GMO free food-product in which no transgenic
materials were used in its manufacture, such as
soybeans used in making oils.
-GEO-genetically enhanced organism
Genetic Engineering
-genetic material can be shared across
scientific kingdoms.
-bacteria engineered-produce human
-potential is virtually endless.
-food processors affected by genetic
-shelf-life, storage, foodhandling;extended and simplified.
-help resist spoilage.
-plants transformed-insect,disease, and
herbicide resistant.
-animals treated engineered hormonesproduce more milk, leaner meat.
Health and Medicine
-affecting health care & medical
-alternating growth w/hormonesreplacing organs are common.
-materials maybe rejected by organism
unless hormones are offered.
Pharmaceutical Products
-Pharmacology-preparation, use, and affect
of drugs
-tied to health and medicine
-potential production of drugs is great.
-hormone production-natural in endocrine
system of mammalian body.
Pharmaceutical Products
-bacteria engineered to produce
-fermentation known as
Industry and Environment
-more efficient use of scarce minerals
-greater efficiency in mining.
-major concern-waste management.
-biodegrade a number of waste productssewage and petroleum products.
Genetic Engineering
-gene splicing, gene cloning, molecular
-process cutting a gene out of a DNA
strand and inserting the gene into another
DNA strand.
-type of enzyme in DNA strand.
-produced nucleic acid strand breaks
interior of nucleic acid strand.
-restriction endonucleases-enzyme
produced by bacteria that is used in
recombinant DNA.
-cuts open bacterial plasmid.
-gene construct engineered to plasmid
with ligasees. Plasmids back to
Cloning Vectors
-carrier for DNA during the recombinant
DNA process.
-plasmid-piece of free-floating DNA in the
cytoplasm of bacteria.
-double-stranded, circular molecules that
replicate independently of the chromosome.
Promoter gene- A sequence of bases in a
nucleic acid strand, that serves as a signal
to start transcription.
Chromosomal DNA construct- The gene of
Antibiotic resistant gene- Are used as a
marker system for transformed cells.
Ligation- uniting attaching two DNA
Recipient cell- is the cell that is
reviewing the ‘new’ DNA.
Donor cell- is the cell that provides the
new DNA fragment for the recipient
Virto- done in glass
• Transformation- process of introducing free
DNA into bacteria
Competent cell- a cell that is capable of taking
up DNA.
Electroporation- The use of an electric shock
to momentarily open or disrupt cell walls.
Conjugation- the contact of bacteria that
involves the exchange of DNA with a
mating tube.
Transformed cell- cell with new DNA
Marker gene- a gene that identifies which
organisms have been successfully
Totipotent- means that an organism has
the ability to grow from a single cell
-especially important with plants, also
called regeneration.
• Agro bacterium tumefacians is a
bacterium that causes a disease
known as crown gall in plants.
• Infects plants by transferring its
genetic material into plant cell.
• Agrobacterium transformation is the
most common technique for
genetically engineered plants
Ballistic Gene Transfer- the use of tiny DNAcoated projectiles as carriers. It is important
to transport DNA through the walls of
intended recipient cells.
Projectiles are often known as micro projectiles
Ballaistic transformation is done by using a ‘gene
gun’ the gene gun has been useful in creating
agricultural crops.
Callus- a mass of undifferentiated
plant cells.
By making a callus the number of
transformed cells is increased
Due to early cell differentiation, genetic
transformation in animals must occur in the
early embryo stage following the union of
sex cells
This is accomplished by using microinjection, to
randomly inject DNA into the fertilized call
Microinjection- is the injection of materials
directly into cells using a small glass
The process of creating transgenetic animals
involves three major steps:
1. Obtaining embryos
2. Microinjectioing embryos
3. Culturing and transferring zygotes
Transgenetic integration- is expressed by the
animal of that desired trait.
By: Kay & Jessica