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Quiz Review Flash Cards
Cut out squares and match the organelle to its description then glue them back to back to make your flashcards!
Cell Theory
Jelly-like material that maintains the shape of the cell and
provides a place for the organelles to be.
Found around the nucleus. It has ribosomes studded in it
and is the site of protein synthesis.
Usually located near the golgi apparatus. This organelle is
used for temporary storage of cell material that will
eventually go in or out of the cell
Cell Membrane
Randomly located throughout the cell, this organelle is
often called the cell’s garbage disposal because it digests
worn out organelles, food molecules, viruses and bacteria
Looks like a flattened sacs folded on top of one another.
Located near the nucleus. This organelle packages and
sorts items for shipping in or out of the cell
This organelle is made of an inner and outer membrane
with round shaped sacs inside. Found randomly in cell but
usually near the cell membrane. It is responsible for
A membrane bound organelle that had DNA inside. It runs
all cell activity
This type of cell contains a nucleus where DNA is found,
contains membrane bound organelles, and may be single
celled or multi-cellular
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
All living things are made of one or more cells. Cells are
the basic units of structure and function in all organisms.
All cells come from pre-existing cells
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Apparatus
Found towards the outside of the Rough ER. It detoxifies
harmful substances and produces lipids (fats)
This organelle is found loose in the cytoplasm or attached
to the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum. It makes proteins
(protein synthesis)
Cylinder shaped organelle made of microtubules. It is
found near the nucleus but is only seen during cell
division. It helps with cell division.
Located on the outside perimeter of the cell and regulates
what goes in and out of the cell
An organelle that is not covered in a membrane and that
is found inside the nucleus. It produces ribosomes.
This type of cell contains no nucleus, the DNA is found in
the cytoplasm, it contains no membrane bound
organelles, and are all single-celled.
This chemical is the reason why plants have a green color
Cell Wall
A kidney bean shaped organelle that has its own DNA
codes and provides energy for the cell.
Found only in plants outside of the cell membrane. It
helps give the cell shape and protection as well as helping
to connect the cell to nearby cells
A fluid filled sac that is randomly placed in animal cells. In
plant cells it is just one large organelle and helps with
plant cell structure. It temporarily stores food, water,
minerals and wastes