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Name ________________________________________________ Date ______________
Modeling The Cell Cycle Lab
The growth of an organism is controlled at the cellular level. An organism’s cells are in
a continuous cycle of growth and division. Each new daughter cell produced during this
process has the same exact genetic information that the parent cell had. The growth and
division of a cell is called the cell cycle. The cell cycle is important for growth and repair in
multicellular organisms and for reproduction in unicellular organisms.
Background Information:
1. What are the three steps of the cell cycle?
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
2. How many chromosomes are in the body cells of humans? ______________
3. When your body cells undergo mitosis, how many chromosomes do the new daughter
cells have? _________________
4. What are the steps (in order) of mitosis?
a. __________________________
b. __________________________
c. __________________________
d. __________________________
5. During telophase what structure do plant cells form that animal cells do not?
Using the prepared slide of a root tip, find and draw one cell that is in each of the stages
of the cell cycle. Use pencil!!
Label: nucleus, cytoplasm,
cell wall, cell membrane
Label: nuclear envelope,
chromosomes, cell wall, cell
Label: chromosomes, cell
wall, cell membrane
Label: chromatids, cell wall,
cell membrane
Label: cell plate, cell wall,
cell membrane, nuclear
Label: nucleus, cell wall,
cell membrane, cell plate
Analysis and Conclusion:
The illustration below shows various stages of mitosis in a fast growing onion root tip.
Color the diagram above using the following key:
interphase – red
prophase - purple
metaphase - blue
anaphase - orange
telophase - green
Calculate the percentage of cells in the diagram of the onion that are in each stage. Circle
your answer.
What part of a very young onion would most likely go through the cell cycle the most, root,
stem, or leaf? Explain your choice using your knowledge of plant growth.
Label the following diagram of mitosis of an animal cell. The letters indicate stages of
the cell cycle. The numbers represent cellular structures.
Which stage of the cell cycle is not represented in the diagram above? _________________
What stage are the daughter cells in at the end of the cell cycle?____________________
If a body cell from a horse with 64 chromosomes went through mitosis how many
chromosomes would be in the daughter cells? ______________
How many daughter cells are produced from mitosis? _________
Importance of mitosis
Mitosis is the process that a
body cell divides into two
daughter cells. It is an important
process in normal organism
development. When mitosis is
out of control, diseases such as
cancer may occur.
Cell structures for mitosis
Mitosis requires a set of
specialized cell structures.
Chromosomes are the most
important part for mitosis
because they are duplicated and
then separated evenly into two
daughter cells. On a
chromosome there is a special
structure called centromere,
where the spindle, a structure
pulling the chromosomes to two
poles, attach.
Mitosis is composed of
prophase, metaphase,
anaphase and telophase. The
cell cycle phase between two
mitoses is called interphase,
where chromosomes are loose
and stretched. During prophase
chromosome start to condense,
in the metaphase, they are
visible under microscope.
Chromosomes are also lined up
in the middle of cell and ready to
be pulled to the two poles by
spindle. This is done in
anaphase and telophase, upon
which nuclear separation is
finished. Cytokinesis follow and
two cells are generated.
Type a quote from the document or the
summary of an interesting point. You can
position the text box anywhere in the document.
Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the
formatting of the pull quote text box.]
Mitosis is nuclear division plus cytokinesis, and produces two identical daughter cells during prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase. Interphase is often included in discussions of mitosis, but interphase is technically not part of
The cell is engaged in metabolic activity and performing its function. It prepares for
mitosis (the next four phases that lead up to and include nuclear division). Chromosomes
are not clearly visible in the nucleus, although a dark spot called the nucleolus may be
Chromatin in the nucleus begins to condense and becomes visible in the
light microscope as chromosomes. The nucleolus disappears. Centrioles
begin moving to opposite ends of the cell. Some fibers cross the cell to
form the mitotic spindle. The nuclear membrane breaks down.
Spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the middle of the cell nucleus.
This organization helps to ensure that in the next phase, when the
chromosomes are separated, each new nucleus will receive one copy of
each chromosome.
The paired chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides of the cell.
Chromatids arrive at opposite poles of cell, and new membranes form
around the daughter nuclei. The chromosomes disperse and are no longer
visible under the light microscope. The spindle fibers disperse, and
cytokinesis or the partitioning of the cell may also begin during this stage.
In animal cells, cytokinesis results when the cell membrane contracts
pinching the cell into two daughter cells, each with one nucleus. In plant
cells, the rigid wall requires that a cell plate be synthesized between the
two daughter cells.
Cell Division
During interphase, the cell grows to
its mature size, makes a copy of its
DNA, and prepares to divide into
two cells. During mitosis, one copy
of the DNA is distributed into each
of the two daughter cells. During
cytokinesis, the cell’s cytoplasm
divides, distributing the organelles
into each of the two new cells.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer,
Cells and Heredity