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Cell Organelles
 Cell Membrane plasma membrane
covers the cell and holds it togetherregulates what enters and leaves cell
 Nucleus controls cell activities
 Nuclear envelope Controls movement
of materials in/out of nucleus using pores
 Nucleus
 Nuclear Pore hole in nuclear envelope
that allows material in and out of nucleus.
 Nucleolus make RNA
for ribosome formation
 Chromatin Hereditary material (DNA and
 Nuclear Sap fluid in nucleus
Cell Organelles
 Cytoplasm everything in cell but DNA
 Cytosol – the organelles are bathed in a
gelatin-like aqueous fluid.
 Mitochondria breaks down sugar
molecules into energy called ATP
 Inner membrane has many long folds called
Cristae (more surface area for more
chemical rxn)
Organelles Cont…
 Ribosome synthesizes proteins
 Composed of a protein and RNA
 Most abundant organelle
 Golgi complex Packaging centermakes vacuoles (gift wrapper)
Organelles Cont…
 Endoplasmic reticulum carries
materials through cell (post office)
 Works with the golgi
 Rough ER – has ribosomes (located where
lots or proteins are made)
 Smooth ER – no ribosomes makes steroids
in gland cells, regulates calcium in muscle
tissue, and breaks down toxic substances
with liver
Organelles Cont…
 Lysosome breaks down larger food
molecules into smaller molecules
*digests old cell parts (garbage disposal)
 Vacuole store food, water, waste
Organelles Cont…
 Cytoskeleton – network of long protein
strands located in cytosol (cell structure).
 Microtubules structural support for cell
 Centriole microtubules used in mitosis
 Microfilament movement and
attachment (large part of muscle cells)
Organelles continue
 Microbody contain enzymes for
metabolic activity
Organelles cont…
 Movement
 Cilia – hair-like projection that are short and
present in large numbers.
 Flagella – hair-like projection that are longer
and fewer in number.
Organelles PLANT
 Cell wall support (grow tall)
*protection-allows H2O, O2, CO2 to pass
into and out of cell
 Vacuole store food, water, waste
(plants have larger ones because plants
need to store large amounts of food)
Tonoplast membrane of the vacuole
Crystal give flowers color
Plastid gives plants their color
Chloroplast – home to photosynthesis
 How are plant and animals cells similar
and how are they different?
 Pick three organelles and describe their
structure and function.