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Things to Know for the Test - Answers
1. DNA stands for what?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
2. What part of the cell DNA be found?
The nucleus
3. What is a section of DNA?
A gene
4. What did early scientists think was the genetic material?
5. What was Griffith trying to figure out during his experiment?
A cure for pneumonia
6. What did Avery’s experiment’s show about transformation?
That DNA was the genetic material
7. Who used radioactive tracers to show that the genetic material of cells what DNA?
Hershey and Chase
8. Who was the first scientist to produce a 3-D image of DNA?
Rosalind Franklin
9. What name did Griffith call the process when the rough bacteria changed into another?
10. What type of molecule is DNA?
A nucleic acid
11. What small units (monomers) make up DNA?
12. What is DNA shaped like?
A double helix or twisted ladder
13. What makes up the sides of DNA? What makes up the middle?
Sugars and phosphates make up the sides and nitrogen bases make up the middle
14. What enzyme is responsible for breaking the H-bonds between the bases of DNA?
DNA helicase
15. What part of the cell does DNA replication take place?
The nucleus
16. Why must DNA replication take place?
To ensure that a dividing cell has identical DNA
17. What enzyme adds complementary bases to the exposed bases of DNA during DNA
DNA polymerase
18. What is the model that DNA consists of 1 parental and 1 new strand of DNA after DNA
Semiconservative replication
19. What is the difference between an inherited and acquired mutation?
An inherited mutation is something that is passed from parent to offspring. An acquired
mutation is one that occurs in the an organism’s body cells and isn’t passed from parent to
20. If a portion of a gene has the sequence A T C C G T A G, what would the complementary
DNA strand?
21. What are the name for the bases of DNA?
Adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine
22. What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide?
Phosphate, sugar, and nitrogen base
23. What is the language of instructions coded in DNA and RNA?
The genetic code
24. What molecules make up the sides of DNA?
Sugars and phosphates
25. What are the building blocks of proteins?
Amino acids
26. What is a section of DNA that contains all the hereditary information for a person?
A gene
27. What type of mutation occurs when one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another?
28. What scientist said that A and T and G and C occurs in approximately the same amount?
29. What part of the cell does transcription take place?
30. What is the process when part of DNA is copied into RNA?
31. What molecule carries the 3 nucleotide sequence that is complementary to mRNA?
Transfer RNA
32. What is the enzyme that binds to DNA and separates it during transcription?
RNA polymerase
33. What are bases of RNA?
Adenine, uracil, thymine, and guanine
34. What part of the cell is mRNA formed?
The nucleus
35. Where does transcription begin?
Promoter of DNA
36. What type of RNA makes up most of the ribosomes
Ribosomal RNA – rRNA
37. How many codons equal amino acids?
1 codon = 1 amino acid
38. What is the production of polypeptides?
Protein synthesis
39. What is the process when mRNA is decoded into a protein?
40. How many amino acids are in the human body?
41. Why are there 64 possible combinations for amino acids in the genetic code?
Because you need enough information to code for the 20 amino acids in an organism’s body
42. What is a chain of amino acids?
43. What is the last step of translation and how does it know that is the last step?
Termination – it reads the stop codons
44. What is the middle step of translation?
45. In DNA, what bases pair with each other?
A with T and G with C
46. What is a set of 3 nucleotides in mRNA that is complementary to DNA?
A codon
47. What nucleic acid(s) would be found in the nucleus?
48. What molecule attaches to amino acids and brings them to the ribosome during the
process of translation?
49. What part of the cell does transcription take place?
50. What part of the cell does translation take place?
51. If mRNA has the sequence of CCA, what would be the complementary tRNA sequence?
52. What molecule carries out the instructions coded in DNA?
53. What is a random change in an organism’s genetic information?
54. What type of mutation occurs when a chromosome or part of one becomes lost?
55. What type of mutation occurs when chromosome reverses on itself?
56. Who were the two people credited with the discovery of the structure of DNA?
Watson and Crick
57. What part of the cell contains the DNA?
58. What is the process when mRNA is decoded into a protein?
59. What does the structure of DNA resemble?
Double helix
60. What is the language of instructions in DNA and RNA?
Genetic code
61. What molecule carries the instructions in DNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm?
62. What is the initiator codon in most proteins?
63. What type of mutation is illustrated below?
64. What is a random change in an organism’s genetic information?
If you are given the DNA code of C A T T A A T C C G T A
65. What would be the mRNA sequence? G U A A U U A G G C A U
66. What would the tRNA sequence? C A U U A A U C C G U A
67. What would be the amino acid sequence?VAL – ISOLEU – SER - HIST
68. How many codons are present? 4
69. How many amino acids? 4
70. What type of mutation is illustrated below?
71. What type of mutation is illustrated below?
Short Answers:
72. Explain in detail how the DNA code contains information for making proteins? Include in
your answer, the process of transcription, translation, what occurs during each, why the
processes are read the way they are, where they occur in the cell, etc.
DNA is the blueprint of life. It is made of nucleotides that contain the code to make
proteins. Proteins control everything that an organism does. They control hair color, acts as
hormones such as insulin, etc. DNA is so important to an organism that it can’t get damaged.
So, it must be copied in a process called transcription. This process takes place in the
nucleus. It is done by an enzyme, RNA polymerase, that breaks the H-bonds between the
bases and makes a complementary copy of DNA. The copy is called mRNA. It then leaves the
nucleus and goes to the ribosome to start protein synthesis. This mRNA copy is then
decoded into a protein via a process called translation. During translation, a three nucleotide
sequence of mRNA called a codon is read by tRNA. The tRNA picks up the correct amino
acid in the cytoplasm and brings it to mRNA on the ribosomes. The ribsomes will then up help
assemble the amino acids together to make a protein.
The answers to the rest of the questions are all in the notes.
73. Compare and contrast DNA and RNA.
1. deoxyribose sugar
2. double stranded
3. contains bases A,T,G,C
1. Ribose sugar
2. Single stranded
3. Contains bases A,U,G,C
74. List and describe all the types of mutations that were discussed in class and explain the
significance of mutations.
Chromosome mutations
Gene Mutations
Point mutation
Frame shift mutation