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PreAP/GT Biology 2015
Syllabus: DNA, Central Dogma, Mutations, Gene Regulation
Activity #1: DNA MODEL
Construct a DNA paper model using the provided template and instructions. Include a key, indicating what each
puzzle piece represents. Your model will also illustrate DNA replication. Have your teacher check your work as
you make progress.
A. Identifying DNA as the Genetic Material (8.1)
1. What was “transformed” in Griffith’s experiment?
2. How did Avery and his team identify the transforming principle?
3. Summarize how Hershey and Chase confirmed that DNA is the genetic material.
4. Why was the bacteriophage an excellent choice for research to determine whether genes are made of DNA or
5. Choose one experiment from this section and explain how the results support the conclusion.
B. Structure of DNA (8.2)
6. What is the monomer of DNA? Sketch and label a monomer of DNA.
7. How many types of nucleotides are in DNA and how do they differ? List and describe each.
8. How are the base pairing rules related to Chargaff’s research on DNA?
9. Explain how the double helix model of DNA built on the research of Rosalind Franklin.
10. Sketch a DNA molecule composed of 6 base pairs. Label.
11. What is the antiparallel condition of a DNA molecule? (look up)
12. Which part of the DNA molecule carries the genetic instructions that are unique to each individual: the sugarphosphate backbone or the nitrogen-containing bases?
13. In a sample of yeast DNA, 31.5% of the bases are adenine (A). Predict the approximate percentages of C, G,
and T.
C. DNA Replication (8.3)
14. Explain the function of replication.
15. Explain how DNA serves as its own template during replication.
16. How do cells ensure that DNA replication is accurate?
17. Describe two major functions of DNA polymerase.
18. Why is it important that human chromosomes have many origins of replication?
19. When during the cell cycle does DNA replicate? Be specific.
20. Research what is meant by the leading and lagging strand in replication.
21. Make a sketch to illustrate DNA replication.
22. How are enzymes involved in this process?
D. Transcription (8.4)
23. What is central dogma?
24. Define transcription. What is the purpose of transcription?
25. Where does transcription occur?
26. Compare and contrast transcription with replication.
27. What are the three types of RNA and what are their functions?
28. How is RNA different from DNA?
29. If a DNA segment has the nucleotides AGCCTAA, what would be the nucleotide sequence of the
complementary RNA strand?
E. Translation (8.5)
30. Define translation. Where does it take place?
31. Explain the connection between a codon and an amino acid.
32. Briefly describe how the process of translation is started.
33. Sketch and label a ribosome to show its role in translation.
34. How is a codon different from an anticodon?
35. Suppose a tRNA molecule had the anticodon AGU. What amino acid would it carry?
36. Sketch a tRNA molecule and indicate how it is useful in translation.
37. The Central Dogma of Biology (transcription and translation or protein synthesis) describes how the sequence
of bases in a DNA molecule can determine the specific proteins that a cell will make. These proteins in turn,
determine genetic traits of an organism. Recall and list 5 specific functions of proteins in the body and explain
how these proteins determine your traits. (Find in chapter 2 notes if you forgot)
38. Using the following DNA sequence, TACCCCGAAACCACT, list the base sequence of the messenger RNA
that will form AND list the sequence of amino acids.
F. Gene Regulation in Prokaryotic Cells (8.6)
39. What is an expressed gene?
40. Are all genes expressed at the same time?
41. How does a cell determine which genes will be expressed?
42. What is a promoter? Repressor?
43. What is the job of RNA polymerase?
44. Briefly describe the process of transcription.
45. Sketch the prokaryotic lac operon, including the start and stop signals, and the promoter site (see
page 239)
46. Read about this operon and follow with a statement about how it is turned and turned off.
47. How is this adaptive for organisms to be able to regulate genes?
G. Eukaryotic Gene Regulation and Differentiation in Eukaryotic Cells (8.6)
48. Sketch a typical eukaryotic gene and label the regions (see fig 6.1)
49. Eukaryotic genes contain a sequence called the “TATA box”. What is the function of the TATA
50. Eukaryotic genes also have enhancer sequences. What are some of the jobs of the many proteins
that bind to these enhancer sequences?
51. Why is gene regulation in eukaryotes more complex than in prokaryotes in terms of cell
52. Explain mRNA processing.
53. Create a series of sketches to show how introns are excised and exons are spliced together.
54. How do cells in an embryo know when to differentiate? Study figure 6.3 as you answer.
55. How are internal factors different from external factors in gene regulation?
56. Developmental genes are very similar among different species. Why?
H. Mutations (8.7)
57. Define mutation.
58. What is the difference between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation?
59. How is a chromosome mutation different from a frameshift mutation?
60. What is the difference between translocation and duplication?
61. What are the effect of mutations? Consider those that occur in body cells as well as gametes.
62. Define the term mutagen. How do they have their effect?
63. List several types.
Activity #3: MUTATIONS
The purpose of this activity is to focus on errors that take place in genetic information. We have already observed
some of these 'mistakes' when we studied some genetic disorders caused by non-disjunction. The hand-out you
will receive deals in more detail with these problems.