Download Organelle Notes on structure Function Why partition? Lysosome

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Biology 200: Study Questions Week 3
1. Consider the cell to the right:
a. What type of cell is this? bacterial
b. List 2 organelles that are found in this cell but not in the other two
cell types listed in “a”.
2. ____________________
c. Describe one way a prokaryotic cell is different than this cell:
2. In the space to the right, draw a cell in a
flower petal that is specialized for synthesizing
and storing large quantities of a pigment. The
pigment is a lipid. Label the storage organelle,
the cell wall, the plasma membrane, the
organelle where the pigment is synthesized, and
the nucleus.
3. Fill in the chart, using a few words or a sentence, at most, in each box.
Notes on structure
Why partition?
4. Consider the parasite HIV, which enters cells and takes over the host cell’s machinery to make copies of
itself—producing the next generation of virions. After HIV’s Env protein has been synthesized by a ribosome, it
has to enter the endomembrane system so it can be processed and eventually shipped to the host cell’s plasma
membrane. Explain how a newly synthesized Env protein can enter the host cell’s endomembrane system.
5. The epidermal cells of plants synthesize large quantities
of lipids called waxes. The waxes are secreted and form a
waterproof coating on the exterior of the epidermis. In the
epidermal cell shown here, add drawings and labels
indicating where you predict that wax molecules are
synthesized and processed and how they are shipped to the
cell surface. Be sure to clearly label (no abbreviations) two
different organelles required for the production and secretion
1. plant; vacuole, chloroplast; (usually) no nuclear envelope
2. Check the text for the cell wall, plasma membrane, and nucleus; the pigment would be synthesized in
smooth endoplasmic reticulum and stored in the vacuole.
”9+2” arrangement of microtubules
“recycling center” where damaged
organelles and macromolecules are
Movement or swimming or
catching/sweeping debris
prevent damage to intact molecules and
structures OR keep substrates and
enzymes at high concentration
4. It must have a string of amino acids that mimic the signal sequence on proteins synthesized and
processed in the rough ER.
Shipped in vesicles to
exterior surface, for
Processed in
Shipped in
vesicles to Golgi
Synthesized in
smooth ER