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Episode Four Briefing: Mission Log
Teacher Version
TEACHER DIRECTIONS: Ask students to complete the right-hand column
as they move through the game. Answers are provided here, but Page 9 has a
master that can be copied for students as a handout.
You enter the story with Beta and Delta on a mission to find out how the
brain is involved in feeling pleasure and pain. Whose lab are you trying to
Dr. Morpheus’
Beta discovers Dr. Morpheus’ holographic record on the nervous system.
What part of the system carries signals from the brain to the body?
spinal cord
From the hologram, you learn about a part of the nervous system that is
involved in speech, movement, and experiencing pleasure and pain. What
is this part?
From the hologram, you learn that the body contains a network of nerves
that it uses to send information to the brain. What are these nerves called?
peripheral nerves
From the hologram, you learn about cells that can both send and receive
signals. What is the name of these cells?
nerve cells
After Eureka is powered up, you learn that she contains information on
how the nervous system works. She shows you “The Case of the Telltale
Frog Heart: A Neuroscience Mystery.” After completing the mystery, you
learn that, in the nervous system, signals are sent electrically and _______.
After “The Case of the Telltale Frog Heart,” you find that a scientist was
awarded a Nobel Prize for demonstrating the function of
neurotransmitters. Who was this scientist?
Eureka tries to explain the effect of opioids on the brain by showing how
endogenous opioids act in the Reward Pathway.
Otto Loewi
True or False: Endogenous opioids are also released during a painful
situation in order to decrease the amount of pain.
True or False: Morphine binds to the same receptors as endogenous
opioids and, therefore, activates the reward pathway.
Conclusions: Why do endogenous opioids and opiate drugs have similar
Both endogenous opioids and opiate drugs bind to the same receptors, those
involved in the pleasure and pain-relieving pathways in the brain.
The Reconstructors
Mystery of Morpheus
Episode Four Briefing: Mission Log
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS: Record your observations by correctly
answering the following questions as you play The Reconstructors™ Episode 4:
Mystery of Morpheus.
You enter the story with Beta and Delta on a mission to find out how the
brain is involved in feeling pleasure and pain. Whose lab are you trying to
Beta discovers Dr. Morpheus’ holographic record on the nervous system.
What part of the system carries signals from the brain to the body?
From the hologram, you learn about a part of the nervous system that is
involved in speech, movement, and experiencing pleasure and pain. What
is this part?
From the hologram, you learn that the body contains a network of nerves
that it uses to send information to the brain. What are these nerves called?
From the hologram, you learn about cells that can both send and receive
signals. What is the name of these cells?
After Eureka is powered up, you learn that she contains data on the way
the nervous system works. She shows you “The Case of the Telltale Frog
Heart: A Neuroscience Mystery.” After completing the mystery, you learn
that, in the nervous system, signals are sent electrically and
After “The Case of the Telltale Frog Heart,” you find that a scientist was
awarded a Nobel Prize for demonstrating the function of
neurotransmitters. Who was this scientist?
Eureka tries to explain the effect of opioids on the brain by showing how
endogenous opioids act in the Reward Pathway.
True or False: Endogenous opioids are also released during a painful
situation in order to decrease the amount of pain.
True or False: Morphine binds to the same receptors as endogenous
opioids, and therefore activates the Reward Pathway.
Conclusions: Why do endogenous opioids and opiate drugs have similar
The Reconstructors
Mystery of Morpheus