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Cells: The Living Units
Life in general occurs in an aqueous environment
All chemical processes essential to life occur within the aqueous
environment of the cell and surrounding fluids contained in the
To survive humans must maintain a normal volume and
composition in ICF and ECF
TBW = 50 to 60% BW (Approx. 40L)
ICF ~ 25L (Cytoplasm)
ECF ~ 15L (Interstitial fluid, CSF , Blood Plasma & Lymph)
Plasma Membrane: Structure (Fig. 3.3)
 Structure that forms the boundary between the cell and its
 Cellular
membranes surround cell organelles
 Made from lipids that form a lipid bilayer
 Materials enclosed within the plasma membrane may be loosely
referred to as cytoplasm
Plasma Membrane: Structure
Singer and Nicolson (1972) published the fluid mosaic model of the
cell membrane
Primary structure of the cell membrane is the lipid bilayer
Major constituent of lipid bilayer
Move freely within the membrane
About 20% of lipids
Stabilizes neighboring phospholipids and decrease flexibility of
cell membrane
Plasma Membrane: Structure
 Proteins:
 Make
up approx. half the mass of the cell membrane
 Associated
with the cell membrane either by insertion or by
association with one surface
 Types
of proteins
 Integral
Proteins (Transmembrane Proteins)
 Peripheral
Plasma Membrane: Structure
Integral Proteins
Tightly associated with the membrane
Part extends into lipid bilayer
Extended portion has hydrophobic amino acids held by
hydrophobic interactions
Transmembrane proteins extend all the way through the
Peripheral Proteins
Bound to the membrane surface
Held in place by weak, non-covalent bonds
Plasma Membrane: Structure
Coat outer surface of the membrane
Forms sticky layer called glycocalyx
Different cell types within the body have different CHO in the
glycocalyx thus cells are able to recognize each other
Flexibility of membranes allow changes in shape of cells and
Fluidity allows membranes to fuse and break apart
Most body cells are attached to other cells (RBCs are exceptions)
Plasma Membrane: Structure (Fig. 3.5)
 Specialized “Membrane Junctions”
 Tight
 An
impermeable junction formed by the fusion of a series of
integral protein molecules in the plasma membrane of
adjacent cells
 Desmosomes
 Mechanical
(Anchoring junctions)
couplings scattered like rivets along the sides of
abutting cells that prevent their separation
 Gap
Junctions (Nexus)
 Communicating
junction that allows chemical substances to
pass between adjacent cells
Plasma Membrane: Functions
Tendency of molecules or ions to disperse and be evenly
distributed in an environment
Recall that all molecules possess kinetic energy
Net movement occurs along a concentration gradient, from
higher concentration to lower concentration
Cellular membranes restrict and regulate the movement of
particles within the body
Membranes that allow movement across are described as
semi-permeable membranes
Plasma Membrane: Functions
 Simple (Passive) Diffusion
 Direct
movement of particles through the lipid bilayer along a
concentration gradient
 No
energy is provided by the cell (passive)
 Such
molecules are usually small and nonpolar (02, CO2, CH4)
 Some
larger nonpolar molecules can also cross in this manner
(steroid hormones)
Factors That Affect The Rate of Diffusion
Particle size
Non-polar molecules move easily
Polar molecules do not move easily
Charged particles cannot move across
(all in reference to the lipid bilayer)
Concentration gradient
Number of carrier proteins or channels
Plasma Membrane: Functions
Facilitated Diffusion
‘Assisted’ movement of particles across cellular membranes
along a concentration gradient
‘Assist’ is provided by carrier (transport) proteins, or channels
(both transmembrane proteins)
Carriers attach to the given particle and shuttles it across the
Channels are made up of proteins that form a hole through
the lipid bilayer
Open Channels
Gated channels
Plasma membrane: Functions (Fig. 3.9)
 Osmosis
 Passive
movement of solvent molecules along a concentration
 Recall
solute, solvent, and solution
Two solutions are isotonic if they have the same
Hypertonic solution:Higher concentration (more solute; less
solvent; high osmotic pressure)
Hypotonic solution: Lower concentration (less solute, more
solvent, low osmotic pressure)
Plasma Membrane: Functions
 Filtration
process that forces water and solutes through a membrane or
capillary wall by fluid or hydrostatic pressure
 Passive
process, not selective and involves a pressure gradient
 Examples
 Fluid
movement out of capillaries
 Fluid
excreted by kidneys as urine
Plasma Membrane: Functions
 Active Transport
 Movement
 Energy
of particles against a concentration gradient
(generally in the form of ATP) is required and is provided
by the cell
 Example:
 Active
pumping of two K+ and three Na+ when Na+/K+ ATPase
hydrolyses a molecule of ATP
 Active
transport is NOT diffusion
Plasma Membrane: Functions
 Vesicular Transport
 Two
main categories
 Endocytosis
 Exocytosis
 Molecules
(bringing substances into the cell)
(expelling substances from within the cell)
are usually too large to cross membrane even with the
help of a carrier
Plasma Membrane: Functions
 Bulk-Phase endocytosis
 Plasma
membrane folds inward trapping substances from the
 Invaginated
region of membrane pinches off from plasma
membrane and enters cell
vesicle (phagosome), containing the trapped substances, is
Plasma Membrane: Functions
 Phagocytosis
 Describes
a situation where one cell engulfs another cell
 Receptor-mediated endocytosis (Fig. 3.12)
 Small
particles attach to receptor on the external surface of cell
 Receptor
and particle aggregates at one region of cell
 Region
of cell membrane invaginates to form a vesicle
Active or Passive?
 Osmosis
 Exocytosis
 Filtration
 Simple diffusion
 Endocytosis
 Facilitated diffusion
Match the following
A. Osmosis
B. Exocytosis
C. Filtration
D. Simple diffusion
E. Endocytosis
F. Facilitated diffusion
1. White blood cell engulfing bacteria
2. Neurotransmitter release at neuron terminal
3. Gas exchange at lung
4. Exchange at capillaries due to pressure gradient
5. Calcium movement through voltage-gated channels
6. Movement of a solvent along its concentration gradient