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BI 200 - Exam #2A
Fall 2003
Lab Section. Seat#
Consider each question, and answer each in the appropriate format (e.g., multiple choice).
You may qualify your answer if you have reservations. If your comments have merit,
you may receive partial or full credit. Questions are 1 point each unless indicated.
Multiple choice - 2 points each.
1. The presence of membrane-enclosed organelles is a characteristic of
A) prokaryotic cells.
B) eukaryotic cells.
C) all cells.
D) viruses.
2. Lactose enters E. coli via
group translocation
the phosphotransferase system
a proton symporter called a permease
facilitated diffusion
3. The cell wall is
A) interior to the cytoplasmic membrane.
B) exterior to the cytoplasmic membrane.
C) a part of the cell membrane.
D) the same thing as the cytoplasmic membrane.
4. Which is not true about the peptide interbridge structures of peptidoglycan?
formation is prevented by lysozyme
Gram positives like Staphylococcus aureus contain pentaglycine interbridges
meso-diaminopimelic acid is present
rare D-amino acids are present
none of the above, all are true.
5. Gram positive bacteria
have a thick cell wall that is exposed to the environment.
have a thick cell wall that is covered by the outer membrane
have cell walls that contain the pyrogen lipopolysaccharide
have cell walls that are flexible but excellent chemical barriers
BI 200 - Exam #2A
Fall 2003
Lab Section. Seat#
Consider each question, and answer each in the appropriate format (e.g., multiple choice).
You may qualify your answer if you have reservations. If your comments have merit,
you may receive partial or full credit. Questions are 1 point each unless indicated.
Multiple choice - 2 points each.
1. The presence of membrane-enclosed organelles is a characteristic of
A) prokaryotic cells.
B) eukaryotic cells.
C) all cells.
D) viruses.
2. Lactose enters E. coli via
a proton symporter called a permease
the phosphotransferase system
group translocation
facilitated diffusion
3. The cell wall is
A) exterior to the cytoplasmic membrane.
B) interior to the cytoplasmic membrane.
C) a part of the cell membrane.
D) the same thing as the cytoplasmic membrane.
4. Which is not true about the peptide interbridge structures of peptidoglycan?
formation is prevented by lysozyme
Gram positives like Staphylococcus aureus contain pentaglycine interbridges
meso-diaminopimelic acid is present
rare D-amino acids are present
none of the above, all are true.
5. Gram positive bacteria
have a thick cell wall that is exposed to the environment.
have a thick cell wall that is covered by the outer membrane
have cell walls that contain the pyrogen lipopolysaccharide
have cell walls that are flexible but excellent chemical barriers
6. The terms “run” and “tumble” are generally associated with
A) cell wall fluidity.
B) cell membrane structures.
C) taxic movements of the cell.
D) clustering properties of certain rod-shaped bacteria.
7. Which statement is true?
A) Lophotrichous flagella are tufts on the “ends” of bacterial cells; peritrichous
flagella are individual flagella on the “ends” of bacterial cells.
B) Peritrichous flagella are all over the bacterial cells; lophotrichous flagella are
tufts on the “ends” of bacterial cells.
C) Polar flagella are individual flagella on the “ends” of bacterial cells;
peritrichous flagella are tufts on the “ends” of bacterial cells.
D) Polar flagella are all over the bacterial cells; lophotrichous flagella are
individual flagella on the “ends” of bacterial cells.
8. Which of the following statements is (are) true?
A) Fimbriae are generally shorter and more numerous than flagella.
B) Fimbriae probably function in surface adhesion.
C) Pili serve as receptors and seem to be involved in bacterial conjugation.
D) All of the above.
9. Glycogen granules
A) are derived directly from either PHB or BHA.
B) cannot be detected by light microscopy, even if iodine is added.
C) function as a storage depot for carbon and energy.
D) none of the above.
10. A major function of prokaryotic gas vesicles is
A) to provide buoyancy for the organism.
B) to serve as a reservoir for oxygen and carbon dioxide.
C) to keep the cell’s organelles separated during flagellar motion.
D) none of the above
11. The membrane of a gas vesicle is composed of
A) various phospholipids.
B) protein.
C) carbohydrate.
D) both glycoproteins and phospholipids.
12. Endospores are
A) bacterial reproductive structures.
B) able to withstand extreme environmental assaults.
C) metabolically active
D) all of the above
13. Which are not visible under a light microscope?
A) bacterial flagella
B) eukaryotic cilia
C) eukaryotic flagella
D) none of the above, all are >200 nm in diameter
14. Maltose enters the cell with the help of three proteins: a periplasmic binding protein,
a channel protein in the membrane, and an ATP kinase on the inside of the cell.
Passive diffusion
Primary active transport
Secondary active transport
Group translocation
“ABC” transport
15. Glucose is chemically altered upon entering the cell.
This is an example of:
Facilitated diffusion
Active transport
Group translocation
16. Glycerol enters the cell by moving from high concentration to low concentration, and
shows saturation kinetics. This is an example of:
Facilitated diffusion
Active transport
Group translocation
Complete the following table comparing the arrangement of DNA in Eukaryotes and
Prokaryotes. 5 points
Shape of Chromosome
Number of Chromosomes
Copies of Each
Compartmentalization of
Supercoiling Involves
Of the five Carbon atoms in ribose and deoxyribose, match the structural significance of
each with the carbon number. 5 points
_____ C1
A. Phosphate group is attached to this C
_____ C2
B. No particular importance
_____ C3
C. Is missing an O atom in deoxyribose
_____ C4
D. Free hydroxyl is where next nucleotide is attached
_____ C5
E. Nitrogenous base (A,G,C,T,U) attached here
Match the cell feature with the type of microorganism in (or on) which it might be found.
Use each letter only once, and choose the most specific match. (1 point each)
_____ Sulfur granule
A. A Sulfur-oxidizing lithotroph like Beggiatoa
_____ Nucleus
B. Bacillus or Clostridium
_____ Endospore
C. A microaerophile such as Aquaspirillum
_____ Magnetosome
D. A CO2-fixing autotrophic bacterium
_____ Capsule
E. Enterotoxic E. coli attaching to the small intestine
_____ Chloroplast
F. Any cellular organism
_____ S-Layer
G. Streptococcus mutans causing tooth decay
_____ Gas vesicle
H. Antibiotic resistant bacterium
_____ Fimbriae
I. An Archaea with no pseudomurein
_____ Carboxysome
J. Anaerobic protozoa
_____ Hydrogenosome
K. Any eukaryote
_____ Ribosome
L. Green algae
_____ Plasmid
M. A cyanobacterium like Anabena
Complete the following narrative by circling the word or phrase in each parentheses that
most accurately completes the statement. (1 point each).
Motility in prokaryotes takes a variety of forms including swimming, gliding,
swarming, and floating. Swimming through liquid media involves flagella that are about
(0.02 μm, 0.2 μm, 0.2 mm) thick, and are composed of many copies a single protein
called (tubulin, flagellin, lysozyme). Flagellar motion in prokaryotes resembles that of a
(whip, oar, propeller) and the energy source is (sunlight, μH+, ATP). Gliding is
movement over a surface and is carried out bacteria such as (amoeba, cyanobacteria,
Escerichia) and (Cytophaga, Paramecium, Enterococcus). The former uses (slime,
ratcheting proteins, peritrichous flagella) while the latter uses (slime, ratcheting
proteins, lophotrichous flagella). Floating can be controlled in photosynthetic bacteria
by structures called (hydrogenosomes, gas vesicles, chloroplasts).
Draw a bacterium with peritrichous flagella and a ciliated protozoan. (2 points)
Fill in the blank/Short answer/Circle the correct word. 2 points each
Give the name of the cell wall material in fungi, the name of the monomer it is composed
of, and the designation of the bonding arrangement.
Give the name of the cell wall material in algae, the name of the monomer it is composed
of, and the designation of the bonding arrangement.
In archaea the hydrophobic portion of the lipids are branched molecules called (sterols,
phytanyls), which are made of (sterol, isoprene) subunits.
Eukaryotic cells have (linear, circular) chromosomes that are composed of (singlestranded, double-stranded) DNA.
Prokaryotic cells have (linear, circular) chromosomes that are composed of (singlestranded, double-stranded) DNA.
How many base pairs in the E. coli chromosome?
How many genes in the E. coli chromosome?
Give 4 lines of evidence that suggest that mitochondria and chloroplasts arose from
Make a diagram of a mitochondrion indicating the outer membrane, the inner membrane,
cristae, and the matrix. Indicate the biochemical activity associated with the cristae and
the matrix. 5 points
Give 4 lines of evidence that suggest that mitochondria and chloroplasts arose from
endosymbiosis. (1 point each)
Make a diagram of a chloroplast indicating the outer membrane, thylakoid membranes,
grana, and stroma. Indicate the metabolic activities associated with the membranes and
the stroma. 5 points.
What are three advantages of having a capsule? Put a star by the most important. 4
Write a joke here – 2 points