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Cell Structure POGIL
Name: ___________________________________
POGIL Biology VI– Fine Structure of the Eukaryotic Cell
There are many, many eukaryotic organisms on earth, and the early eukaryotic cells have evolved into a varied
cell types. Most of them have the same basic constitution – mitochondria, nucleus containing linear
chromosomes, ribosomes, cytoskeleton, and endomembrane system. This exercise will familiarize you with the
fine structure of the eukaryotic cell using animal and plant cells as conceptual models. Using the diagrams below,
your textbook, and your note set, answer the following questions.
Model 1 - the nucleus
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Cell Structure POGIL
Model 2 - Cytoskeletal elements
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Name: ___________________________________
Cell Structure POGIL
Name: ___________________________________
1. Using model 1 above, describe the structure and function of the chromatin.
2. In model 1, describe the structure and function of the nuclear lamina.
3. In model 1, how might molecules move in and out of the nucleus
4. Would you expect any size constraints on the molecules that move in and out of the nucleus?
Why or why not?
5. Where in the cell does rough endoplasmic reticulum occur? What is its physical relationship with
the nucleus?
6. Model 1 shows ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum. Where else in the eukaryotic cell do
ribosomes occur?
7. Where does the Golgi apparatus occur? Explain the functional relationship between the ribosome,
the ER, the Golgi, and the plasma membrane.
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Cell Structure POGIL
Name: ___________________________________
8. In model 2, explain how the cytoskeletal components interact physically and functionally with
other parts of the eukaryotic cell (cell membrane, ER, Golgi, nucleus, chromosomes, extracellular matrix).
9. In model 2, which cytoskeletal filaments can be involved with movement of a cell through its
environment (motility)? Name any involved structures.
10. Using your book and notes as resources, compare the chemical composition, structure and
function of the extracellular matrix of the animal cell (p. 67) with that of the cell wall of the plant
cell (p. 68), and the cell wall of a bacterial cell (p. 321).
11. An anti-cancer drug called vincristine disrupts microtublules. Using your book and notes as
resources, which aspects of eukaryotic cellular function would you expect to be affected by
vincristine? Prokaryotic?
12. Prokaryotic cells do not appear to have extensive cytoskeletons. Offer two reasons why we do
not observe cytoskeletons in the prokaryote.
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