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The Virtual Cell Worksheet
modified by ccampbell2006rhs
1. Centrioles occur in pairs in __________________ cells. They
function in cell _____________________. They are composed of
________________________. Draw a picture of a pair of centrioles in
the box.
2. Lysosomes contain ___________________enzymes. These
organelles fuse with vacuoles to digest _____________________.
They help protect you by __________________ the bacteria that your
white blood cells engulf. _______________ act as a clean up crew for
the cell. Draw a lysosome.
3. Chloroplasts are the site of ______________________(the process
in which plants use sunlight energy to make food). They are surrounded
by ______membranes. Inside, there are stacks of disk-like structures are
called the ______________. Each disk is composed of _____________
membranes. Draw a picture that includes an internal view.
4. Mitochondrion is the _______________________ of the cell. It is
the site of _______________________. It also has ____ membranes.
The inner membrane is where most ___________________ occurs. The
inner membrane is __________ with a very large surface area. These
ruffles are called ___________. Mitochondria have their own ________
and manufacture some of their own _______________. Draw a picture
of the mitochondrion.
5. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a series of double membranes that
cross back and forth between the cell membrane and the ____________.
The ER is basically a large ___________________. The rough E.R.
has __________________________ attached to it. This gives it a rough
texture. These Ribosomes manufacture _______________________ for
the cell. Draw the rough ER with a ribosome.
Reticulum (ER)
6. Smooth E.R. ____________ ribosomes. It acts as a
_________________ throughout the cytoplasm. It also runs from the
_____________________ to the nucleus and throughout the rest of the
cell. It also produces ___________________ for the cell. Draw a
picture of the smooth ER.
Smooth ER
7. Cell Membrane performs a number of critical functions for the
________. It regulates all that _____________ and leaves the cell. The
plasma membrane is _________________________ (Which means not
everything can pass through). In multicellular organisms it allows cells
to ________________ each other. Draw a close-up of the cell
membrane with transport proteins.
Cell Membrane
8. Nucleus is called the ______________________ of the cell. It
_________________ all cell activity. The nucleus is surrounded by the
____________________. The thick ropy strands inside the nucleus are
the _____________________________. The large solid spot is the
_____________________. The nucleolus is a spot of active chromatin
where ____________________ are being produced. The chromatin and
_______________ are the same material. It is a __________________
of DNA and histone proteins. It stores the information needed for the
manufacture of __________________. Draw a picture of the nucleus
with chromatin and one nucleolus.
9. Golgi Body is responsible for the modification and packaging of
______________________ for the cell. Once the proteins are produced
by the ______________ E.R., they pass into the _______________ like
cisternae that are the main part of the Golgi body. These proteins are
then squeezed off into the little _________________ which drift off
into the cytoplasm. Draw a picture of the Golgi Body as it is squeezing
off the vesicles.
Golgi Body
Cell Wall
10. The Cell Wall provides _________________________________
for the cell. Plant cell walls are composed of ___________________
while those of ____________________ have chitin. Draw a cell wall
with an associated cell membrane.
11. A Vacoule serves as a _______________________ area for the cell.
These organelles are surrounded by a __________________________.
Vacuoles can store _________________, ____________________, or
_____________. Draw a vacuole.
12. The Cytoskeleton is composed of _______________________ &
______________________. These structures provide
________________ for the cell and help
__________________________ move around. Draw a cross section of
both a microtubule and a microfilament.
13. Cilia and Flagella are used by unicellular organisms for
_________________________________. The longer of these two are
known as __________________ whereas the cilia are
________________. Multicellular organisms also have cilia for the
purpose of _______________ materials. Draw both a cilium and a
14. The Cytoplasm is not an organelle. It is composed mostly of
________________________. It is not, however, a thin liquid but
rather has a _______________________ consistency. There is no need
to draw cytoplasm.
Cilia and Flagella