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Cell Structure and Transport Review
Fall 2014
*This is not a comprehensive overview of everything that will be on the test. You are responsible for studying and knowing all of
the information that was covered in class. Just because something is not on this study guide, doesn’t mean it cannot be on the test!
Use your notes and your textbook to answer the following!*
History of Cells
1. Who discovered the first cell? He named it “cell”. Robert Hooke
2. List the three statements of the Cell Theory.
3. What was Schwann’s contribution to the cell theory? all animals are made of cells
4. What was Schleiden’s contribution to the cell theory? all plants are made of cells
5. What was Virchow’s contribution to the cell theory? cells come from existing cells
6. Discuss spontaneous generation. What major experiments were done concerning spontaneous generation?
7. Name the 2 broad categories that cells can be divided into. Compare the two groups. prokaryotes/eukaryotes
8. A bacterial cell would be a prokaryote/eukaryote. (Circle the correct answer.)
9. Know the three types of bacterial shapes.
10. Describe the difference in Gram Positive and Gram Negative bacteria.
11. Which type of prokaryote cannot live in the presence of oxygen? obligate anaerobe
12. What type of prokaryote in both environments where there is oxygen as well as environments that lack oxygen? facultative
13. What type of environments do obligate aerobes live in? where there IS oxygen
14. What is a key difference in archaea and bacteria?
archaea live in extreme environments, OLD; Eubacteria is common
15. Study your prokaryote coloring sheet-know the parts of the bacterial cell and what the function of each is.
16. Why did it take so long to discover the presence of cells? we couldn’t see them, too small
17. Describe Redi’s experiment.
meat and maggots—leave uncovered, life grow
cover it, no life ----but no AIR
mesh covering ---no life
18. Describe Spallanzani’s experiment.
Boiled broth—no life formed; Needham said that he killed the “vegetative power” and that is why life didn’t form
he did timed boilings to show Needham that it didn’t matter how long you boiled them—left one set unsealed, sealed one set—
the unsealed set of flasks resulted in growth; the sealed flasks did not have any growth
19. Describe Needham’s experiment.
boiled broth—killed the organisms—when covered/sealed, no life formed
when left unsealed, life formed
He did not realize that microbes were in the air
20. Describe Pasteur’s experiment.
swan-neck flask that allowed air (BUT NOT MICROBES) to enter the flask (thus keeping that active life force in the flask).
After boiling, no growth occurred in the flask *****PUT AN END TO THE DEBATE ON SPONTANEOUS
21. Whose work officially denied that spontaneous generation occurs? Pasteur
22. What type of flask did Pasteur use in his experiment? Why was it significant? swan-neck—allowed air to get to the broth
but stopped microbes (they got caught in the neck)
Cell Organelles
1. Know ALL organelles, what their functions are, and what they look like!!
2. Be able to identify organelles if given a drawing of a cell
3. Know the difference in a plant and animal cell—compare and contrast
Plant—chloroplasts, cell wall, central vacuole; rectangular
Animal—centrioles, lysosomesm, cilia, flagella; round
-Name the structures found in an animal cell that is not in a plant cell. Name structures found in a plant cell that are
not in an animal cell. Compare shape.
4. What does ER stand for? endoplasmic reticulum
5. Distinguish between rough and smooth ER. rough has ribosomes on its surface and is connected to the nucleus via nuclear
pores; smooth ER is a network of tubules that does NOT have ribosomes attached to the surface
6. Where is your genetic material located? in the nucleus
7. Where is the genetic material of a prokaryote found? floating around in the cytoplasm
8. What organelle digests worn out materials? lysosomes
9. What is contained inside the chloroplast? chlorophyll
10. What organelle provides energy for the cell? mitochondria
11. What structures aid in locomotion? cilia & flagella
12. What is an organelle? (What does the word mean?) tiny organ—a small, membrane-bound structure that has a specific
13. What pigment is contained within the chloroplast? chlorophyll
14. The nucleus is connected to the ER via nuclear pores.
15. Explain why different cells would have different quantities of mitochondria. different cells have different energy needs –Ex:
tongue vs. nose cells
16. If a cell fills with water, what organelle stores it? vacuole (central vacuole)
17. By viewing a cell, how can you tell an animal from a plant cell? presence of cell wall; SHAPE
18. What shape would the following be: elephant cell, corn cell, blood cell, leaf cell?
19. What is the cell wall composed of? cellulose
20. What is the cell membrane composed of? phospholipids; function—lets things enter and leave the cell