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Name: ______________________________ Stu #:_____
Website #1:
Under Animal Cell, Click on “Tutorial” and answer the following questions:
o How is the plasma membrane like a doorman? ________________________________
o How is a ribosome like a factory; what does it create? ___________________________
o Mitochondria produce what molecule? ______________________________________
o What is the nucleus compared to? __________________________________________
o What is DNA compared to? ________________________________________________
o One of the golgi apparatus’ main jobs is to do what? ____________________________
o Cytoplasm helps to maintain what? _________________________________________
o Lysosomes and Peroxisomes go by what nickname? ____________________________
o After answering these questions, click “Play the Game”. How many mistakes did you make?
______ (If you made 4 or more mistakes, play the game again until you miss less than 4)
After playing the game, click on “Quiz”. What was your score? _____ / _____
After completing the animal cell, go back to the cell games home page and under Plant Cell, click on
“Tutorial” and answer the following questions:
o Compare Plant vs. Animal Cells. Unlike animal cells, plant cells have cell ____________,
______________________, and a large _________________ ____________________.
o Unlike plant cells, animal cells have _____________________- organelles that are only visible
during cell _______________________.
o The cell wall is compared to what job? _______________________________________
o Chloroplasts are similar to what other organelle? ______________________________ How are
they similar? ____________________________________________________
o What happens to a plant when the vacuoles are low on water? ___________________
o What molecule does mitochondria use to make ATP? ___________________________
o After answering these questions, click “Play the Game”. How many mistakes did you make?
______ (If you made 4 or more mistakes, play the game again until you miss less than 4)
After completing the plant cell, go back to the cell games home page and under Bacterial Cell, click on
“Tutorial” and answer the following questions:
o The flagellum has what nickname? __________________________________________
o What are the two functions of pili and fimbrae? _______________________________
o How is a bacterial cell wall different from a plant cell wall? What does it do? ________
o Where is DNA located in a bacterial cell? _____________________________________
o After answering these questions, click “Play the Game”. How many mistakes did you make?
______ (If you made 4 or more mistakes, play the game again until you miss less than 4)
Website #2:
Click on “The Virtual Cell Tour” school bus
Navigate throughout the cell tour by clicking on various cell structures
Once you click on a cell structure it will take you to a page specifically for that organelle. Follow the
instructions on the webpage and use the arrow to click to the next screen if you get stuck.
Answer the following questions using “The Virtual Cell Tour” and draw each organelle in the boxes to
the right.
1. Centrioles are only found in _______________________ cells. They function in cell
______________________. They have _______ groups of _______ arrangement of the
protein fibers. Draw a picture of a centriole in the box →
2. Lysosomes are called _____________________ sacks. They are produced by the
__________________ body. They consist of a single membrane surrounding powerful
_________________________ enzymes. Those lumpy brown structures are digestive
_____________________. They help protect you by dissolving the bacteria that your
white blood cells engulf. ____________________ act as a clean up crew for the cell.
Draw a picture of a lysosome →
3. Chloroplasts are the site of _________________________________. They consist of a
______________________ membrane. The stacks of disk like structures are called the
_________________. The membranes connecting them are the __________________
membranes. Draw a picture of a chloroplast →
4. Mitochondrion is the _______________________ of the cell. It is the site of
_______________________. It has a ____________________ membrane. The inner
membrane is where most _______________ respiration occurs. The inner membrane
is _____________________ with a very large surface area. These ruffles are called
______________. Mitochondria have their own __________ and manufacture some of
their own __________________. Draw a picture of the mitochondrion with its
membrane cut →
5. (Rough) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a series of double membranes that ________
back and forth between the cell membrane and the _____________________. These
membranes fill the ___________________ but you cannot see them because they are
very _________________________. The rough E.R. has _________________________
attached to it. This gives it its texture. These ribosomes manufacture
___________________________ for the cell. The ribosomes are the
______________________________ which manufacture proteins. Draw the rough ER
with ribosomes →
Rough Endoplasmic
6. Smooth E.R. _______________ ribosomes. It acts as a _________________________
throughout the cytoplasm. It runs from the cell membrane to the nuclear
_______________________ and throughout the rest of the cell. It also produces
____________________________ for the cell. Draw a picture of the smooth ER →
Smooth E.R.
Reticulum (E.R.)
7. Cell Membrane performs a number of critical functions for the ___________________.
It regulates all that _________________ and leaves the cell; in multicellular organisms it
allows ________________ recognition. Draw the cell membrane as it looks in the box on
the main page(this picture shows fluid-mosaic model) →
Cell Membrane
8. Nucleus is called the ______________________ of the cell. It is a large __________ spot
in eukaryotic cells. It ___________________ all cell activity. The nuclear membrane has
many _________________. The thick ropy strands are the _______________________.
The large solid spot is the ________________________. The nucleolus is a spot of
condensed chromatin. It manufactures __________________________. The chromatin
is _______________ in its active form. It is a ____________________________ of DNA
and histone proteins. It stores the information needed for the manufacture of
______________________. Draw a picture of the nucleus and its nucleolus →
9. Golgi Body is responsible for packaging ___________________________ for the cell.
Once the proteins are produced by the ___________________ E.R., they pass into the
____________________ like cisternae that are the main part of the Golgi body. These
proteins are then _______________________ off into the little blebs which drift off into
the cytoplasm. Draw a picture of the Golgi Body as it is squeezing off the proteins →
Golgi Body
If you have extra time: (check the blank if you complete any of
____ #3 Drag and Drop Cell Organelles & Functions
____ #4 Take a practice test for ch. 7 on the textbook
 ____ #5 Compare Plant and Animal Cells