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Pre-AP Biology
Name _______________________
1. Be able to explain the process of DNA replication. You can do so with words or a
word picture combination.
1. DNA “unzips”
New DNA nucleotides move in and joined to open bases on both exposed strands
3. Two new strands of DNA result…each with ½ of the original DNA
When does replication of chromosomes take place in the cell cycle? S stage of interphase
2. Know these people and their contributions:
James Watson and Francis Crick— made the 1st correct model of the DNA molecule
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins—Worked with X-ray crystallography and created X-ray
images of DNA strands. Pictures showed DNA to be a double helix molecule.
3. Where are covalent bonds found in DNA?
Everywhere except between the bases in the middle of the molecule
Where are hydrogen bonds found in DNA? Why are they located there?
Between the bases in the center of the molecule.
These bonds will break easier to allow for replication and transcription
4. What are the monomers( individual units) in the DNA molecule? (these are also called the building
5. Know who received the Nobel prize for the work with DNA in 1962.
Watson, Crick, and Wilkins
Who did not receive an award with the others and why?
Rosalind Franklin: she had passed away before the awards were given
6. What are the three parts of every nucleotide?
Sugar, Phosphate, and a Base
8. What sugar is found in DNA? Deoxyribose
What category of sugar is it? 5 carbon sugar
9. Name the four bases in DNA
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine
Know the definition of complementary basesBases that match together
Put the complementary bases together.
10. Be able to explain three reasons the bases are paired together the way they were
by Watson and Crick ( hint-one has to do with sizes of the bases, bonds, and diameter)
Reason A =. Because the amount of A should equal the amount of T
AND the amount of G should equal the amount of C.
Reason B = You must always put a large base with a small base
Purine ( A and G) with a Pyrimidine ( T and C)
Reason C= Because both A and T with double bond and C and G will triple bond
10. What is the ultimate purpose of DNA?? ( what does it do for us??)
DNA provides the codes for making all of our proteins
11. What are purines? Large double ringed bases
Name the two bases which are purines. Adenine and Guanine
12. What are pyrimidines? Smaller single ringed bases
Name the two bases which are pyrimidines : Thymine and Cytosine
13. What is the term for the shape of the DNA molecule?
double helix
What everyday object is the shape often compared to?_ladder_____
14. Be able to label an actual picture of a DNA molecule. You will have to identify phosphates, sugars,
and each type of base. **remember on the bases to look at the size of the molecule –(single or double
ring) AND the number of bond lines between the bases ( two or three lines)
Adenine hydrogen
Sugar Phosphate
15. Know Chargaff’s rule.
_______ADENINE______always equals ______THYMINE__________
_______CYTOSINE_____always equals ______GUANINE__________
16. Know what DNA stands for ---spelling must be correct.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
17. If given a sequence of DNA bases, you can provide the matching strand.
Example: if the DNA base sequence on the right side of the model is
AGGCTTA, what is the matching DNA sequence on the left?
** be able to match any types of strands together: DNA to DNA, DNA to mRNA,
mRNA to tRNA
18. Be able to number correctly the carbons in a deoxyribose sugar molecule. **see picture
What always attaches to carbon #1? A nitrogen Base
What attaches to carbon #3? The phosphate of the next nucleotide to join the strand
What attaches to carbon #5? The phosphate of this nucleotide.
19. Name the three base code found on :
DNA = codon ( or triplet)
mRNA = codon
tRNA = anticodon
ALL of these are codes for what?
A single amino acid
Be able to label the parts of the process below.
Amino acid,
mRNA , codon,
peptide bonds, protein
A protein
Peptide bond
An amino acid
Name this process ___Translation______
Where does this take place? At a ribosome in the cytoplasm
What is the product created at the end of this process? One protein molecule
21. Be able to complete a chart like this one showing the conversions between the different nucleic acids.
amino acid coded for
**be able to match complementary strands of nucleic acids
**be able to use an amino acid chart like the wheel on the handout Or the chart form like in your notes.
22. What does tRNA transport? Each caries one amino acid molecule
Where does it take it to? a ribosome
What does tRNA do when its job is finished? Leaves and goes to find another
molecule of the same amino acid
23 Uracil is the complement to what other base? Thymine
24 The proteins are made by which cell organelle? The ribosomes
This organelle is made of proteins along with which type of RNA? Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
25 What type of bond forms between the amino acids linked together in a protein? A peptide bond
What is a polypeptide? A protein molecule ( it is made from many peptide bonds)
26 Describe at least three STRUCTURAL differences between DNA and RNA
DNA = 2 strands of nucleotides
RNA = single strand of nucleotides
DNA = uses deoxyribose sugar
RNA = uses ribose sugar
DNA = uses the base Thymine
RNA = uses the base Uracil
27 Proteins are made of what units? Amino Acids
28 Be able to name the three types of RNA and describe the role/job of each in the cell.
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
copies the DNA genes and goes to ribosome
Transfer RNA
delivers an amino acid molecule to the ribosome
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
used to form the ribosomes
29 What is a gene? A complete “code” for making one particular type of protein
30 Be able to figure out what type of changes can be expected if a nucleic acid base sequence is
mutated in some way –such as this example:
original mRNA
mutated mRNA
(this is an example of a point mutation, or a
hint: could be things like amino acids will be different, OR protein will change,
OR even no change in amino acids will occur.
31. Why is the order of the bases important in DNA? The sequence of bases codes for the amino
acids AND their placement in a protein. Change the base and you could change the amino acid
being chosen and the protein being made!
32. Know the types of mutations
______Insertions_____________ are mutations in which extra base pairs are inserted
into a new place in the DNA
______Deletions _____________ are mutations in which a section of DNA is lost, or
is a mutation that exchanges one base for another (i.e., a
change in a single chemical letter such as switching an A to a G.
A _point mutation (substitution)_
Circle the correct choice
If a substitution causes the codon to code for a different amino acid it will/will not cause a
change in the protein produced. But, if the substitution ends up coding for the same amino acid as
before, it will/will
not cause a change in the final protein
33. Know and be able to describe the process of transcription AND translation!!!!!
Fill in the missing information regarding the transcription and translation process
To begin the process, the DNA will _______”unzip”__________. Then, RNA
nucleotides will move in and join to one side of the DNA strand. The nucleotides will
continues copying the DNA until a____stop___ code is reached.
This process results in the creation of a single strand of __mRNA____ which will then
peel off the DNA, leave the nucleus and go out into the cytoplasm to a
______ribosome__________. The DNA strand will then
The _____tRNA______ molecules will travel through the cytoplasm finding and
bringing ______amino acids_________ to the ribosomes. The ribosome will then
match the
____codon____ of the mRNA nucleotide to the _____anticodon____of the tRNA
nucleotide. The ____amino acids______ will bond together and break free of the tRNA
creating the final product, a _______protein________ molecule.