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Name: _______________________
Date: _________________
Period: ______
Lesson 4: A Closer Look at Animal and Plant Cells
Read the printed pages and answer the questions below.
1. How did scientists discover the common structure of cells?
Scientists used microscope to observe many kids of cells
2. What are some of the common structures of a cell?
Common cell structures include the cell membrane and cytoplasm.
3. Why is the nucleus an important part of most cells?
The nucleus is important because it contains the cell’s genes.
4. What type of organism does not contain a nucleus?
Prokaryotes (bacteria) do not contain a nucleus.
5. What are some of the functions of organelles?
Organelles help cells obtain and store energy, move and divide, and make and transport substances.
6. What do the mitochondria use to produce energy for a cell?
They use oxygen and nutrients (energy from glucose)
7. Why do plant cells have a cell wall in addition to a cell membrane?
They cell wall provides support to the cell.
8. What do chloroplasts use to produce nutrients for the plant cells and some protest cells?
They use light along with carbon dioxide and water.
9. Choose five organelles from the table on page 24 and describe their functions:
a. Cell membrane: controls what enters and leaves the cell.
b. Cytoplasm: location of many reactions that take place in the cell
c. Nucleus: stores genetic material and directs the activities of the cell.
d. Nuclear membrane: separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm.
e. Cell wall: provides support and protection outside of the cell membrane.
Mitochondria: the sites of the reactions of aerobic respiration, which uses glucose obtained
from food and oxygen to produce energy for the cell’s tissues.
g. Chloroplast: the site of photosynthesis, which uses light as a source of energy for producing
sugars from carbon dioxide and water.
h. Cytoskeleton: long thread-like or tubular strands involved in the movements of cells and of
materials with cells. Supports and anchors some structures within cells.
Vacuole: stores substances and can contribute to the breakdown of wastes.
Lysosomes: break down wastes and toxins.
k. Vesicles: carry materials from one location in the cell to another location, or to the cell
Ribosomes: produce proteins.
m. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): involved in the production of proteins and lipids. It may be smooth
or covered with ribosomes (rough).
n. Golgi body or apparatus: modifies and sorts proteins and lipids before they are transported to
their final locations in the cell.