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-Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells are a lot simpler. They do not have a nuclei, or organelles. The
eukaryotic cells have organelles, a nucleus and different compartments within the cell itself.
Figure 0704 Figure 0706
-Describe the structure and function of the nucleus, and briefly explain how the nucleus
controls protein synthesis in the cytoplasm.
The nucleus contains a eukaryotic cell’s genetic library. DNA is organized with proteins
into chromosomes, which exist as chromatin in nondividing cells. Macromolecules pass between
nucleus and cytoplasm through pores n the nuclear envelope.
Figure 0707 Figure0708
-Describe the structure and function of a eukaryotic ribosome.
Ribosomes build a cell’s proteins. Free ribosomes in the cytosol, and bound ribosomes on
the endoplasmic reticulum, synthesize proteins.
Figure 0708 Figure 0710
-List the components of the endomembrane system, describe their structures and functions
and summarize the relationships among them.
The enomembrane system is the collection of membranes inside and around a eukaryotic
cell, related either through direct physical contact or by the transfer of membranous vesicles. The
endoplasmic reticulum manufactures membranes and performs many other biosynthetic functions.
Continuous with the nuclear envelope, the endoplasimic reticulum (ER) is a network of cisternae.
Cisternae are membrane enclosed compartments. Transport vesicles distribute the endoplasemic
reticulum’s products. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulums, smooth ER and rough ER.
Figure 0711
-Describe the vacuole & list types of vacuoles
A plant cell’s central vacuole functions in storage, waste disposal, cell growth and
Figure 0714 Figure 0715
-Explain the role of peroxisomes in eukaryotic cells.
Peroximes consume oxygen in various metabolic functions. They are membrane-bound
organelles that contain specialized teams of enzymes for specific metabolic pathways; all contain
peroxide producing oxidaes. Peroxisomal reactions have many functions, some of which are:
breakdown of fatty acids into smaller molecules. The products are carried to the mitochondria as
fuel for cellular respiration, detoxification of alcohol and other harmful compounds.
-Describe the structure & function of a mitochondrion
Mitochondria are organelles which are the sites of cellular respiration, a catabolic oxygen
requiring process that uses energy extracted from organic macromolecules to produce ATP. It is
found in nearly all eukaryotic cells. The number of mitochondria per cell varies and directly
correlates with the cell’s metabolic activity. They are dynamic structures that move, change their
shape and divide. Enclosed by two membranes that have their own unique combination of proteins
embedded in phospholipid bilayers. Smooth outer membreane is highly permeable to small
solutes, but it blocks passage of proteins and other macromolecules. Convoluted inner membrane
contains embedded enzymes that are involved in cellular respiration. The membrane’s many
infoldings or cristae increase the surface area for these reactions to occur.
-Identify the three functional compartments of a chloroplast
Chloroplasts are chlorophyll-containing plastids, which are the sites of photosynthesis.
Three of the functional compartments of the chloroplasts are the intermembrane space, the
thylakoid space and the stroma.
-Describe probable functions of the cytoskeleton.
The cytoskeleton provides structural support to the cells for cell motility and regulation. It
is a network of fibers throughout the cytoplasm that forms a dynamic framework for support and
movement and regulation. Some of its functions include:
1) Gives mechanical support to the cell and helps maintain its shape
2) Enables a cell the change shape in an adaptive manner.
3) Associated with motility by interacting with specialized proteins called motor molecules.
4) Play a regulatory role by mechanically transmitting signals from the cell’s surface to its
-Describe the structure, monomers and functions of microtubules, microfilaments and
intermediate filaments.
Found in cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells, microtubules: are straight hollow fibers about
25nm in diameter and 200nm in length, are constructed brom globular proteins called tubulin that
consists of one alpha-tubulin and one beta-tubulin molecule, begins as two dimensional sheets of
tubulin units, which roll into tubes, elongate by adding tubulin units to its ends, may be
disassembled and the tubulin units recycled to build microtubules elsewhere in the cell.
-Explain how the ultrastructure of cilia and flagella relates to their function.
Are extensions of plasma membrane with a core of microtubules. Microtubular core is
made of nine doublets of microtubules arranged in a ring with two single microtubules in the center.
Each doublet is a pair of attached microtubules. One of the pair shares a protion of the other’s
wall. Each doublet is connected to the center of the ring by radial spokes that end near the central
microtubules. Each doublet is attached to the neighboring doublet by a pair of the side arms.
Many pairs of side arms are evenly spaced along the doublet’s length. Structurally identical
centrioles, basal bodies anchor the microtubular assemblies.
-Describe the structure of intercellular junctions found in plant and animal cells, and relate
their structure to function.
Neighboring cells often adhere and interact through special patches of direct physical
contact. Intercellular junctions in plants: plasmodesmata are channels that perofrate plant cell
walls, through which cytoplasmic strands communicate between adjacent cells. Lined by plasma
membrane plasma membranes of adjacent cells are continuous through plasodesmata. Allows
free passage of water and small solutes. Cytoplasmic streaming enhances this transport.
Intracellular junctions in animals: These include tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap
-Describe the function of the plasma membrane.
The plasma membrane is the boundary that separates the living cell from its nonliving
surroundings. It makes life possible by its ability to discriminate its chemical exchanges with the
-Describe the fluid properties of the cell membrane and explain how membrane fluidity is
influenced by membrane composition.
Cell membrane is made of a phospholipid bilayer sandwiched between two layers of
globular protein. The polar (hydrophilic) heads of phospholipids are oriented towards the protein
layers forming a hydrophilic zone. The nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails of phospholipids are oriented in
between polar heads forming a hydrophobic zone. The membrane is approximately 8 nm thick.
- Explain how hydrophobic interactions determine membrane structure and function.
Membranes are held together by hydrophobic interactions, which are weak attractions.
Most membrane lipids and some proteins can drift laterally within the membrane. Molecules rarely
flip transversely across the membrane because hydrophilic parts would have to cross the
membrane's hydrophobic core. Phospholipids move quickly along the membrane's plane averaging
work properly. Solidification may result in permeability changes and enzyme deactivation.
Unsaturated hydrocarbon tails enhance membrane fluidity, because kinks at the carbon-to-carbon
double bonds hinder close packing of phospholipids. Membranes solidify if the temperature
decreases to a critical point. Critical temperature is lower in membranes with a greater
concentration of unsaturated phospholipids.
-Describe how proteins are spatially arranged in the cell membrane and how they
contribute to membrane function.
Small polar molecules and nonpolar molecules rapidly pass through the plasma membrane
as they do an artificial membrane. Unlike artificial membranes, however, biological membranes are
permeable to specific ions and certain polar molecules of moderate size. These hydrophilic
substances avoid the hydrophobic core of the bilayer by passing through transport proteins.
Transport proteins are integral membrane proteins that transport specific molecules or ions across
biological membranes May provide a hydrophilic tunnel through the membrane. May bind to a
substance and physically move it across the membrane. Are specific for the substance they
-Define diffusion; explain what causes it and why it is a spontaneous process.
Diffusion explains the tendency that molecules have to move from high to low
-Explain what regulates the rate of passive transport.
A substance diffuses down its own concentration gradient and is not affected by the
gradients of other substances. Much of the traffic across cell membranes occurs by diffusion and is
thus a form of passive transport. Passive transport is the diffusion of a substance across a
biological membrane.
-Define osmosis and predict the direction of water movement based upon differences in
solute concentration.
Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. Water
diffuses down its concentration gradient. Example: If two solutions of different concentrations are
separated by a selectively permeable membrane that is permeable to water but not to solute, water
will diffuse from the hypoosmotic solution (solution with the lower osmotic concentration) to the
hyperosmotic solution (solution with the higher osmotic concentration). Some solute molecules can
reduce the proportion of water molecules that can freely diffuse. Water molecules form a hydration
shell around hydrophilic solute molecules and this bound water cannot freely diffuse across a
membrane. In dilute solutions including most biological fluids, it is the different in the proportion of
the unbound water that causes osmosis, rather than the actual difference in water concentration.
Direction of osmosis is determined by the difference in total solute concentration, regardless of the
type or diversity of solutes in the solutions. If two isotonic solutions are separated by a selectively
permeable membrane, water molecules diffuse across the membrane in both directions at an equal
rate. There is no net movement of water. Clarification of this point is often necessary. Students
may need to be reminded that even though there is no net movement of water across the
membrane (or osmosis), the water molecules do not stop moving. At equilibrium, the water
molecules move in both directions at the same rate.
-Describe how living cells with and without walls regulate water balance.
Water balance of cells without walls. Since animal cells lack cell walls, they are not tolerant of
excessive osmotic uptake or loss of water. In an isotonic environment, the volume of an animal cell
will remain stable with no net movement of water across the plasma membrane. In a hypertonic
environment, an animal cell will lose water by osmosis and crenate (shrivel). In a hypotonic
environment, an animal cell will gain water by osmosis, swell and perhaps lyse (cell destruction).
Organisms without cell walls prevent excessive loss or uptake of water by: Living in an isotonic
environment (e.g., many marine invertebrates are isosmotic with sea water). Osmoregulating in a
hypo- or hypertonic environment. Organisms can regulate water balance (osmoregulation) by
removing water in a hypotonic environment (e.g., Paramecium with contractile vacuoles in fresh
water) or conserving water and pumping out salts in a hypertonic environment (e.g., bony fish in
Water balance of cells with walls. Cells of prokaryotes, some protists, fungi and plants have cell
walls outside the plasma membrane. In a hypotonic environment, water moves by osmosis into the
plant cell, causing it to swell until internal pressure against the cell wall equals the osmotic
pressure of the cytoplasm. A dynamic equilibrium is established (water enters and leaves the cell
at the same rate and the cell becomes turgid). Turgid is the firmness or tension such as found in
walled cells that are in a hypoosmotic environment where water enters the cell by osmosis.
-Explain how large molecules are transported across the cell membrane.
Transport proteins facilitate the passage of large cells across the cell membrane. For
example, they can form channels through which the large molecules can fit.
-Overview the major events of cell division that enable the genome of one cell to be
passed on to two daughter cells.
The replication, division and distribution of the large genomes of eukaryotes is possible
because the genomes are organized into multiple functional units called chromosomes.
-Describe how chromosome number changes throughout the human life cycle.
Individual inherits 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parents. Then through meiosis in
gonads, the number of chromosomes is divided in 3 (23). Depending on the sex of the human, a
sperm cell or an ovum will carry 23 chromosomes, which when united will create 46 chromosomes,
and thus make up another human being.
-List the phases of the cell cycle and describe the sequence of events that occurs during
each phase.
The phases of the cell cycle include G1, S, G2, mitosis and cytokineses. During G1 and
G2, the cell is growing and getting ready for mitosis. During S, DNA synthesis occurs, which
means that the DNA is being duplicated. Lastly, there is mitosis and cytokineses.
-List the phases of mitosis and describe the events characteristic of each phase.
During prophase, the nucleus may have one or more dark stained nucleoli and is filled with
a fine network of threads, the chromatin. During interphase, duplication occurs. Phrophase is the
first sign of division. There is a thickening of the chromatin threads, which continues until it is
evident that the chromatin has condensed into chromosomes. At metaphase, the chromosomes
have moved to the center of the spindle. At the beginning of anaphase, the centromere regions of
each pair of chromatids separate and are moved by the spindle fibers towards the opposite ends of
the spindles. Telophase, the last stage of division, is marked by a pronounced condensation of the
chromosomes, followed by the formation of a new nuclear envelope around each group of
- Recognize the phases of mitosis from diagrams or micrographs.
I know this from the previous question and from classroom activities.
- Describe what characteristic changes occur in the spindle apparatus during each phase of
The mitotic spindle distributes chromosomes to daughter cells. The mitotic spindle is an
apparatus of microtubules that controls chromosome movement during mitosis. The spindle arises
from the centrosomosomes. Spindle microtubules attatch to the metaphase plate.
- Compare cytokinesis in animals and plants.
During cytokineses in plant cells, the cleavage is more noticeable. As opposed to
cytokineses in animals, where it is not as noticeable.
- Explain how abnormal cell division of cancerous cells differs from normal cell division.
Cancer cells elude normal regulation and divide out of control, forming tumors. Malignant
tumors invade surrounding tissues and can metastasize, exporting cancer cells to other parts of the
body. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells, as opposed to a tumor, which is the beginning
stages of cancer.