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Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Chapter 5
Belk and Borden
Biology: Science for Life
Cell Division
• - the process a cell
undergoes in order to
make copies of itself.
• Why do cells divide?
What is Cancer?
• “mitosis gone mad”
• - a disease that begins
when a single cell
escapes from the
regulation of its own
• Tumor
• Benign vs Malignant
The Cell Cycle
• -all the events that
occur when a cell
• -time required can
vary from minutes to
days, depending on
the cell
– Salmonella = 29 min
– Red B. C. = 120 days
DNA & Chromosomes
• DNA as chromatin
strands and
• Sister Chromatids
• Centromere
• Why do chromosomes
Interphase (G1, S, G2)
(about 90% of the cell cycle time)
• Cell grows during all
3 subphases by
making proteins and
• G1 = first growth
Interphase (G1, S, G2)
(about 90% of the cell cycle time)
• S phase = DNA is
copied (synthesis) so
each daughter cell has
a complete set of
chromosomes at the
end of the cell cycle
Interphase (G1, S, G2)
(about 90% of the cell cycle time)
• G2 phase = second
growth phase
• All through
interphase, the cell is
fulfilling its function
• At maximum volume
to surface ratio, cell
either remains in
interphase or enters
Mitosis: Prophase
• Chromatin condenses
into chromosomes
• Each duplicated
chromosome appears
as 2 identical sister
• Mitotic spindle begins
to form in cytoplasm
Mitosis: Prometaphase
• Nuclear membrane
• Spindle fibers interact
with chromosomes
• The “dance of the
chromosomes” begins
Mitosis: Metaphase
• Chromosomes are
aligned at middle of
• Identical chromatids
of each chromosome
are attached to spindle
fibers radiating from
opposite poles of the
Mitosis: Anaphase
• Paired centromeres of
each chromosome
separate, freeing sister
chromatids from
• Each chromatid now a
• Sister chromatids are
pulled to opposite
poles of the cell
Mitosis: Telophase
• 2 new nuclei form at
two poles of the cell
where chromosomes
have gathered
• Chromosomes uncoil
and revert to
chromatin form
• Mitosis (division of
one nucleus into two
identical nuclei) is
Allium root tip (onion)
a mitosis classic!
Classify Cells relative to
Cell Cycle Phase link
Control of the Cell Cycle
• Cells require nutrients and growth factors to
divide (example PDGF & fibroblasts)
• Density dependent inhibition also regulates cell
• Adhesion of cells is also involved. Cells
normally stop dividing if they lose their
• The role of regulatory proteins at the G1
“restriction point” is also critical.
Control of the Cell Cycle
• Regulatory proteins pace and control cell cycle
events at “checkpoints”
• G1 checkpoint—monitors nutritional status,
growth factors, & cell density; “restriction point”
• G2 checkpoint—monitors DNA replication and
cell size
• Metaphase checkpoint—monitors chromosome
attachment to spindle fibers
• Changes (errors) in the genes that code for cell
cycle regulatory proteins and tumor suppressor
proteins are involved in cancer
• Proto-oncogenes code for growth factors
• Mutated proto-oncogenes (oncogenes) can
overstimulate cell division and override the G1
• Mutated tumor supressor genes fail to produce
the proteins that prevent tumors
Healthful Decisions to reduce Cancer Risk
Avoid carcinogenic addictions!
Eat whole foods (fresh fruit and grains)
Exercise regularly to boost immune system
Don’t drink alcohol in excess
Don’t get sunburned
Undergo regular screening and selfexamination