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PREAP Stage 3 – Learning Plan
SCAFFOLD: Students will identify the components of DNA and describe how genetic information is carried in DNA. After identifying the
components of the structure of DNA, students will explain how DNA is transcribed and translated into amino acids to make proteins.
ACCELERATE: PREAP – purines, pyrimidines, Chromosomal abnormalitites, gene mutations, cancer, enzymes
GROUP: K’nex kits-building a DNA model, K’NEX kits-modeling DNA replication, transcription and translation
Learning Activities:
October 21
October 22
Student Outcomes
6A Identify components of DNA, and
describe how information for
specifying the traits of an organism is
carried in the DNA. 6B Recognize
that components that make up the
genetic code are common to all
6C Explain the purpose and process
of transcription and translation using
models of DNA and RNA.
6C Explain the purpose and process
of transcription and translation using
models of DNA and RNA.
Opening: Warm-up (What are the similarities and
differences between DNA and RNA?)
New Material: Translation Video, Codon Chart
Guided Practice: Transcription/Translation
Assessment and Closing: What are amino acids
and how do they relate to proteins?
Study for quiz on
Opening: Warm-up (What are the similarities and
differences between DNA and RNA?)
New Material: Translation Video, Codon Chart
Guided Practice: Transcription/Translation
Assessment and Closing: What are amino acids
and how do they relate to proteins?
Opening: Warm-up
New Material: Mutation notes
Guided Practice: Protein Synthesis Simulation,
Mutations Handout
Assessment and Closing: Quiz using Codon
Study for quiz on
Opening: Review Mutations Handout
New Material: Gene expression
Guided Practice: Gene expression Handout
Assessment and Closing: Complete Handout
Test on DNA/RNA,
Gene expression,
Mutations October
30/31st, 2013
October 23 & 24
6C Explain the purpose and process
of transcription and translation using
models of DNA and RNA.
6E Identify and illustrate changes in
DNA and evaluate the significance of
these changes.
October 25
6E Identify and illustrate changes in
DNA and evaluate the significance of
these changes.
6D Recognize that gene expression
is a regulated process.
Test on DNA/RNA,
Gene expression,
Mutations October
30/31st, 2013