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Bio DNA Study Guide - Sp 2012
1. Describe the experiments of Griffith and Avery and how their findings indicated that DNA is the genetic
View the drawing on the left. What do the labels represent?
1 – rungs: nitrogeneous bases, 2- sides: phosphate groups
and deoxyribose
3. Compare and
contrast prokaryote and
eukaryote DNA.
P – simple, not in a
E – complex, in a
What were the key data used by Watson and Crick to determine the structure of DNA?
Data from Griffith & Avery (DNA is the transforming substance), Chase – DNA
carries genetic code, Chargaff – equal amounts of A & T, same with G & C, Franklin
– picture shows helix
What are the characteristics that DNA needs to fulfill its role as a genetic material?
Easily replicated, simple in design, can carry genetic code
If the sequence of a template strand has the sequence 5' ATGGGGCGC 3', what is the sequence of the
non-template strand?
What is the enzyme responsible for placing the free nucleotides in order during DNA replication?
DNA polymerase
What is the enzyme responsible for untwisting and unzipping DNA during DNA replication?
What is the enzyme responsible for linking together the Okazaki fragments DNA during DNA
10. Explain Hershey and Chase's decision to use radioactive phosphorus and sulfur for their experiments
instead of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.
DNA contains phosphorous, protein contains sulfur, they both contain H, O and C
DNA coils around histones to form nucleosomes, which group
together to form chromatin fibers, which supercoil to make what
The largest DNA structure - chromosomes
12. What does the diagram on the left show about the sequence of
DNA replication?
Left side – in sequence, right side in fragments reverse
What are the long strands of RNA nucleotides that are formed complementary to one strand of DNA
and travel to the ribosomes called?
Messenger (mRNA)
__________ associates with proteins to form ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
What are smaller segments of RNA nucleotides that transport amino acids to the ribosome called?
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Order the following in the proper sequence:
1 - mRNA moves from the nucleus to the ribosome
2 - mRNA is synthesized from the template strand of DNA
3 - mRNA is the template sequencing amino acids into proteins.
2, 1, 3
What are codons and anticodons and where are they found?
Codons – on the mRNA, anticodons – on the tRNA
What enzyme initiates mRNA synthesis during transcription?
RNA polymerase
If pseudomonas bacteria synthesize DNA at a rate of 60,000 nucleotides per min and it takes
1 hour to replicate the DNA, how many base pairs are in an E. coli chromosome? 30 minutes?
1 hr = 60 minutes, 6 x 105 x 60 =
½ hr = 30 minutes, 6 x 105 x 30 =
Why would a person’s offspring not have mutated skin as a result of a mutation in a person's skin
Skin – somatic cells not sex cells
Arrange the series below from largest to smallest in size?
nucleotide, chromosome, cell, DNA, nucleus
cell (largest)
nucleotide (smallest)
In which part of the cell does this
process shown in Figure 12-2 take place?
Hint: where are most of the
Structure III in Figure 12-2
represents a(n) ____.
Chain of amino acids (poly
The process illustrated in Figure 12-2 is called ____.
Figure 12-2
Which of the structures in Figure 12-2 are composed of RNA?
All parts except the AA
Help Wanted
Positions Available in the genetics industry. Hundreds of entry-level openings for tireless workers. No
previous experience necessary. Must be able to transcribe code in a nuclear environment.
Accuracy and Speed vital for this job in the field of translation. Applicants must demonstrate skills in
transporting and positioning amino acids. Salary commensurate with experience.
Executive Position available. Must be able to maintain genetic continuity through replication and
control cellular activity by regulation of enzyme production. Limited number of openings. All benefits.
Supervisor of production of proteins—all shifts. Must be able to follow exact directions from doublestranded template. Travel from nucleus to the cytoplasm is additional job benefit.
Applicants for the fourth job of the Help Wanted ad in Table 12-1, "Supervisor," could qualify if they
were what nucleic acid?
mRNA - Supervises (directly) the sequence of AA
Applicants for the third job of the Help Wanted ad in Table 12-1, "Executive Position," could qualify
if they were nucleic acid?
DNA - The” boss”
A DNA segment is changed from-AATTAG- to -AAATAG-. What type of mutation is this?
Substitution – “T” replaced by “A”
Figure 12-3?
Figure 12-3
What type of mutation has occurred in
Figure 12-3?
What will be the result of the mutation in
Frame shift
A DNA segment is changed from -AATTAGAAATAG- to -ATTAGAAATAG-. This mutations
results in a(n)
Deletion – frame shift
A particular sequence of parent DNA has four purine bases and two pyrimidine bases. According to
base-pairing rules, what nitrogeneous base sequence could be formed during replication?
The same, 4 purine and 2 pyrimidine
Place the following sequence of processes correctly reflecting the correct order of protein synthesis
(also called the central dogma)? protein synthesis, transcription, translation
Begins with transcription, then translation, then synthesis
You are a medical researcher trying to create a new antibiotic that will interfere with bacterial DNA
replication without harming the eukaryotic host. You have found several chemicals that prevent DNA from
unwinding and separating. What is the best chemical to use?
Hint: what does the eukaryote have to protect its DNA that a prokaryote does not?
This is a template DNA sequence: 3'AATCGC5'. This is a partially-completed mRNA strand
transcribed from the DNA template: 3'GCGA5'. What is the next nucleotide that RNA polymerase will attach
(look at the sequences - think reverse)?
Hint: reverse the transcribed sequence since one side is 5' to 3', the other is reversed.
Then the next letter is “T”
Table 12-2
Three samples of DNA contain the percentages of nitrogenous bases listed in Table 12-2. According
to Chargaff’s law, which two samples probably belong to the same species?
Hint: which two are most similar?
Of the samples of nitrogenous bases listed in Table 12-2 above, which sample(s) best demonstrate
Chargaff’s law if the percentages of thymine and guanine were 17% and 33% respectively?
T and G (17% and 33%) must have complements A and C, then sample 2 would be
You have a building toy set consisting of parts that can be connected together. You are going to use it
to model a piece of DNA. You have decided that each part of DNA will be represented by a different type of
toy piece. You have chosen the following four pieces so far: adenine = large red cube; guanine = large green
cube, thymine = small orange cube; cytosine = small blue cube. How many other types of pieces do you need
to represent the remaining parts both the 3-prime and the 5-prime strands of a section of DNA?
Hint: think of the DNA models we made: what are the sides made of?
What were the three main conclusions of Watson and Crick’s research on the structure of DNA?
A matches G, A matches T, and the ladder is twisted into a helix
Rosalind Franklin’s photo above showed Watson and
Crick that DNA had a _________ structure.
twisted (helix)
Sketch the structure of a DNA nucleotide.
Sketch the structure of messenger RNA (mRNA)?
What were the steps in Griffith and Avery’s experiments with rats and DNA?
See #1 above – smooth injected results in death, rough injected results in living, killed
smooth and living rough results in death
Sequence the experiment by Hershey and Chase experiment.