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Science 8 – 6
Discovering Cells – Notes
Name ________________________
Date _________________________
Think about this…Imagine that you are in California standing next to a giant redwood
You have to bend your head way back to see the top of the tree.
How do you thing redwoods grow so large?
How do they carry out all the functions necessary to stay alive?
We will be using this example to learn about ___________________________________
Tiny cell structures, called __________________________________________, carry out
specific functions within the cell.
Similar to the way your stomach, lungs, and heart have different functions in your body,
Cell Wall
Entering a plant’s cell is a bit difficult. You must first ____________________________
A cell wall is a ________________________________________________________that
surrounds the cells of plants and some other organisms.
The cell wall is made of a __________________________________________________.
Think of a _______________________________________ and you will have a good
idea of what cellulose is. Celery contains a lot of cellulose.
The cells of ________________________________________________________ lack
cell walls.
The plant’s cell wall helps _________________________________________________.
This is why the giant redwood trees can _______________________________________.
Although the cell wall is stiff, many materials, including __________________________
Cell Membrane
As you pass through the cell wall, the next structure you encounter is the ____________
All cells have cell membranes. In cells with cell walls, the cell membrane is
In other cells, the cell membrane forms the _____________________________________
One of the cell membrane’s main functions is ___________________________________
Everything the cell needs, _____________________________________________,
enters the cell through the cell membrane.
leave the cell through the cell membrane.
You can think of a cell membrane like _______________________________________.
The screen keeps insects out of a room but allows air to enter and leave.
The large oval structure inside the cell is called ________________________________
and it acts as the ________________________________________________________.
You can think of the nucleus as the cell’s _____________________________________
The nucleus is surrounded by a __________________________________________.
Just as the cell membrane protects the cell, ____________________________________.
Materials pass in and out of the nucleus through _________________________________
in the nuclear membrane.
Plant Cell
Label the plant cell.
Animal Cell
Label the animal cell.
The nucleus knows how to direct the cell through the _____________________________
These strands are called___________________________________________. They
contain the ______________________________________________________________.
For example, the instructions in the chromatin ensure that _________________________
The genetic material is passed on to each new cell ______________________________.
Organelle in the Cytoplasm
Just outside the nucleus is the ______________________________________________,
the region between the ___________________________________________________.
The fluid in the cytoplasm is _________________________________________.
Many ________________________________________________ are found in the
The organelles function to __________________________________________________
Mitochondria are
Mitochondria are called the “__________________________________” of the cell
because they produce most of the ____________________________________________.
_________________________________________________ and other very active cells
have large numbers of mitochondria.
Farther into the cytoplasm is a maze of passageways called the ____________________
These passageways ________________________________________ and other materials
from one part of the cell to another.
Ribosomes – Attached to the outer surface of the endoplasmic reticulum are small grainlike bodies called ____________________________________________.
Other ribosomes are found _________________________________________________.
The ribosomes ___________________________________________________________.
From the interior of the endoplasmic reticulum, the proteins will be transported to the
Golgi Apparatus
_____________________________________________________________ look like a
flattened collection of sacs and tubes.
They can be thought of as a ______________________________________________.
The Golgi bodies _______________________________________________ and other
newly formed materials from the endoplasmic reticulum_________________________
The Golgi bodies also _______________________ materials outside the cell.
The green structures floating in the cytoplasm are called __________________________.
Only the cells of plants and some other organisms have these
Chloroplasts _____________________________________________________________
The large, round, water-filled sac floating in the cytoplasm is called a
The vacuole is the ________________________________________________________.
Most cells have _______________________________________________________.
Vacuoles _______________________________________________________________.
They can also store waste products. __________________________________________
are stored in the vacuoles.
When the vacuoles are __________________________________________________,
they make the cell plump and firm.
_____________________________________________________ in the vacuoles, the
plant wilts.
Lysosomes are ______________________________________________ that contain
______________________________________________ that break down large food
particles into smaller ones.
Lysosomes also ________________________________________________ and release
the substances so they can be used again.
You can think of lysosomes as the ___________________________________________.
Bacterial Cells
The plant and animal cells that you just learned about are very different from the
Bacterial cells are _______________________ than plant and animal cells.
While a bacterial cell does have a cell wall and a cell membrane,
Specialized Cells
In many celled organisms, the cells are _______________________________________.
Think of the differences in your body. You have ________________________________
Each of these body parts carries out a _______________________________________.
The structure of each kind of cell is suited to the ________________________________