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Review for Spring Semester Biology Final
The second semester biology final will cover Chapters 11-18, 25 & 26.1. The 100 questions will be multiple choice. You need a no. 2
pencil to take the final. This must be completed on a separate piece of paper in complete sentences in your own handwriting.
Ch. 11
1. What are alleles?
2. If you cross a heterozygous tall pea plant with a heterozygous tall pea plant, what genotypes and phenotypes of offspring do you get?
3. How many different allele combinations would be found in the gametes for a for pea plant whose genotype is TtRR?
4. What is codominance? Be able to identify an example.
5. What is incomplete dominance? Be able to identify an example.
6. What process produces gametes?
7. What are gene maps based on?
Ch. 12
8. What molecule stores information in a cell?
9. What makes up a nucleotide in DNA?
10. What was Rosalind Franklin’s contribution to the understanding of the structure of DNA?
11. What did Watson and Crick discover about the structure of DNA?
12. What does adenine pair with in DNA? What does guanine pair with in DNA?
13. If the original DNA strand is CGTAGC, what is the complementary new strand created during replication?
Ch. 13
14. What are the differences between RNA and DNA?
15. Which type of RNA brings the information in the genetic code from the nucleus to other parts of the cell?
16. What happens during translation?
17. Be able to use the genetic code: What amino acid is specified by the mRNA codon AAA?
18. Be able to use the genetic code: What code specifies the same amino acid as GAU?
19. What is the correct sequence of the transfer of information in most organisms?
20. What are the 4 types of chromosomal mutations?
21. What are gene mutations and what types of disorders do they result in?
Ch. 14
22. What is the female sex chromosome designation? How many copies of every gene on the X chromosome does a female have?
23. What are sex-linked genes?
24. Why is colorblindness more common in males than in females?
25. In blood types, what blood types have two genotypes that result in the same phenotype?
26. Be able to “read” a pedigree (generations, male/female; affected with disorder or not) and determine genotypes of individuals within a
27. Know patterns of inheritance for genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis and Huntington’s disease.
28. What do restriction enzymes do and why are they important for studying the human genome?
29. What is the Human Genome Project?
Ch. 15
30. What is inbreeding and why can it be disadvantageous?
31. What is selective breeding of animals used for?
32. What happens to recombinant bacteria that contain a gene for resistance to ampicillin when you treat the bacteria with ampicillin?
33. What is transformation?
34. What protein produces DNA fragments with sticky ends?
35. What is a genetic marker?
36. What is genetic engineering?
37. What is recombinant DNA? Be able to identify an example.
38. What are plasmids and why are they used in genetic engineering?
39. How was Dolly the Sheep (who was produced by cloning) different from other animals produced by sexual reproduction?
40. What is gene therapy and why is it performed?
41. Why is DNA fingerprinting a useful tool for identifying people?
Ch. 16
42. What observations did Darwin make about organisms while on The Beagle?
43. What adaptation did Darwin notice about the species of finches found on the Galapagos?
44. Darwin’s observation of the finches and tortoises on the different islands of the Galapagos led him to hypothesize what?
45. Observing patterns among the geographical location of certain species (like rhea, ostriches and emus) led Darwin to formulate what?
46. How did the work of the economist Thomas Malthus influence the work of Darwin?
47. What is Darwin’s theory of natural selection, and how does it relate to fitness?
48. What are the conditions necessary for natural selection to occur?
49. What is the definition of fitness?
50. What is artificial selection? Be able to identify an example of artificial selection.
What is the molecular evidence in support of natural selection?
Similar patterns of embryological development in different but related organisms are responsible for the formation of what?
What characteristics of the Galapagos finches did the Grants use to show evidence of natural selection?
What does natural selection act upon?
Ch. 17
55. What are three sources of genetic variation?
56. What is a polygenic trait, and what kind of genotypes and phenotypes can occur?
57. Be able to describe and identify on a graph the 3 types of selection that occur with polygenic traits: directional, stabilizing, and
58. What factor determines whether the frequency of a new allele will increase?
59. How do natural selection and genetic drift affect allele frequencies?
60. What is genetic equilibrium and what conditions are required to maintain it?
61. What are the sources of genetic recombination?
62. What is the founder effect?
63. What is temporal isolation? Be able to identify an example.
64. What can happen to the allele frequencies in a population of insects if a farmer sprays insecticide on his crops to kill unwanted insects
if most of the insects die and the surviving insects have damaged DNA?
65. What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle?
66. What is geographic isolation?
67. What is reproductive isolation and what can it lead to?
68. In the Galapagos finches, natural selection on beak size and shape is driven by what?
69. What do Hox genes control?
Ch. 18
70. What is binomial nomenclature?
71. What are taxa?
72. Based on their names, you know that Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedaries do NOT belong to the same __?
73. What do several different classes make up?
74. What do traditional classification systems take into account to group organisms?
75. What is a derived character?
76. What can similar DNA sequences in genes be evidence of?
77. What kingdoms contain only eukaryotes?
78. What is the main reason for the increase in the number of kingdoms since Linnaeus’s time?
79. What two domains only have unicellular organisms?
80. What is the second part of a scientific name called, and what group is it unique to?
Ch. 25, 26 and Classification Poster and Invertebrate Lab
81. What are the characteristics of the class Mammalia?
82. What chordate characteristic is visible on the outside of an adult dog?
83. What kinds of things are evidence of segmentation in animals?
84. What is bilateral symmetry?
85. What is radial symmetry?
86. What is a coelom?
87. What information do scientists rely on in order to classify animals?
88. What kind of body shape would an animal have that lived 550 million years ago, and where did it likely live (habitat)?
89. What is the simplest animal to have body symmetry?
90. What is a notochord?