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1. Define Biology.
2. Define hypothesis. Give an example of a hypothesis. What makes a hypothesis useful?
3. Define a controlled experiment.
4. Define theory.
5. List and briefly explain the 8 characteristics of life.
6. Define homeostasis.
7. Name and give a brief explanation for the levels of organization in life.
8. Provide the function for the following organelles: a)mitochondria, b)nucleus, c)chromosomes, d)nucleolus,
e)golgi apparatus, f)cytoplasm, g)cell membrane, h)cell wall, i)endoplasmic reticulum, j)ribosomes,
k)chloroplast, l)microtubules, m)microfilaments.
9. List the three parts of the cell theory.
10. How do eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells differ? Give an example of each.
11. Explain what the rough ER and the Golgi apparatus have to do with the synthesis of a protein.
12. Compare and contrast plant and animal cells.
13. List the levels of organization in multicellular organisms. Give an example for each.
14. Explain the makeup of the cell membrane. What macromolecule are the channels and pumps.
15. Distinguish between passive and active transport. (Include energy requirements and direction of
16. Compare and contrast diffusion and osmosis.
MITOSIS (10-2)
17. Explain why mitosis is necessary.
18. Identify the 3 phases of interphase and indicate what is happening in each.
19. List the stages of mitosis in order and give an explanation of what is happening in each.
20. What is cytokinesis?
21. A cell has 8 chromosomes; what will the outcome be when this cell undergoes mitosis.
22. Explain the pH scale. Include the numbers – acid range, base range, neutral. Give examples of all three.
23. What role do H+ ions play in pH?
24. Make a chart that lists the four macromolecules, the monomers or subunits of each, examples of each,
functions of each.
25. What are enzymes and how do they affect chemical reactions? What does activation energy have to do
with enzymes?
26. How do factors like temperature and pH affect enzymes?
27. Draw and label a diagram of ATP.
28. Where is energy stored in an ATP molecule? How is it released?
29. Write out the equation for photosynthesis. Indicate the products and reactants.
30. Draw a chloroplast and label the parts.
31. Explain the role of each of the following in the process of photosynthesis: pigments, sunlight, chloroplasts.
32. What are the 2 reactions in photosynthesis? Indicate where each occurs (be specific) and what the
products are.
33. What are the electron carriers in photosynthesis?
34. Write out the equation for cellular respiration. Indicate the products and reactants.
35. Identify the steps in cellular respiration in the proper sequence. For each indicate where it occurs (be
specific). Indicate the products of each step (include the electron carriers)
36. How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis almost opposite processes?
37. What are the 2 types of fermentation? Is oxygen necessary for fermentation? What organisms undergo
each type?
38. Identify the 3 parts of a DNA nucleotide (be specific).
39. What is the outcome of replication? What does semi-conservative mean in terms of replication.
40. How many bases does it take to code for an amino acid? What is this called?
41. What are the 2 parts of protein synthesis? What occurs during each part and what nucleic acids are
42. What is the relationship between DNA, genes, protein, cells, and nucleus?
43. What kind of sugar is found in a DNA molecule?
44. What is the function of tRNA?
45. If a sequence of nitrogenous bases on a DNA strand is ATCCGA, the corresponding sequence on the mRNA
will be ___.
46. Suppose an original strand of DNA reads GTCATC.
a. What would the complementary DNA strand read?
b. What would the corresponding mRNA strand read (use the original strand of DNA)
47. A sequence of bases reads: GCUUUGUAC,
a. Is this sequence from a DNA or RNA strand?
b. How do you know?
c. What type of macromolecule would this sequence code for?
d. What would be the corresponding amino acid chain read? (use fig. 12-17)
48. What is meant by the genetic code (DNA) being “universal?” What is the significance of this?
49. What is the ultimate source of genetic variability?
50. What are mutations? What are some causes of mutations?
51. Mutations can be transmitted to the next generation only if they are present in __ cells.
52. Indicate whether each of the following describes replication, transcription, or translation.
a. When the mRNA molecule is complete, it breaks away from the DNA strand.
b. Messenger RNA nucleotides attach themselves to the exposed DNA bases.
c. The ribosome moves along the mRNA attaching the proper tRNA anticodon to the mRNA.
d. DNA nucleotides attach themselves to exposed DNA bases.
e. The amino acids of the tRNA are joined releasing the tRNA.
f. The DNA unwinds and unzips.
53. Indicate the nucleic acid(s) described by each of the following statements.
a. DNA
b. DNA, mRNA
c. mRNA
d. tRNA
contains the sugar deoxyribose
composed of nucleotides
found in both nucleus and cytoplasm
contains uracil
made during transcription
transports amino acids to ribosomes
e. mRNA, tRNA
f. DNA, mRNA, tRNA
MEIOSIS (11-4)
54. What process produces gametes?
55. Compare and contrast the amount of genetic material in gametes to that of body cells.
56. What is the significance of crossing-over for genetic variability?
57. What is the significance of sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual reproduction) for genetic
58. Explain diploid and haploid (monoploid). Refer to specific numbers using humans as an example.
59. Explain crossing over using a diagram. When can it occur? (be specific)
60. What is the outcome of meiosis in a human male? Human female?
GENETICS (CH. 11& 14)
61. Who is the father of genetics?
62. What role does probability play in genetics?
63. Explain incomplete dominance. Give an example.
64. Explain codominance. Give an example.
65. Explain the laws of Independent Assortment, Segregation, and Dominance.
66. Explain selective breeding. Give examples.
67. How many chromosomes in a human karyotype?
68. What is the purpose of a karyotype?
69. How does a child get PKU?
70. Tall (T) pea plants are dominant over short (t) pea plants. Suppose Mendel crossed a homozygous tall pea
plant with a homozygous short pea plant.
a. What are the genotypes of the parent pea plants?
b. What phenotype(s) and genotype(s) will occur in the F1 generation?
c. Cross the F1 generation with itself. Draw a Punnett square showing the cross.
d. What percent of the F2 generation will be homozygous dominant? Heterozygous? Homozygous
71. A man with blood type A marries a woman with blood type AB. What are all the possible blood types of the
children they could produce? Show all your work.
72. A colorblind woman marries a man who has normal color vision. What are the chances of having a colorblind
daughter? A colorblind son? Show all your work.
73. T = tongue roller t = non tongue roller
B = brown eyes b = blue eyes
a. TtBB X Ttbb
b. How many different gametes are possible for each parent? What are they?
c. How many different phenotypes can their offspring show? What are they?