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Study Sheet How Do Plant and Animal Cells Differ?
Chapter 1, Lesson 1
Page 50-59
Learning Targets (What must I be able to do to reach mastery?)
1. I can describe the functions of these organelles: chloroplast, cell wall, nucleus,
chromosome, DNA, endoplasmic reticulum, membrane, vacuole, cytoplasm, mitochondria
2. I can list the seven characteristics of life.
3. I can explain the three parts of cell theory.
4. I can tell what Robert Hooke did to help us know about cells.
5. I can draw a plant cell and label five parts.
6. I can draw an animal cell and label five parts.
Pg. 50-51
1. chloroplast:________________________________________________________ ____
2. cell wall:_______________________________________________________________
3. nucleus:_______________________________________________________________
4. chromosome:___________________________________________________________
5. DNA:_________________________________________________________________
6. endoplasmic reticulum:____________________________________________________
Pages 54-55 The Cell Theory
1. What did Robert Hooke do in 1665 that no one had done before?_________________
2. What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek do ten years later?
_________________________________________________________ _________
3. What two things can a microscope do?
4. What are the three parts of cell theory?
1. ________________________________________________________________
5. Are all cells alike? Explain_______________________________________________
6. How do organisms grow?_________________________________________________
Pages 56-58 The Parts of a Cell
1. organelle:___________________________________________________________
2. cytoplasm:___________________________________________________________
3. vacuoles:____________________________________________________________
4. mitrochondria:_______________________________________________________
5. cell membrane:_______________________________________________________
6. Draw a plant cell and label its parts.
7. Draw an animal cell and label its parts.
8. What parts are found only in plants?_______________________________________
9. How are chromosomes and DNA related?____________________________________
Think and Write
1. How are animal and plant cells alike? Different? Use a Venn diagram.
2. Compare what takes place in chloroplasts to what takes place in mitochondria.
3. Explain why a food that claims to make a person taller can’t do this.