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Aim: What are the structures and function of the
animal and plant cells?
I. Cell – the basic unit of structure and function in
all living things.
A. Animal Cell Structures
1. Cell (Plasma) Membrane
a. Separates the cell from its environment
b. Determines what enters and leaves the
cell (selectively permeable).
Fluid Mosaic
2. Cytoplasm – liquid gel that fills the cell. Site of
all chemical activities and keeps the organelles
from drying out.
3. Nucleus – “brain” of the cell. Contains the
genetic (DNA,RNA) material that instructs the
cell what to do.
4. Ribosome – site of protein synthesis. Found
along the Endoplasmic Reticulum and floating
freely in cytoplasm.
5. Mitochondria (mitochondrion – singular) – site of
aerobic respiration (Energy production).
6. Endoplasmic Reticulum – transport for certain
molecules to go to specific places.
7. Golgi Complex – makes, packages, and
distributes materials.
8. Lysosome - This organelle digests waste
materials and food within the cell. “Suicide sac.”
9. Centrioles – involved in cell division. Only
found in animal cells.
10. Vacuole – Involved in storing foods and
wastes to later be released. Animal cell vacuoles
are smaller than plant cell vacuoles.
A. Unique Plant Structures
1. Cell Wall – made of cellulose. Non-living.
Gives plant cell its rectangular shape.
2. Large vacuole – stores food and wastes.
3. Chloroplasts – site of photosynthesis.
Contains the molecule chlorophyll which gives
plants its green color.