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El Diamante Biology
Final Review #1 DNA and Protein Synthesis
Define the following terms
1. DNA –
2. RNA –
3. Amino Acids 4. DNA Replication 5. Transcription –
6. Translation –
7. Biotechnology –
8. Draw a nucleotide and label its parts.
9. Draw a DNA molecule and label its parts. What is the shape of the DNA molecule? The “steps (or rungs) of
the ladder” are made up of a pair of nitrogenous bases. What are the four different nitrogenous bases?
10. What is Chargaff’s Rule (also known as the Base-Paring Rule)? Explain and give an example.
11. What is the shape of the DNA molecule?
12. List the steps of DNA replication.
13. Why is it critically important that DNA makes an exact duplicate of itself?
14. Where does transcription occur and what are the products?
15. Where does translation occur and what are the products?
16. Why is biotechnology sometimes referred to as recombinant DNA technology?
17. What products available today are due to our use of biotechnology?
Define the following terms:
1. nucleotide –
2. ribosomes –
3. amino acids –
4. proteins –
5. codon –
6. anticodon –
7. In relation to the DNA molecule, what is a gene?
8. What is it specifically that determines what proteins are made?
9. What are the steps of protein synthesis?
10. What is mRNA and what is its role? What is tRNA and what is its role?
11. If the sequence of bases on one side of DNA is AATCGCGTAT, what is the sequence of bases on the
transcribed mRNA?
12. Draw a tRNA and label its parts.
13. Given the following strand of mRNA, answer the following questions: AUAUGGUCAAUG
a. How many amino acids will this strand of DNA code for?
b. How many codons are on this mRNA?
c. What are the anticodons that would match with the codons on the mRNA?
d. Use the Genetic Code Chart in your text to figure out what amino acids are coded for from the strand
of mRNA above. Write them below.
14. Given the following strand of mRNA, answer the following questions: AUAUGGUCAUAG
a. What would happen if a mutation changed the first A into a C?
b. What would the tRNA that matches to the mutated codon be?
c. Would the amino acid coded for by the first codon be?
El Diamante Biology
Final Review #2 Evolution and Ecology
Define the following terms:
1. phenotype 2. genotype –
3. homozygous –
4. heterozygous –
5. mutations –
6. populations –
7. adaptation –
8. genetic drift–
9. gene flow –
10. natural selection –
11. isolation –
12. Explain what is meant by the term natural selection. List and explain the parts of Darwin’s theory of natural
13. Does natural selection work on an organism’s genotype or phenotype? Explain.
14. What can cause new variations for natural selection to work on? Give a couple of examples.
15. Why do lethal homozygous recessive conditions remain in a population?
16. Explain the terms divergence and speciation.
17. Explain the difference between reproductive and geographic isolation. How can these lead to the
development of a new species?
18. A great diversity of species increases the chance that at leas some of the organisms survive major changes in
the environment. Why is this true?
Define the following terms:
1. Biodiversity (AKA species diversity) 2. Keystone species –
3. Succession a. Primary Succession –
b. Secondary Succession –
4. Climax Community 5. Primary Productivity
6. Producers –
7. Consumers –
8. Decomposers –
9. Draw and label a diagram of the Water Cycle.
10. Draw and label a diagram of the Carbon Cycle. What is the role of producers in the carbon cycle? How does
photosynthesis and respiration play a vital role in the carbon cycle?
11. Draw and label a diagram of the Nitrogen Cycle. What is the role of decomposers in the nitrogen cycle?
What is the role of nitrogen fixing bacteria?
12. List two different types of organisms that act as decomposers within an ecosystem.
13. Study the food chain on page 408 (figure 13.9) and answer the following questions:
a. Which organism is a producer? Where does it get its energy? What is that process called?
b. Of the 3 organisms illustrated by this food chain, which type has the smallest population?
14. Study the food web on page 410 (figure 13.11) and answer the following questions:
a. Which type of organism contains the greatest amount of available energy in this food web?
b. What type of food does the shrimp eat? What type of animals eats the shrimp?
15. Look at figure 13.19 on page 419 and answer the following questions:
a. How many trophic levels are illustrated in this diagram?
b. What percentage of the energy is available to the carnivores at trophic level 3?
16. Look at figure 16.11 on page 495. What is has the highest level of pollutant? Why?
El Diamante Biology
Final Review #3 Body Systems and Immunity
1. Describe the job and the organs involved in each of the following body systems
a. Circulatory System-
b. Respiratory System –
c. Muscular System –
d. Digestive System –
e. Nervous System –
f. Endocrine System –
g. Excretory System –
2. Explain what is meant by the term “Homeostasis”. Give an example of how our bodies systems work to
maintain homeostasis.
3. What is the difference between arteries, veins, and capillaries?
4. What are the different components of blood? What is the job of each component?
5. Where does the real work of the “Respiratory System” take place?
6. What is the job of each of the following parts of the brain:
a. Cerebrum
b. Hypothalamus
c. Brain Stem
d. Cerebellum
7. Draw a reflex arc. Label with the following terms: Stimulus, Response, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron,
Interneuron. Number the order in which this reflex occurs. What is the importance of reflexes?
Explain the basic way in which hormones work to control body functions.
Define the following terms:
1. Antibody –
2. Antigen –
3. Vaccine –
4. Virus –
5. Bacteria –
6. Describe the 3 lines of defense our bodies use to defend us against pathogens.
7. What is the purpose of a fever (or a rise in temperature) in fighting off pathogens?
8. How do bacteria and viruses differ in growth and replication?
9. What is the basic job of the immune system?
10. How does HIV (AIDS) disable our immune system?