Download Pipe Cleaner Protein

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Pipe Cleaner Protein
1. Create a DNA strand with 42
nucleotide bases
◦ Must start with the DNA - TAC
2. Transcribe the DNA into mRNA
T A
3. Translate your mRNA into amino acids
using the tables.
Protein Building Activity
4. Create a protein using 2 white pipe
cleaners as a base
 5. Add your amino acids based on the color
scheme on the board.
Polar _________ Nonpolar_________
+ Ionic _________ - Ionic____________
 6. Add a sedondary structure to your protein
 7. Add a tertiary structure to your protein.
◦ Polar to polar, Nonpolar to nonpolar, + to -
Make a sign with the following
◦ DNA sequence written out
◦ mRNA sequence written out
◦ Amino acid sequence written out
On other side of card
name of protein
description of protein