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Name ___________KEY______________________________________________ Period _____
The Cell Theory
1. All living things are made of one or more cells.
2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms.
3. All cells arise from existing cells.
Things all cells have in common:
1. Cell membrane
2. Cytoplasm
4. Ribosomes
5. Cytoplasm
3. DNA
Cell Types
 Prokaryotes
– Bacteria
 Eukaryotes
– Unicellular (Protozoa) = Protists
– Fungi
– Plants
– Animals
Unicellular organisms (bacteria)
Can be single-celled or multicullular
No nucleus
No membrane-bound organelles
Many membrane-bound organelles
Circular DNA
Linear DNA
Reproduces quickly (20 minutes)
Cells reproduce slowly – 24+ hours
Relatively small in size
Relatively larger in size
Peptidoglycan cell wall
Cell Wall (Fungi, Plants) or Not (Animals)
– Not made of peptidoglycans
Plasma/Cell Membrane = “Gatekeeper”
 Lipid bilayer
 Filters what goes in and out
– Active Transport (Sodium)
– Facilitated Transport (Glucose)
– Passive Diffusion (Water)
 Communication with environment
Cell Wall = “Retaining wall”
 Peptidoglycans in prokaryotes
– Targeted by antibiotics like penicillin
 Also in fungi and plants
– Different chemistry (cellulose in plants)
– Provides rigid support
Nucleus = “Brain of the cell”
 Consists of:
– Nuclear membrane
– Chromatin (DNA + proteins)
– Nucleolus (rRNA  ribosomes)
DNA replication and transcription occurs in the nucleus
Controls all cell activities.
Centrioles = “Construction Foremen”
 Found only in animal cells (US!)
 Directs construction of the spindle during cell division
 Composed of 9 triplets of microtubules arranged in a circle.
 Come in pairs
Mitochondria = “Powerhouse of the Cell”
ATP (energy) production occurs here
All mitochondria come from mother
Contain own enzymes and DNA
Inner and Outer membrane space with cristae in between
May have originally been a “captured” bacterium put to use by cell
Ribosomes = “Factories of the Cell”
 Found free in cytoplasm or attached to ER
Translates mRNA (from DNA) into protein
Two subunits
– 50S and 30S  70S in prokaryotes
– 60S and 40S  80S in eukaryotes
– Made up of proteins and rRNA
Not a true organelle (found in prokaryotes)
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) = “Highways of the Cell”
 Rough (with ribosomes)
– Membrane protein synthesis
– Transport and vesicle formation
 Smooth (no ribosomes)
– Synthesis and metabolism of lipids
– Detoxification (lots in liver cells)
Golgi Apparatus = “UPS for the Cell”
 Processes, Packages, and Distributes
– Processing of proteins to final form
– Packaging into vesicles
– Distribution of vesicles to final destinations (secretion, membranes, etc.)
Lysosomes and Peroxisomes = “Garbage Disposal of the Cell”
 Lysosomes
– Highly acidic
– Have pH sensitive enzymes that break down proteins and lipids
 Peroxisomes
– Produce and metabolize H2O2
– May impact aging? (get/leak more as you age)
Vesicles = “Transport Bins of Cell”
 Bud off of and merge with membranes
 Endocytosis – forms vesicle carrying substance into the cell
 Exocytosis – vesicle carries (secretes) substance out of the cell
Cytoskeleton = “Skeleton and motion of cell”
Three basic types:
– Microtubules
– Actin filaments
– Intermediate filaments
Centrosomes serve as microtubule organizing center
– In animals, the centrosome has two centrioles, which play role in cell division
forming the mitotic spindle
Cytosol (cytoplasm) =“Soup of the Cell”
Made up of water, ions, and macromolecules of the cell
Organelles float within cytosol
Many reactions and signaling cascades take place within the cytosol
Chloroplasts =“Solar Cells of Plants”
 Synthesize Sugar from Sunlight (Photosynthesis)
 Stacked grana and thylakoid membranes filled with chlorophyll (green pigment)
 Energy stored via the Calvin (Dark) Cycle using carbon dioxide to form sugar
Vacuoles = “Water Tower in Plants”
Small in animals; used for storage
One large central vacuole in plants
Membrane surrounds water or other storage materials
Also supplies “turgor pressure” against cell wall of plants to allow them to stand up
provide structural strength
If depleted, plants wilt
Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells
Plant Cells
Animal Cells
Have a cell wall
Do not have a cell wall
Have chloroplasts
Do not have chloroplasts
Large central vacuole
Many small vacuoles
No centrioles
Pair of centrioles