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Name ____________________________________________________________ Period _____
The Cell Theory
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. Cells are the basic units of _________________ and _________________ in organisms.
3. ________________________________________________________________________
Things all cells have in common:
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
Cell Types
– _________________________
– Unicellular (Protozoa) = ________________________
– ______________________
– ______________________
– ______________________
Peptidoglycan cell wall
Cell Wall (Fungi, Plants) or Not (Animals)
– Not made of peptidoglycans
Plasma/Cell Membrane = “Gatekeeper”
Lipid ____________________
Filters what goes in and out
– Active Transport (Sodium)
– Facilitated Transport (Glucose)
– Passive Diffusion (Water)
Cell Wall = “Retaining wall”
Peptidoglycans in prokaryotes
– Targeted by antibiotics like penicillin
Also in fungi and plants
– Different chemistry (_________________________ in plants)
– Provides rigid _______________________
Nucleus = “Brain of the cell”
Consists of:
– __________________________________________
– ________________________ (DNA + proteins)
– ________________________ (rRNA
DNA replication and transcription occurs in the nucleus
Controls all cell activities.
Centrioles = “Construction Foremen”
Found only in _____________________ cells (US!)
Directs construction of the spindle during cell division
Composed of 9 triplets of microtubules arranged in a circle.
Come in pairs
Mitochondria = “Powerhouse of the Cell”
__________ (energy) production occurs here
All mitochondria come from ___________________
Inner and Outer membrane space with cristae in between
May have originally been a “captured” bacterium put to use by cell
Ribosomes = “Factories of the Cell”
Found free in cytoplasm or attached to ER
__________________________ mRNA (from DNA) into protein
Two subunits
– 50S and 30S 70S in prokaryotes
– 60S and 40S 80S in eukaryotes
– Made up of proteins and rRNA
Not a true organelle (found in prokaryotes)
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) = “Highways of the Cell”
___________________ (with ribosomes)
– Membrane protein synthesis
– Transport and vesicle formation
___________________ (no ribosomes)
– Synthesis and metabolism of lipids
– Detoxification (lots in liver cells)
Golgi Apparatus = “UPS for the Cell”
– Processing of proteins to final form
– Packaging into ____________________
– Distribution of vesicles to final destinations (secretion, membranes, etc.)
Lysosomes and Peroxisomes = “Garbage Disposal of the Cell”
– Highly __________________
– Have pH sensitive enzymes that break down proteins and lipids
– Produce and metabolize H2O2
– May impact aging? (get/leak more as you age)
Vesicles = “Transport Bins of Cell”
Bud off of and merge with membranes
_________________________ – forms vesicle carrying substance into the cell
_________________________ – vesicle carries (secretes) substance out of the cell
Cytoskeleton = “Skeleton and motion of cell”
Three basic types:
– Microtubules
– Actin filaments
– Intermediate filaments
_____________________________ serve as microtubule organizing center
– In animals, the centrosome has two centrioles, which play role in cell division
forming the _______________________________________
Cytosol (cytoplasm) =“Soup of the Cell”
Made up of _________________, ions, and macromolecules of the cell
Organelles float within cytosol
Many _____________________ and signaling cascades take place within the cytosol
Chloroplasts =“Solar Cells of Plants”
_____________________________________________________ (Photosynthesis)
Stacked grana and thylakoid membranes filled with chlorophyll (green pigment)
Energy stored via the Calvin (Dark) Cycle using carbon dioxide to form sugar
Vacuoles = “Water Tower in Plants”
__________________________________________; used for storage
One large central vacuole in plants
Membrane surrounds water or other storage materials
Also supplies “_____________________________________” against cell wall of plants
to allow them to stand up provide structural strength
If depleted, plants __________________
Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells
Plant Cells
Animal Cells