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Cell Biology Flashcards
1. Cell Organelles = “Tiny Organs” found inside
of cells that perform different functions.
2. NUCLEUS (Found in Eukaryotic Cells): Control center
of the cell. DNA is found there. DeoxyriboNucleic Acid.
DNA = Molecule of heredity.
3. NUCLEOLUS: Found in the nucleus.
Stores material to make ribosomes.
4. CHROMOSOMES: Stacks of genes located in the nucleus.
5. CELL MEMBRANE: Surrounds the
cell and lets things in and out.
6. CYTOPLASM: Jelly like fluid. All the organelles are in it.
7. MITOCHONDRION: Supplies energy
for the cell. Conducts respiration.
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 ------> 6 CO2 + 6 H20 + E(38 ATP)
9. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM: Channels for transport,
breakdown of chemicals and toxins, production of
complex chemicals like hormones, and production
site of lipids used for cell membrane construction.
10. RIBOSOMES: Makes proteins from
directions given by the DNA.
11. GOLGI APPARATUS: Storage for cellular
products and processing of carbohydrates.
Organelle’s 2-11 are found in BOTH animal and plant cells.
12. LYSOSOMES: Stores enzymes for
digestion, found ONLY in animal cells.
Organelles 13-16 are found in only plant cells.
13. CHLOROPLAST: Conducts photosynthesis.
E(Sun)+ 6 CO2 + 6 H20 -----------> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
15. CELL WALL: Rigid, stiff outside cover of a plant cell.
The cell wall is made of cellulose, a type of sugar.
Wood and paper are made of cellulose.
16. VACUOLE: Mostly stores water. The vacuole can
be as much as 50% of the plant cell’s volume.
17. Prokaryote = No nucleus.
Bacteria are very simple cells with no nucleus.
18. Eukaryote = True nucleus.
Animal + plant cells have a nucleus.
19. Osmosis = Movement of H2O from where
there is much to where there is less.
20. Diffusion = Movement of other materials like salt and
sugar from where there is much to where there is less.
21. Mitosis = When a single cell divides into
two genetically identical daughter cells.
22. Prophase = The tangled mass of DNA condenses
and forms chromosomes. The nuclear envelope
breaks down and the centrioles separate.
23. Metaphase = The chromosomes line up along the equator
and the centrioles attach their tubulin fibers to the centromeres.
24. Anaphase = The sister chromatids of the
chromosomes split apart and move apart.
25. Telophase = The chromosomes move to opposite sides
of the cell with two new nuclear membranes forming.
26. Cytokinesis = The third stage of the cell cycle.
The chromosomes uncoil and become a mass of DNA again
with the cell membrane pinching off two identical daughter cells.
27. Meiosis = Process of making sex cells (gametes).
Making the diploid chromosome number haploid.
28. DNA - Directs the production of proteins in the ribosomes.
DNA is a code made from 4 different
chemicals called nucleotides
(Base Pairs): Adenine Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine.
Each 3 base pairs equals 1 AA
29. Proteins = Made of amino acids (AA).
Amino acids in a row like a train make proteins.
30. Translation = The construction of proteins from directions
from mRNA, and assisted by tRNA and rRNA.
31. RNA = A special half copy of DNA goes to the ribosome to
direct protein production. Uracil replaces thymine in RNA.
32. 1AA + 1AA + 1AA + 1AA + 1 AA + … = PROTEIN
1 Gene = 1 Protein