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Extra CREDIT Chapter 14 Study Guide
1. List all the karyotypes of each of the following:
Klinefelter’s_______Turner’s Syndrome ________ Normal Male________Normal Female________
2. What 4 things are shown in a karyotype?
3. What is the probability that offspring will be female?______ What % of sperm are female?__________
4. How many copies of genes does the female get on each sex chromosome?
5. For what is a pedigree used?
6. List a dominant disorder, a recessive disorder and a sex-linked disorder
Domianant______________________________________ Recessive____________________________
7. In blood, is it considered polygenic, multiple alleles, or dominant?
8. In order to get PKU, what must the parents be?
9. List all the genotypes and phenotypes of blood, not counting Rh.
10. In Huntington’s disease, the person usually is Hh but sometimes HH. What % of children will inherit Huntington’s
if one parent has it?
11. What causes sickle-cell?
12. What causes cystic fibrosis? How is this different from a normal form of the allele?
13. What does sickle cell hemoglobin look like?
14. Why are people that are carriers for sickle cell usually healthy, even in America and no malaria?
15. What was discovered about chromosomes 21 and 22 and gene codes?
16. If alleles are found on the same chromosome, are they linked?
17. Most sex-linked traits are found where?
18. Since color blindness is sex linked, is it ever possible for a father of a colorblind boy be colored blind?
19. Read about cats in your chapter. If a cat has spots of one color could this cat be male or female?
20. Define non disjunction.
21. Can a baby ever be born without at least one X chromosome?
22. How do scientists test for alleles(genes) that cause human disorders?
23. What is a DNA fingerprint used for?
24. If a DNA fingerprint from an individual matches the crime scene DNA fingerprint, what does this indicate?
Fingerprint # 1
DNA fingerprint #2
DNA fingerprint # 3
Base Pair
25. What does the DNA fingerprint above show?
26. What is the Human Genome Project doing? How was it sequenced?
27. Can the HGP tell you whether an allele is dominant or recessive?
28. What is the purpose of gene therapy? What is the first step?
29. How can you determine if gene therapy is successful?
30. The DNA strands below were cut in shotgun sequencing. List the correct order of fragments. (lecture notes
Fragment B: GGATGGC
Fragment E: CTATTA
31. Define carrier.
32. How you determine if someone in a pedigree should be shaded ½ to indicate they are a carrier?
33. If malaria were wiped out, what would probably happen to the sickle cell gene?
34. Most sex linked trait are on the X chromosome and are recessive. Why do males never carry the recessive trait?
35. A man with hemophilia marries a woman who is a carrier for hemophilia. What are the chances that their son will
have hemophilia?
36. Are those with Turners syndrome male or female? _____________ Klinefelters?____________
37. What are the two chromosomes called that are grouped side by side?
38. How do you line up a karyotype?
39. What is the name for the first 22 pairs of chromosomes?_______________ The 23rd pair? ________________
= clotting
11 12
14 ??
The above pedigree is for tongue rolling. Not being able to roll the tongue is a recessive trait, indicated by black, labeled
rr. Rolling Tongue could be RR or Rr.
40. Shade in all of the carriers for the above pedigree.
41. How can you tell if #2 is homozygous or heterozygous?
42. What is the genotype of individual #5?
43. Predict the genotype and phenotype of #14.
44. Are any descendents of individuals #1 and #2 homozygous RR for tongue rolling?
45. List the blood types on each of the slides in the picture above
46. What is the genotype of each slide?
47. List all the possible genotypes using I or .i
i. List the 4 blood types. _______ _______
_______ ________
48. What is the problem with the CFTR gene? What does the protein look like?
Essay PROBLEM: Your will be given a scenario similar to our pedigree worksheets, and you must make a pedigree
from the story line. You will be required to find carriers and determine if the trait is sex linked or dominant or recessive.