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Organizing Organelles
Name: _________________Date: ______ B:_______#: ______
Define Organelles: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________
Organelle Chart: Using your book, complete the following chart.
1. Cell Wall
2. Cell
3. Cytoplasm
4. Nucleus
5. Nucleolus
6. Mitochondria
7. Ribosomes
8. Centrioles
9. Endoplasmic
11. Golgi
12. Lysosome
13. Vacuole
14. Chloroplast
15. Cytoskeleton
Eukaryote, Both)
(Plant, Animal, Both)
Answer the following questions about cell organelles.
Cytoskeleton (p.59)
1. What does the cytoskeleton provide for animal cells?
2. The cytoskeleton is composed of ___________ fibers anchored to the inside of the cell ___________.
3. By linking one region of the cell to another, the cytoskeleton ___________ the shape of the cell.
4. How do scientists ‘see’ the cytoskeleton inside the cell?
5. Microfilaments are made of the protein __________ and play a major role in the _________ of an animal cell by
pulling the membrane in some locations and pushing it in others.
6. Microtubules act as a _____________ system for the transportation of information from the
___________ to the different parts of the cell. Bundles of these tubules (a pair in each animal cell), called
centrioles are also responsible for helping the animal cell divide.
Cell Membrane (p.60-61)
1. The cell membrane is not rigid, but _________ like a soap bubble.
2. What causes the fluidity of the membrane?
3. What does ‘selective permeability’ and how does this relate to the cell
4. What causes this selective permeability of the membrane?
5. Diagram a phospholipid and label the components and
hydrophobic/hydrophilic regions:
6. The head of the phospholipid contains a ______________ group, is
___________ and is attracted to water. The _____ __________
________, or tails, are ______________ and are repelled by water.
7. What is a bilayer?
8. Diagram the bilayer and label the hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions:
9. Describe the types of proteins found in the cell membrane:
______________ attached to marker proteins on the surface
of the cell _____________________ cell type, such as a liver or
heart cell.
Transport proteins:
Nucleus (p. 62)
1. What is the function of the nucleus?
2. What is the nuclear envelope and what is it composed of?
3. How do materials like RNA move out of the nucleus?
4. _____________ are manufactured in the ______________ , a dark, dense region within the nucleus.
5. What important molecule does the nucleus contain?
6. When a cell is about to divide, DNA coils up into _______________________________.
7. Is the following sentence true or false? The number of chromosomes is the same in every species.
8. How many chromosomes does the human body cell have?
Ribosomes (p. 63)
1. Cells make ______________ on ribosomes.
2. Ribosomes are made of dozens of ____________ and ___________.
3. Where are ‘free’ ribosomes located?
4. Do both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have ribosomes?
Endoplasmic Reticulum (p. 63)
1. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an extensive system of internal _____________ that move
_____________ and other substances through the cell.
2. What is attached to the rough ER?
3. What does the rough ER help transport?
4. What is a VESSICLE (also known as a VACUOLE)?
5. Why is the smooth ER smooth?
6. The smooth ER makes ______________ and helps to breakdown toxic substances.
Golgi Apparatus (p. 64)
1. The golgi apparatus is a set of ____________, membrane-bound _______ that serve as the
__________________ and ________________ center of the cell. Think of the golgi as the UPS of the cell!!!
2. What molecules are modified and then shipped from the golgi?
Lysosome (p. 64)
1. A lysosome is a small, spherical organelle that contains the cell’s ______________ ______________.
2. Lysosomes _______________ and _____________ the cell’s used components by breaking down
_______________, _____________ _________, ______________, and _______________________.
Mitochondria (p. 65)
1. Do all eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria?
2. A mitochondrion is an organelle that harvests ______________ from _____________ compounds to
make __________, the main energy currency of cells.
3. What types of cells have the most mitochondria?
4. How many sets of membranes does the mitochondria have?
5. The chemical reactions that produce _________ during cell __________________ take place in the
__________ and ___________ membranes.
6. Is the nucleus the only organelle to contain DNA in the cell?
Cell Wall (p. 66)
1. In what organisms are cell walls found?
2. List three functions of the cell wall:
3. Is the following sentence true or false? The cell wall lies inside the cell membrane.
4. What carbohydrate makes up the cell wall?
Chloroplasts (p. 66)
1. What is the function of the chloroplast?
2. What organisms contain chloroplasts?
3. Describe three ways that chloroplasts are similar to mitochondria:
Central Vacuole (p. 66)
1. The central vacuole is a large, ____________-_________ ________ that takes up much of the cell’s volume.
2. What does the central vacuole store?
3. What happens to the plant when the central vacuole is full?