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Visuo-Motor Relationships:
Plasticity and Development
Demonstration: plasticity in relationship between vision
and movements
Ability to adapt to new relationships requires cerebellum
Why do we need to retain plasticity for new
visuo-motor relationships?
1. Need to adjust to changes in body size during development.
2. Need to adjust to damage/aging.
3. Need to adjust to environmental changes eg ice, loads etc.
4. Need to learn arbitrary mappings for tool use etc.
5. Need to acquire new motor skills.
6. Visuo-motor coordination is a computationally difficult problem for
the brain. Need flexibility to correct errors.
Straight hand paths
People move their hand in a straight path even when
they can’t see their hand motion, and so can only rely
on proprioception.
Straight hand paths
Paths are straight even when the arm is loaded.
Even when the arm is perturbed by forces acting on it,
people learn to make straight hand paths.
Reaching and grasping actions require close
coordination, but depend on different kinds of visual
Reaching: egocentric (where is object relative to me)
Transform visual information about object location into movement
Grasping: object-centred
Transform visual information about object properties (shape and
size) into commands for grasping movements.
Development of reaching
Within first 2 weeks, already directing arm towards objects.
Some crude control of reach direction.
Improves by the 5th month; consistently touch targets.
Won’t reach for targets beyond arm’s length.
Catching and anticipating target motion at 6 months.
Distance accuracy develops more slowly, improving by 7
Increased use of visual feedback between 5 and 11 months
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Early reach movements
Initially use the trunk &
shoulder (proximal
joints) to reach for
objects; use elbow less
When babies do make
large movements, can’t
control inter-segmental
dynamics. So hand
Development of reaching
Between 5 and 9 months see many changes to
1) Straightening of
the hand path
2) Reduced number
of “submovements”
3) Reduced movement
Development of reaching
Joint kinematics changes as well: coordination
among joints
Development of grasping
Newborns have grasp reflex (clasp object brought against the palm) –
disappears by 6 months.
5 months: hand does not orient to object until contact
9 months: hand orients prior to contact (note visual information about
orientation is available at 2 months). Pre-shape for object size. Still
adjusting grip force by 7-8 years (grip force larger for larger objects).
Use palmar grasp until about 12 months – then use fingers to grasp.
Corresponds to rapid increase in the rate of myelination of
corticospinal tracts at 12 months – responsible for distal musculature.
Reach and grasp development
Integrate sensorymotor signals
Pincer grasp
Calibrating visual
information to
form grip
Increased myelination of
corticospinal tracts
Direct hand
to object
fine tune
torque patterns/
joint patterns
Role of Experience in
Development of Visuo-motor
Held & Hein
Both kittens get visual experience and motor experience
1. Visual experience correlated with motor
commands/proprioceptive feedback/vision of limbs
2. Gets both, but uncorrelated. Kitten 2 -abnormal visuomotor coordination.
Adaptation to different relation between vision and
George Stratton
–Wore inverting lens for 8 days
If he saw an object on the right he would reach with his right hand and discover he
should have reached with his left. He could not feed himself very well, could not tie his
shoelaces, and found himself severely disoriented. His image of his own body became
severely distorted. At times he felt his head had sunk down between his shoulders,and
when he moved his eyes and head the world slid dizzyingly around.
As time went by Stratton achieved more effective control of his body. If he saw an
object on the right he would reach with his left hand. He could accomplish normal tasks
like eating and dressing himself. His body image became almost normal and when he
moved his eyes and head the world did not move around so much. He began to feel as
though his left hand was on the right, and his right hand on the left. If this new location
of his body was vivid, the world appeared right side up, but sometimes he felt his body
was upside down in a visually right-side-up world.
After removing the prisms, he initially made incorrect reaching movements. However,
he soon regained normal control of his body.
Adaptation to different relation between
visual and movement.
George Stratton
– Wore inverting lens for 8 days
– Believed that we learn visual directions by associating
visual experiences with other forms of sensory
feedback (e.g. proprioceptive).
– Alternatively…
Adaptation results from learning correlation betweeen
vision and actively generated motor commands (Held,
Role of Experience in
Development of Vision
Mike May, and Molyneux’s Question
Neural control of Grasping
Neural control of Grasping
Both vPM and AIP
neurons fire for
specific hand
For example, this
neuron prefers a
precision grip.
Precision grip
Power grip
Neural control of Grasping
vPM neurons fire
for grasping
movements made
in the light and
In contrast, AIP
neurons fire far
less when moving
in the dark, and in
general, AIP has
more visual
neurons than vPM.
Neural control of Grasping
Neural control of Grasping
Neurons in the
vPM also fires
when perceiving,
as well, as
producing grasping