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Spinal Cord
 Runs through the vertebral canal
 Extends from foramen magnum to
second lumbar vertebra
 Regions
 Cervical
 Thoracic
 Lumbar
 Sacral
 Coccygeal
 Gives rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves
 All are mixed nerves
 Spinal cord Enlargements
 Cervical enlargement: supplies
upper limbs
 Lumbo -sacral enlargement:
supplies lower limbs
 Conus medullaris- tapered inferior
 Ends between L1 and L2
Spinal Segments & Roots
Spinal segment
C8, T12, L5, S5, Cx1
Anterior (Ventral) Root
Posterior (Dorsal) Root
Dorsal Root (Spinal) Ganglion
Root - Rootlets
Spinal Segments
 Importance of the
spinal segments
Coverings of Spinal cord
 Dura mater: outermost layer;
continuous with epineurium of the
spinal nerves
 Arachnoid mater: thin and web
 Pia mater: bound tightly to
Ligamentum Denticulatum
Forms the filum terminale
anchors spinal cord to coccyx
 Spaces
 Epidural: external to the dura
 Anesthestics injected here
 Epidural Anesthesia
 Subdural space: serous fluid
 Subarachnoid: between pia and
Filled with CSF
Coverings of Spinal cord cont…
Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar Puncture – lumbar (terminal) cistern
Spinal Cord
 White Matter
Anterior Funiculus (Anterior White Column)
Posterior Funiculus (Posterior White Column)
Lateral Funiculus (Lateral White Column)
Gray Matter
Anterior Horn ------------
Posterior Horn -------------- sensory
Lateral Horn -----------------autonomic (sympathetic)
Gray Commissure -------- anterior and posterior
Cord Organization
 Principles of Cord Organization
1) Longitudinal Arrangement
Fibers (White Matter) ------------ White Column
Cell Groups (Gray Matter) ------- Gray Column
2) Transverse Arrangement
Afferent & Efferent Fibers
Crossing (Commissural and Decussating) Fibers
3) Somatotopical Arrangement
Somatosensory Pathway(Dorsal Colum)
Somatosensory Pathway
Posterior column pathway
carries sensation of highly
localized touch, pressure,
Posterior column pathway
 Fasciculus cuneatus tract
 Fasciculus gracilus tract Carries fine touch,
pressure, vibration,
sterognosis and conscious
Proprioceptive sensations.
Dorsal Colum tracts
Dorsal Colum Lesion
spinal cord injury
dorsal column
Loss of sense of:
in left leg
Dorsal Colum Lesions
 Sensory ataxia
 Patient staggers; cannot
perceive position or
movement of legs
 Visual clues help
 Rombergism
Assessment of Dorsal Colum
Case ….
An 85-year-old man is being evaluated for gait
difficulties. On examination it is found that joint
proprioception is absent in his toes. People with
impaired position sense will usually fall if they stand
with their feet together and do which of the
 Flex the neck
 Extend their arms in front of them
 Flex the knees
 Turn the head
 Close their eyes
Clinical Case
 A 45 year old woman complained of pain in her right breast
and progressive weakness of her right lower limb for a period
of two months, she contacted her Family physician, Her
Family physician referred her to a neurologist.
 The neurologic evaluation revealed weakness in the right
lower limb. This was associated with spasticity (increased
tone), hyperreflexia (increased deep tendon reflexes) at the
knee and ankle, which also demonstrated clonus.
 On the right side there was loss of two-point discrimination,
touch ,vibratory sense and proprioception at levels below the
hip. The left side showed a loss of pain and temperature
sensation below dermatome T-7.
Clinical Case Of Spinal Cord cont..
 MRI of a patient indicated to have an extramedullary
tumor expanding from the dorsal roots at spinal cord
levels T-5,6.
 Based on the symptoms and clinical findings what is
your diagnosis ?
Anterolateral system
The Anterolateral Pathway
 Provides sensations of
“crude” touch, pressure,
pain, and temperature
 Ascend within the anterior
or lateral spinothalamic
What is Pain?
 “An unpleasant sensory & emotional experience associated with
actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such
damage” –
 Subjective sensation
 Pain Perceptions – based on expectations, past experience, anxiety,
 Affective – one’s emotional factors that can affect pain
 Behavioral – how one expresses or controls pain
 Cognitive – one’s beliefs (attitudes) about pain
Physiological response produced by activation of specific types of
nerve fibers
Experienced because of nociceptors being sensitive to extreme
mechanical, thermal, & chemical energy.
Composed of a variety of discomforts
One of the body’s defense mechanism (warns the brain that tissues
may be in jeopardy)
Where Does Pain Come
 Cutaneous Pain – sharp, bright, burning; can
have a fast or slow onset
 Deep Somatic Pain – stems from tendons,
muscles, joints, periosteum, & b. vessels
 Visceral Pain – originates from internal
organs; diffused @ 1st & later may be localized
(i.e. appendicitis)
 Psychogenic Pain – individual feels pain but
cause is emotional rather than physical
Anterolateral System (Pain &Temp)
spinothalamic pathway
spinal cord injury
Loss of sense of:
in right leg
Spinothalamic Tracts
 Located lateral and ventral to
the ventral horn
Carry impulses concerned
with pain and thermal
sensations (lateral tract) and
also non- discriminative touch
and pressure (medial tract)
Fibers of the two tracts are
intermingled to some extent
In brain stem, constitute the
spinal lemniscus
Fibers are highly somatotopically arranged, with those
for the lower limb lying most
superficially and those for the
upper limb lying deeply
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
 Carries impulses concerned
with pain and thermal
 Axons of 1st order neurons
terminate in the dorsal horn
 Axons of 2nd order neuron
(mostly in the nucleus
proprius), decussate within one
segment of their origin, by
passing through the ventral
white commissure & terminate
on 3rd order neurons in ventral
posterior nucleus of the
 Thalamic neurons project to
the somatosensory cortex
Anterior Spinothalamic Tract
 Carries impulses concerned
with non- discriminative touch
and pressure
 Axons of 1st order neurons
enter cord terminate in the
dorsal horn
 Axons of 2nd order neuron
(mostly in the nucleus proprius)
may ascend several segments
before crossing to opposite
side by passing through the
ventral white commissure &
terminate on 3rd order neurons
in ventral posterior nucleus of
the thalamus
 Thalamic neurons project to the
somatosensory cortex
Spino-reticulo-thalamic System
 The system represents an additional route by which
dull, aching pain is transmitted to a conscious level
 Some 2nd order neurons terminate in the reticular
formation of the brain stem, mainly within the
 Reticulothalamic fibers ascend to intralaminar nuclei
of thalamus, which in turn activate the cerebral
Pain Control Theories
 Gate Control Theory
 Endogenous Opiates Theory
 Phantom Pain
 Refferd Pain
Gate Control Theory
 Melzack & Wall, 1965
 Substantia Gelatinosa (SG) in dorsal horn of
spinal cord acts as a ‘gate’
 SG cells of Lamina II act as a inhibitory neurons
and inhibit “T” cells of lamina IV
 Larger diameter afferent fibers of touch excite
both SG and T cells, Therefore afferent signals of
pain sensation from T cells is blocked by
stimulation of inhibitory SG cells.
 Small diameter afferent fibers excite T cells and
Inhibit SG cells Therefore Gate is kept
Descending Pain Inhibition
 Descending Pain Modulation (Descending Pain Control
 Periaqueductal Gray Area (PGA) – release enkephalins
 Nucleus Raphe Magnus (NRM) – release serotonin
 The release of these neurotransmitters inhibit ascending
 Stimulation of the PGA in the midbrain & NRM in the
pons & medulla causes analgesia.
 Endogenous opioid peptides - endorphins &
Referred Pain?
 Dermatomal rule
 Convergence
 Facilitation
Grey Matter Of Spinal cord
White Matter
Anterior Funiculus (Anterior White Column)
Posterior Funiculus (Posterior White Column)
Lateral Funiculus (Lateral White Column)
Gray Matter
Anterior Horn -----------motor
Posterior Horn -------------- sensory
Lateral Horn ----------------- autonomic
Gray Commissure -------- anterior and posterior
Principles of Cord Organization
1) Longitudinal Arrangement
Fibers (White Matter) ------------- White Column
Cell Groups (Gray Matter) ------- Gray Column
2) Transverse Arrangement
Afferent & Efferent Fibers
Crossing (Commissural and Decussating) Fibers
3) Somatotopical Arrangement
Principles of Cord Organization
Lamina of Rexed
Lamina I ---------- posteromarginal nucleus
Lamina II ---------- substantia gelatinosa of Rolando
Lamina III, IV ----- nucleus proprius
Lamina V, VI
Lamina VII --------- intermediate gray
intermediolateral cell column (ILM)
Clarke’s column (Nucleus dorsalis)
intermediomedial cell column (IMM)
Lamina VIII
Lamina IX ---------- anterior horn (motor) cell
Lamina X ----------- gray commissure
Alpha Motor Neurons
 Motor Unit
 Motor End Plate
 Phasic
 Tonic
Muscle Spindle
Motor Pathways
 CNS issues motor commands in response to information
provided by sensory systems, sent by the somatic nervous
system (SNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
 Conscious and subconscious motor commands control
skeletal muscles by traveling over 3 integrated motor
 The corticospinal pathway – voluntary control of motor activity
 Corticobulbar tracts
 Corticospinal tracts
 The medial and lateral pathways – modify or direct skeletal
muscle contractions by stimulating, facilitating, or inhibiting
lower motor neurons
Motor Pathways
• Contain a sequence of TWO
neurons from the cerebral
cortex or brain stem to the
• Upper motor neuron : has cell
body in the cerebral cortex or
brain stem, axon decussates
before terminating on the
lower motor neuron
• Lower motor neuron: has cell
body in the ventral horn of the
spinal cord, axon runs in the
ipsilateral ventral root of the
spinal nerve and supply the
Descending Spinal Tracts
Originate from the cerebral cortex & brain
 Concerned with:
 Control of movements
 Muscle tone
 Spinal reflexes & equilibrium
 Modulation of sensory transmission to
higher centers
 Spinal autonomic functions
 The motor pathways are
divided into two groups
 Direct pathways
(voluntary motion
pathways) - the
pyramidal tracts
 Indirect pathways
(postural pathways),
essentially all others the extrapyramidal
Direct (Pyramidal) System
 Regulates fast and fine (skilled) movements
 Originate in the pyramidal neurons in the
precentral gyri,
 Impulses are sent through the corticospinal
tracts and synapse in the anterior horn
 Stimulation of anterior horn neurons activates
skeletal muscles
 Part of the direct pathway, called corticobulbar
tracts, innervates cranial nerve nuclei
Indirect (Extrapyramidal) System
 Complex and multisynaptic pathways
 The system includes:
• Rubrospinal tracts: control flexor muscles
• Vestibulospinal tracts: maintain balance and
• Tectospinal tracts: mediate head neck, and eye
• Reticulospinal tracts
Descending Spinal Tracts
 Pyramidal
 Corticospinal
 Extrapyramidal
 Rubrospinal
 Tectospinal
 Vestibulospinal
 Olivospinal
 Reticulospinal
 Descending
Autonomic Fibers
Corticospinal Tracts
 Concerned with voluntary,
discrete, skilled
movements, especially
those of distal parts of the
limbs (fractionated
 Innervate the contralateral
side of the spinal cord
 Provide rapid direct
method for controlling
skeletal muscle
 Origin: motor and sensory
 Axons pass through corona
radiata, internal capsule, crus
cerebri and pyramid of
medulla oblongata
 In the caudal medulla about
75-90% of the fibers
decussate and form the
lateral corticospinal tract
 Rest of the fibers remain
ipsilateral and form anterior
corticospinal tract. They
also decussate before
 Distribution:
 55% terminate at
cervical region
 20% at thoracic
 25% at lumbosacral
 Termination: Ventral horn
neurons (mostly through
interneurons, a few fibers
terminate directly)
 Corticobulbar tracts end
at the motor nuclei of CNs
of the contralateral side
Rubrospinal Tract
 Controls the tone of limb
flexor muscles, being
excitatory to motor neurons
of these muscles
 Origin: Red nucleus
 Axons course ventromedially, cross in ventral
tegmental decussation,
descend in spinal cord
ventral to the lateral
corticospinal tract
 Cortico-rubro-spinal pathway
Tectospinal Tract
 Mediates reflex movements of
the head and neck in response
to visual stimuli
 Origin: Superior colliculus
 Axons course ventro-medially
around the periaqueductal gray
matter, cross in dorsal
tegmental decussation,
descend in spinal cord near the
ventral median fissure,
terminate mainly in cervical
 Cortico-tecto-spinal pathway
Vestibulospinal Tracts
 Lateral Vestibulospinal
Origin: lateral vestibular
(Deiter’s) nucleus
 Axons descend ipsilaterally in
the ventral funiculus
 Terminate on ventral horn
cells throughout the length of
spinal cord
 Has excitatory influences
upon extensor motor neurons,
control extensor muscle tone
in the antigravity maintenance
of posture
Case ..
 Following an automobile accident, an eighteen year
old male was hospitalized for several weeks. A
neurological exam at that time revealed the
1. Complete loss of conscious proprioception in the
right lower limb.
2. Babinski sign on the right.
3. Inability to detect pain and temperature sensation
on the medial side of the antecubital fossa
(medialepicondyle) on both upper limbs.
4. Inability to detect pain and temperature at the apex
of the left axilla, in all the intercostal spaces on the
left, and in the left lower limb.
5. The patient could feel a gentle squeezing of both
thumbs, right and left middle fingers, and the left
little finger.
6. No sensation to squeezing could be detected in the
right little finger.
 Ipsilateral paralysis below the lesion. Paralysis is
the "Upper Motor Neuron" or spastic type; there is
spasticity, slow (disuse) muscle atrophy, hypertonia,
ankle clonus and a positive Babinski sign. Superficial
reflexes, e.g., the abdominal and cremasteric are lost.
 Spastic paralysis is attributed to interruption of the
lateral corticospinal tract and the accompanying lateral
reticulospinal tract. Loss of these upper motor neurons
deprives the anterior horn cells, i.e., lower motor
neurons, of the impulses which generate contraction of
skeletal muscle, hence, weakness (paresis) or paralysis.
 Hypertonia and hyperreflexia appear to result from loss
of the inhibitory effects of these two descending motor
pathways on the stretch reflexes, leaving them
hyperexcitable to segmental muscle afferents
 It may be possible to also demonstrate a "Lower
Motor Neuron Syndrome" or flaccid paralysis
ipsilaterally at the level of the lesion. If the anterior
horn cells supplying the skeletal muscles are injured
at the level of the lesion then these muscles are
denervated. This paralysis is of the flaccid type;
muscles undergo rapid atrophy due to loss of the
trophic influence of the nerves as well as disuse.
 Tone and tendon reflexes are diminished since they
are reflex responses and the injured lower motor
neurons are the "final common pathway" to the
muscle in the stretch reflex, hence, there is no
 Loss of conscious proprioception, two-point
discrimination and vibratory sense ipsilaterally is due to
interruption of the posterior white columns (fasciculus
gracilis/cuneatus). This is frequently accompanied by a Romberg
sign. A normal individual, standing erect with heels together and
eyes closed, sways only slightly. Stable posture is achieve by
 1) a sense of position from the vestibular system,
 2) awareness of the position and status of muscles and joints by
conscious proprioception and 3) visual input regarding our position.
Closing the eyes has only slight effect on the normal individual's
stance since the vestibular and conscious proprioception systems
are sufficient. In a patient with an impaired posterior column
conscious proprioception is diminished; when the eyes are closed
loss of both systems renders the patient unstable and they are likely
to sway or fall to the side.
 Pain and temperature sensation is lost below the
lesion, on the opposite side beginning about one
dermatomal segment below the level of the lesion. These
sensations are carried by the lateral spinothalamic tract
whose fibers originated on the side opposite the lesion
but which crossed in the anterior white commissure.
 Dorsal root afferents carrying pain and temperature
synapse in the dorsal gray; the second order neuron
crosses in the anterior white commissure along an
ascending path for a distance of about one spinal
segment. Because of the oblique ascent of the crossing
fibers in the anterior white commissure, injury of the
spinothalamic tract is not likely to be carrying sensation
from that level.
 A careful sensory evaluation may reveal that at the
dermatomal level of the lesion there is a bilateral
loss of pain and temperature sensation. Since the
second order neurons from both sides cross in the
midline below the central canal, a hemisection of
the cord may interrupt the crossing fibers from both
sides and produce this limited bilateral deficit.
Hemisection of Spinalcord
At the level of
On the same side
On the Opposite
Loss of all sensation
Loss of the dorsal
Loss of
1-superfecial sensations column due to
1-pain & temp.
2-deep sensations
damage of gracil &
due to damage of
cunite leading to loss lateral
spinothalamic tract.
1. fine touch
2-crude touch due
2. kinesthetic
to damage of
3. vibration
4. sterognosis
spinothalamic tract.
UMNL due to
2-paralysis of muscles damage of pyramidal
which its supply arising tract
from damage
Loss of all reflexes
which its centers in
damage segments
On the same side
1-loss of flexor
withdrawal reflex
2-increase crossed
extensor reflex
On the same side
increase sensitivity to
1. pain
2. touch
3. Temp.
Case 2….
• A 55 year old man noticed a weakness of his left hand
and loss of pain in his both arms which was progressing
and causing him mental apathy and he felt he should
visit neurologist .
• On examination he demonstrated bilateral weakness,
atrophy, and fasciculations of the intrinsic muscles of his
hands and shoulders. Upper motor neuron syndrome
signs, i.e., weakness, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, positive
Babinski, were evident in both lower extremities.
Dermatomes C-2 through T-6 demonstrated bilateral
loss of pain and temperature sensation. There was
bilateral impairment of position and vibratory sense
below the hips.
Case 2 cont..
 MRI investigation showed a central cavitation at C-2
through T-7 which expanded symmetrically in all
 It involved the anterior white commissure
(spinothalamic fibers) and included portions of the
posterior white columns, lateral white funiculus, and
anterior gray horns.
 the result of central cord cavitation affecting a few segments,
and usually involving the cervical spinal cord
 frequently found in Arnold-Chiari malformations affecting the upper
cervical cord and medulla
 mainly affects the crossing fibres of the spinothalamic tract as they
decussate in the ventral white commissure => bilateral paintemperature sensory loss over a few segments eg. only
affecting the neck and upper shoulders in a cape-like distribution (or
only affecting the upper limbs) with normal sensation above and
below the affected dermatomes
 does not affect the spinothalamic tracts in the early stages => no
initial lower trunk or lower limb pain-temperature sensory loss
 does not usually affect the dorsal columns => normal position sense
("dissociative" sensory loss)
 may rarely affect the lower motor neurons to the upper limbs early in
the disease course, and may eventually affect the corticospinal tracts
 A 66-year-old man found that, over a period of time, he
developed progressive bilateral weakness of both upper
and lower limbs beginning with the muscles of the hands.
However, testing revealed that sensory functions appeared
normal. Eventually, this individual was found to have
wasting of muscles, fasciculations, and evidence of upper
motor neuron (UMN) dysfunction, together with an
increase in tendon reflexes. After a few additional
Months, the patient developed facial weakness and an
inability to swallow (dysphagia). Further analysis revealed
abnormalities in the electromyegram (EMG) of the upper
and lower extremities, denervation atrophy. However, the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) remained normal.
Which of the following is the most likely
 MS
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
 Poliomyelitis
 Myasthenia gravis
 A cerebral cortical stroke