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Warm-UP / EOC Prep
1. In rabbits, short fur (F) is dominant to long fur (f).
According to the Punnett square, what is the
chance of two heterozygous short-haired rabbits
having offspring with short fur?
A. One in four
C. Two in four
B. Three in four
D. Four in four
2. Meiosis is the process by which gametes are
produced. In which of the following human organs
does meiosis occur?
A. Skin
B. Pancreas
C. Liver
D. Testis
Warm-UP / EOC Prep
1. The process by which homologous chromosomes
exchange segments of DNA is
A. Crossing over
C. Segregation
B. Independent Assortment
D. Fertilization
2. When a cell with 24 chromosomes divides by
mitotic cell division, the resulting daughter cells
will each have a maximum chromosome number
A. 12
B. 6
C. 48
D. 24
Turn in projects
Cloning Worksheet
• Student of the Week is…
Human Genome Project
and Cloning
• The Human Genome Project is a research
project in which teams of scientists joined
together to identify all 3.2 million base pairs
of the DNA that makes up the human genome.
Over 20 scientific laboratories in six countries
cooperated to figure out the human genome
sequence and even they were surprised at
some of the discoveries they made!
• In February 2001, scientists working on the
project published a draft of the genome
sequence, but it is an ongoing process.
• One of the things they found most surprising
was the large amount of DNA that does not
code for proteins. Each human cell contains
about six feet of DNA, but less than 1 inch of
that is devoted to coding for proteins.
• Stretches of DNA that code for proteins are
called exons, and stretches of DNA that do not
code for proteins are called introns. About 11.5% of the human genome is DNA that codes
for proteins.
• If only a small amount of the human genome
codes for proteins, how many genes are
there? Before the project began, scientists
predicted that human cells would contain
about 120,000 genes. In reality, researchers
found only 30-40,000 genes in each cell. This
is only about double the number of genes in a
fruit fly.
• The purpose of the human genome project
was not only to determine the DNA sequence,
but also to identify and map every gene to its
• The project was like putting a giant puzzle
together. Since the sequence is so long,
scientists cut up the genome into big pieces,
sequenced the pieces, and then put them
back together with the help of a computer.
• The impact of the project on society comes in
its ability to determine if individuals carry
genes for genetic conditions and in developing
gene therapy.
• Gene therapy is when an absent or bad gene
is replaced by a normal, working genehowever, gene therapy is still an unreliable
and risky procedure and attempts have not
always been successful.
• Having a clear picture of our DNA may allow
us to manipulate the sequence or alert us to
any possible genetic disorders so that we can
be as healthy as we can be!
making an exact copy of
another cell / organism
A dividing cell
Dolly—the first cloned sheep
Ian Wilmut,
the dude that
did it
• The amazing event was accomplished by a
scientist named Ian Wilmut.
• Wilmut first removed the nucleus from an egg
cell and then took a mammary cell from an
adult sheep and fused them together using
electric shock. The egg was then placed into a
surrogate mother or substitute mother so that
the egg could develop.
Dolly’s Birth
• Dolly was born July 5, 1996 and was
genetically identical to the sheep that
provided the mammary cell.
Dolly’s Death
• On February 14, 2003, Dolly was euthanized
because of a progressive lung disease.
• Cloning is very difficult and attempts often
fail. Even if a clone is produced, they may
have health defects or fail to develop properly.
200 B.C.
Humans “clone” trees by cuttings
Humans clone frogs
Humans clone mice!
Humans clone 8 copies of a cow!!!
Heterozygous or homozygous?
What Blood type is it?
• If a cell starting mitosis has 30 chromosomes,
how many chromosomes will the daughter
cells have?
• 30 chromosomes
• If a cell starting meiosis has 20 chromosomes,
how many chromosomes will the daughter
cells have?
• 10 chromosomes
• Clean up this room!!
• That means…
• No paper or trash on the floor
• Chairs tucked under the desks
• Desks straight
1- If you saw a baby with a webbed neck,
what genetic disorder do they most likely
2- A karotype has 2 X and 1 Y chromosome.
What genetic disorder?
3- Which disorder results from nondisjunction
of chromosome 21?
Warm-Up / EOC Prep
1. If a child with the recessive trait of beautiful toes
has a mother with heterozygous ugly toes and a
father with ugly toes, what is the father’s
A. uu
B. Uu
D. Uh
2. AJ has the dominant trait of being able to roll his
tongue. His father cannot roll his tongue, and his
mother’s mother cannot roll her tongue. What is
AJ’s mother’s genotype?
B. rr
C. tongue roller
D. Rr
Vocab Game
Genetic Engineering
Guided Notes
moving genes from one
chromosome of one organism
to the chromosome of
• DNA sequences can be changed in a number
of ways. Short sequences can be put together
or “spliced”. Genes from one organism can
also be put into the DNA of another organism.
The new DNA is called recombinant DNA
because they are produced by combining DNA
from different sources.
• To study genes, biologists often need to make
many copies of a particular gene. A technique
called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), allows
scientists to make many copies in a short
amount of time.
• Transformation is a procedure where a cell
takes in DNA from outside the cell. This
external DNA becomes part of the cell’s DNA.
This is accomplished by using a plasmid. A
plasmid is a small, circular piece of DNA. The
foreign DNA is first joined to the plasmid, and
then the plasmid is inserted into the cell’s
• If the transformation is successful, the
recombinant DNA is integrated into one of the
chromosomes of the cell where it will be
replicated and used just like the cell’s original
“Fat” Gene
• Applications of genetic engineering include
• 1. Transgenic organisms 2. Cloning
• Transgenic organisms contain genes from
other species (contain foreign DNA). There
are three types of transgenic organisms:
• 1. transgenic microorganisms
• 2. transgenic animals
• 3. transgenic plants.
• Transgenic microorganisms are bacteria that
are used to produce important substances
useful for health and industry. The human
forms of proteins such as insulin, growth
hormone, and clotting factor, which are used
to treat serious human diseases were once
rare and expensive. Bacteria transformed
with the genes for making human proteins
now produce a lot of these important
compounds cheaply.
• Transgenic animals have been used to study
genes and to improve the food supply. Mice
have been produced with human genes that
make their immune system act similarly to
those of humans so we can study the effects
of diseases on humans.
GFP-Green Fluorescent Protein
• Gene technology can also be used in farming
to improve or modify farm animals. Scientists
have changed the genes responsible for
producing growth hormone (which makes
animals grow big and strong) so that more
growth hormone is released and pigs and
cows can get even bigger in a shorter amount
of time.
• Human genes can be added to the genes of
farm animals in order to get the farm animals
to produce human proteins in their milk. The
proteins are then extracted from the animals’
milk and sold to pharmaceutical companies
(example = human insulin).
• Transgenic plants are an important part of our
food supply. In 2000, 52% of the soybeans
and 25% of the corn grown in the US were
transgenic, or genetically modified (GM).
Many of these plants contain genes that
produce a natural insecticide, so the crops do
not have to be sprayed with synthetic
pesticides. Other crops have genes that allow
them to resist weed-killing chemicals.
• WARNING: The photograph on the next slide
is a bit shocking
• It would be great to be able to cure genetic
diseases like hemophilia, but should biologists
try to engineer taller people or change eye
color, hair color, or appearance? What will
happen to the human species if we are able to
design our own bodies? What are the
consequences for being able to clone human
beings or make people “made to order”?
• Moving genes from the chromosome of one
organism to the chromosome of another
organism is called..
• Genetic engineering
• Organisms that contain foreign DNA are called
___________________ organisms.
• transgenic
• What are the two applications of genetic
• Cloning and transgenic organisms
• What are the 3 types of transgenic organisms?
• Microorganisms, plants, and animals
• A circular piece of DNA that helps transform
cells is called…
• plasmid
• Clean up this room!!
• That means…
• No paper or trash on the floor
• Chairs tucked under the desks
• Desks straight
1- If you saw a baby with a webbed neck,
what genetic disorder do they most likely
2- A karotype has 2 X and 1 Y chromosome.
What genetic disorder?
3- Which disorder results from nondisjunction
of chromosome 21?