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The anatomy of a
human cell
Students will know what a cell is
and where cells are located.
Students will understand all the
different components that make up
a cell.
Students will be able to name the
components of the cell and know
the individual jobs of these
A cell is found in all parts of the
human body, plants, and animals
and is the basic unit of life. It's
functions include:
Giving your body movement
Allows different parts of your body
the ability to communicate with one
Cells provide the body with
protection and support.
A cell is made up of many parts and each
structure has a job which gives the cell the
ability to function. These parts include:
Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is the
outside shell of a cell and is the
boundary between what's inside
the cell and everything outside the
The cell membrane also
encloses the cytoplasm that is
found inside the cell.
The cell membrane is like this
plastic bag filled with liquid. It
holds everything in and controls
what goes in and out.
Click Here
Mitochondria is found inside
the cytoplasm of the cell.
The Mitochondrion's job is to
give the cell energy.
It gives the cell energy by
taking in nutrients and breaking
them down.
It is similar to the digestive
system when we eat food.
Click Here
The Cytoplasm is the liquid
inside the cell that contains all
the different structures that
make up the cell.
The Cytoplasm also has the
ability to break down larger
structures that come in through
the cell membrane.
Similar to the Mitochondria!
Click Here
The Nucleus is found near the
center of the cell inside the
It contains genetic material
called DNA that gives us traits
from our parents.
The Nucleus is like the brain of
the cell, it controls everything that
goes on in the cell.
Cell Membrane:
If you want to learn
more or just need
more material you
can use these links
for help.
Question 1:
What are all the structures from our lesson that make
up a cell?
A) Cell membrane, solution, mitochondria
B) Cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, cell membrane
C) Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, channels
Let's go back over the lesson to refresh
your memory and then try answering the
question again. Sometimes you just need a
second look at the information in order to
make it stick!
Back to the lesson
You answered the question
correctly! The structures from our
lesson that make up a cell include:
Cell membrane
 Mitochondria
 Cytoplasm
 Nucleus
Next Question
Question 2:
What does the Nucleus of a cell do and what organ can we
compare it to?
A) The nucleus is a fluid that contains structures of a cell. It's compared to the brain.
B) The nucleus gives the cell energy. It is compared to the digestive system.
C) The nucleus controls the cell and contains DNA. It is compared to the brain.
This answer is incorrect but don't worry we can go back
over the lesson to review what we have learned. Just
because you didn't get it right the first time doesn't mean
you won't get it!
Back to lesson
You answered the
question correctly! The
nucleus is the control
center of a cell and is said
to be the brain of a cell.