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Plant Cell
Topic # 2013
By: Leyna Dussel
Plant cell
The Nucleus and Nucleolus
The nucleus is the
most obvious
organelle in any
eukaryotic cell. It is a
organelle and is
surrounded by a
double membrane. It
communicates with
the surrounding
cytosol via numerous
nuclear pores.
The Nucleus and Nucleolus
Within the nucleus is the DNA responsible
for providing the cell with its unique
The prominent structure in the nucleus is
the nucleolus.
The nucleolus produces ribosomes, which
move out of the nucleus to positions on
the rough endoplasmic reticulum where
they are critical in protein synthesis.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
responsible for
the production of
hormones and
other secretor
ER for short
continuation of
the outer nuclear
Smooth Vs. Rough ER
The rough ER appears rough due to the
presence of ribosomes on the membrane
Rough ER is important in the synthesis of
other proteins.
At the ribosomes on the rough ER, the
messenger RNA is translated into
Smooth ER is important in the synthesis
of lipids and membrane proteins
The centrosome, also called the
"microtubule organizing center", is an
area in the cell where microtubles are
from each centrosome, microtubules
grow into a "spindle" which is
responsible for separating replicated
chromosomes into the two daughter cells
Plant cells have centrosomes, but they do
not have centrioles
primary importance
of the cytoskeleton is
in cell motility
The internal
movement of cell
The cytoskeleton is
an organized network
of three primary
protein filaments:
microtubules, actin
filaments, and
intermediate fibers
Golgi Apparatus
a stack of membranebound vesicles that
are important in
(enzymatic or
hormonal contents of
peroxisomes and
secretory vesicles)
transport elsewhere
in the cell
provide the energy a
cell needs
organelles, and like
the nucleus have a
double membrane
Combine sugar and
oxygen to make ATP the primary energy
source for the cell
membrane-bound sac that
plays roles in intracellular
digestion and the release
of cellular waste products
Vacuoles tend to be large
in plant cells and play a
role in turgor pressure.
When a plant is wellwatered, water collects in
cell vacuoles producing
rigidity in the plant.
Without sufficient water,
pressure in the vacuole is
reduced and the plant
Cell Membrane
The membrane is a
double layer of lipids
The membrane is
responsible for the
controlled entry and
exit of ions like
sodium (Na)
potassium (K),
calcium (Ca++).
The cytosol (cytoplasm) is the "soup"
within which all the other cell organelles
reside and where most of the cellular
metabolism occurs
full of proteins that control cell
metabolism including signal transduction
pathways, glycolysis, intracellular
receptors, and transcription factors.
Cell wall
Prokaryotic cells and
plant cells Only
made up of
The cell wall provides
and maintains the
shape of these cells
and serves as a
protective barrier
organelles found in
all higher plant cells
These organelles
contain the plant
cell's chlorophyll,
hence provide the
green color
photosynthesis takes