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3.2 Cell Organelles
Eukaryotic Cell: Organelles pg. 73-79
• Determine the main function of the 12 major organelles in
eukaryotic cells
• Cell membrane
• Cytoskeleton
• Nucleus
• Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth and Rough)
• Golgi Apparatus
• Vesicles
• Mitochondria
• Vacuole
• Lysosomes (animal)
• Centrioles (animal)
• Cell Wall (plant)
• Chloroplasts (plant)
Notes on pg. 26 of INB
3.2 Cell Organelles
Eukaryotic Cell: Organelles pg. 73-79
1. Determine whether you are going to make a
plant or animal cell
2. Draw the outline of your cell on your poster
3. Out of construction paper- construct organelles
(using a different color for each type of
4. Label each organelle
5. Write the function of each type of organelle
Cell Organelles
Rough E.R.
Convert molecules from the food
you eat into usable energy
Powerhouse of the cell
3.2 Cell Organelles
Sponge: Set up Cornell
Notes on pg. 27
Topic: 3.2 Cell
Essential Question:
Compare: What
similarities do
mitochondria and
chloroplasts share?
Cell Organelles
2.1 Atoms,3.2
and Molecules
Compare: What similarities do
mitochondria and chloroplasts
Key Concept: Eukaryotic
Cells share many similarities
3.2 Cell Organelles
KEY CONCEPT Eukaryotic cells share many similarities.
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
Can you find some similarities????
3.2 Cell Organelles
Main Ideas
• Cells have an internal structure
• Several organelles are involved in making and processing
• Other organelles have various functions
• Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts
1.e Students know that usable energy is captured from sunlight by
chloroplasts and is stored through the synthesis of sugar from carbon
1.g Students know the role of the mitochondria in making stored
chemical-bond energy available to cells by completing the breakdown
of glucose to carbon dioxide
1.j Students know how eukaryotic cells are given shape and internal
organization by a cytoskeleton or cell wall or both
3.2 Cell Organelles
Like your body, eukaryotic cells are highly organized structures.
3.2 Cell Organelles
• Receives sensory information
• Protects
• Digest food
• Filter waste
• Protect and support other organs
3.2 Cell Organelles
The Living Cell Video
3.2 Cell Organelles
•Cell membrane:
• Separates interior material from outside environment
• Selectively permeable (only certain things can move in and
How can we compare the cell membrane to our
3.2 Cell Organelles
The cytoskeleton is made of small protein subunits that
form long threads, or fibers, that crisscross the ENTIRE
3.2 Cell Organelles
– provides strength, shape, and support
– helps position and transport organelles
– assists in cell division
How can we
compare the
Cytoskeleton to
our human
3.2 Cell Organelles
*The nucleus stores and protects genetic information or
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
– Contains instructions to make proteins
3.2 Cell Organelles
Nucleus Video
3.2 Cell Organelles
There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum.
–* Rough endoplasmic
– Have bumps called
ribosomes which link
amino acids together to
form proteins
occurs here
3.2 Cell Organelles
–* Smooth endoplasmic
Makes lipids
3.2 Cell Organelles
* Golgi apparatus- processes, sorts, and delivers proteins
to different parts of the cell
Ex: like a post office
3.2 Cell Organelles
Vesicles transport materials from place to place within
the cell
Ex: Mailman/UPS
3.2 Cell Organelles
* Mitochondria supply energy to the cell.
– convert the molecules you eat into usable energy
– Where cellular respiration occurs
3.2 Cell Organelles
Centrioles help divide DNA between splitting animal cells
(mitosis and meiosis)
*only in
animal cells
3.2 Cell Organelles
Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs that hold materials needed
by the cell (water, food molecules, ions, and enzymes)
Animal cell
Plant cell
3.2 Cell Organelles
Lysosomes contain enzymes.
– They defend the cell from invading bacteria and
– Break down damaged or worn out cell parts
3.2 Cell Organelles
A cell wall gives shape to the cell and provides
– support the entire organism.
*Only in
3.2 Cell Organelles
* Chloroplasts convert solar energy to chemical energy.
They carry out photosynthesis
*Only in
3.2 Cell Organelles
Animal Vs. Plant Eukaryotic Cells Video (3 videos)
Bottom ½ of pg. 26
Plant Cells
Animal Cells