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Cells Review Questions
Organelles #1
What is the function of the nucleus?
Answer: Store DNA and control the cell
Organelles #2
Which cell organelle packages proteins
and sends them out of the cell?
Answer: the Golgi Apparatus
Organelles #3
Which organelle modifies proteins and
sends them through the cell?
Answer: the Endoplasmic Reticulum
Organelles #4
Which organelles make proteins? and
Where can you find them (2 places)?
Answer: the ribosomes, attached to the
rough ER or floating around the cell
Organelles #5
What is the function of the mitochondria?
Answer: to supply chemical energy (ATP) to the cell
Photosynthesis #1
What does the first reaction in
photosynthesis require?
Answer: light energy (light-dependent reaction)
Photosynthesis #2
What is the product of photosynthesis?
Answer: sugar (glucose)
Photosynthesis #3
Which organelle does photosynthesis?
Answer: the Chloroplasts
Photosynthesis #4
Which type of cells can do
Answer: plant cells
Photosynthesis #5
What does a plant need to take in to
do photosynthesis?
Answer: carbon dioxide and water
Cellular Respiration #1
Which organelle gets energy
for the cell?
Answer: the Mitochondria
Cellular Respiration #2
What type of energy molecules does
cellular respiration produce?
Answer: ATP
Cellular Respiration #3
What type of sugar do mitochondria
break down to make ATP?
Answer: Glucose
Cellular Respiration #4
Does the Kreb’s Cycle require oxygen
to happen? (Is it aerobic?)
Answer: yes
Cellular Respiration #5
Which process happens when there is
no oxygen in the cell? (Anaerobic)
Answer: Fermentation
Osmosis and Membranes #1
The cell membrane allows small molecules,
like water and oxygen, to pass through it.
Other molecules are blocked. What is this
type of membrane called?
Answer: Semi-permeable
Osmosis and Membranes #2
Which type of macromolecule makes
up membranes?
Answer: Phospholipids (lipids)
Osmosis and Membranes #3
The process of water moving through a
membrane to balance concentrations is
Answer: Osmosis
Osmosis and Membranes #4
What would happen to a cell full of
fresh water if we put it in salt water?
Answer: the water would go out of
the cell and the cell would shrink
Osmosis and Membranes #5
Which types of cells have membranes?
Answer: Both plant and animal cells
(plants also have cell walls)
Mitosis and Meiosis #1
Which process do cells go through to
make an identical copy of themselves?
Answer: mitosis
Mitosis and Meiosis #2
What do we call the daughter cells
produced through meiosis?
Answer: gametes or sex cells
Mitosis and Meiosis #3
What do we call cells that have a two copies
of each chromosome?
(46 in humans)
Answer: diploid
Mitosis and Meiosis #4
How many chromosomes are there in
a haploid human cell?
Answer: 23
Mitosis and Meiosis #5
In mitosis and meiosis, how many times
does the DNA replicate and how many
times does the cell divide?
Mitosis – replicates once, divides once
Meiosis – replicates once, divides twice