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By: Janell C, Kayla K, Victor I, and Kenny C
There are many different types of cells. One major difference
in cells occurs between plant cells and animal cells. Many
animals have skeletons to give their body structure and
Plants do not have a skeleton for support and yet plants don't
just flop over in a big spongy mess. This is because of a
unique cellular structure called the cell wall. The cell wall is
a rigid structure outside of the cell membrane composed
mainly of the polysaccharides cellulose.
Animal Cell Structure
Plant Cell Structure
Animal Cell Structure
• Mitochondria - structure responsible •
for energy production in cells
• Cytoplasm - is a clear substance
that consists of all of the contents •
outside of the nucleus of a
membrane bound cell
• Ribosome - a minute round particle
composed of RNA and protein that •
is found in the cytoplasm of living
cells and serves as the site of
• Lysosome - a membrane-bound
organelle in the cytoplasm of most
cells containing various hydrolytic
enzymes that function in intracellular
• Nucleus - a central or essential part •
around which other parts are
gathered or grouped
Microtubules - hollow rods, functioning
primarily to help support and shape the
Centriole - one of two cylindrical cellular
structures that are composed of nine
triplet microtubules and form the asters
during mitosis
Chromatin - a complex of nucleic acids
and proteins, primarily histones, in the
cell nucleus that stains readily with basic
dyes and condenses to
Golgi bodies-a network of stacked
membranous vesicles present in most
living cells that functions in the formation
of secretions within the cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum - a membrane
network within the cytoplasm of cells
involved in the synthesis, modification,
and transport of cellular
Plant Cell• Structure
Chloroplasts - a chlorophyll-containing
• Cell Membrane - the semipermeable
membrane that encloses the
cytoplasm of a cell
• Cytoskeleton - the cytoskeleton is a
network of fibers throughout the cell's
cytoplasm that helps the cell maintain
its shape and gives support to the
• Starch Grains - energy storage in
plant cells
• Vacuole - a small cavity in the
cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single
membrane and containing water,
food, or metabolic waste.
plastid found in algal and green plant
Thylakoid Membrane - an internal
membrane system which occupies the
main body of a plastid
Nucleolus - a small round body of
protein in a cell nucleus; such
organelles contain RNA and are
involved in protein synthesis
Nuclear Envelope - membrane system
that surrounds the nucleus of
eurokaryotic cells
Mitochondria - structure responsible
for energy production in cells
Eukaryotic Cell Structure
Eukaryote Cell Structure
• Cytosol - the fluid component of cytoplasm, excluding
organelles and the insoluble, usually suspended,
cytoplasmic components
• Flagellum - a long, threadlike appendage, especially a
whiplike extension of certain cells or unicellular organism
• Vesicle - a small sac or cyst, one containing fluid
• Plasma Membrane - a thin membrane (a double layer of
lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell
Prokaryotic Cell Structure
• Pili - a hair or hairlike structure, especially on the surface of
a cell or microorganism
• Flagella -a long, lash-like appendage serving as an organ of
locomotion in protozoa, sperm cells, etc.
• Nucleoid - the part of a bacterium or virus that contains
nucleic acid and is analogous in function to the nucleus of a
• Capsule - an encapsulated material, especially one that
results from a cellular or immune response to a foreign body
Animal Cells and Plant Cells
Compare and Contrast
Plant Cell
Plant cells have a cell wall.
Plant Cells are rigid.
Plant cells have chloroplasts.
They have a nucleus
Cell membranes No cell wall
Plant cells have central
Animal Cell
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Compare and Contrast
Our anology! Cells are like cities!
Cell organelle
City Anology
Cell Membrane
Cell wall
City border
City wall
Endoplasmic reticulum
Highway or road system
Lumber or brick yard
Golgi Bodies
Post office or UPS
Solar energy plants
Nuclear Membrane
City hall fence with security guard
Energy plants
City hall
Original blueprints of the city
Copies of blueprints
Waste disposals
Water towers or garbage dumps
Rolled up blueprints
A cell and its organelles can also be compared to a shopping mall.
1) The nucleus controls what goes on throughout the cell.
- Nucleus= mall manager
7)The rough E.R makes and packages proteins.
-A restaurant makes and packages food.
2) The mitochondria is the power house of a cell.
-Rough E.R= individual restaurants in food court
-The food court is where people get energy while shopping.8)The smooth E.R. is used for storage
-Mitochondria=Food Court
-Shoppers store items they want to buy in a shopping
3)The cell membrane controls what goes in and out of a cart.
-Smooth E.R= shopping carts
-The doors control what goes in and out of the mall.
-Cell membrane=the doors.
9)Centrioles are essential in cell division.
-A shopper cant shop without money.
4)The cytoplasm is the jelly like stuff that keeps everything -Centrioles=shoppers money
n place.
-Security guards keep the mall and the people in it, in place.
10)The vacuole stores the water in the cell.
-Cytoplasm=security guards.
-Shoppers can stop anytime and get water from a wate
5)Lysosomes digest and remove things.
-Vacuoles=water fountains
-Shoppers buy things and take them home.
-Lysosome=the shoppers
6)The Golgi apparatus transports things throughout the cell.
-The elevator/escalator transports people in the mall.
-The Golgi Apparatus=the escalators/elevators